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Slice, silent commitment way in heart, snow son, although I not know to say any sweet talk to you, also not know how to promise that the eternal life loves you,I will use my heart, my hands to love you, give you happy, become the person of the strongest world, protect the world that you fall thick and fast in this conflict in safe and sound, the beautiful pure sweet smiling face is on the face forever and in the mind.
At he silent promise, that dream snow son has already had no stretching hand of beautiful young girl manner to start to grasp one to roast fish to stuff into a Tan, those two row the tidy pure small tooth is small and soft a bite.Repeatedly nod a great way: "Is delicious!Breeze son, as long as doing not rush through snow son to walk, that snow son whole life with settle you, for the sake of so delicious the ground roast, Xi Xi, grieve breeze son."
The sky of the Ji is distress, whether consideration burns to order burnt fillet to feed snow son, because her recent Xi Xi one the frequency smiling compare elegantly simple pure sweet a smile Gao Duo.Might it not be all female kids is after vindicating of all this appearance at the person whom she likes, not so good, so not good.
The saint light little angel jumps down ground from her bosom, that pair of small feet Ya that didn't wear shoes is stained with not to calculate a dirty rock sand right away.
See the appearance that dream snow son eat with relish, she takes something with a grain of salt of took one to roast fish from the grill.After all and Ji the sky isn't familiar, time take act ratio don't have scruples about a ground of dream snow son in the Ji in front in the sky much more beautiful, blew to blow hot air, the side head took aim an eye to sit simultaneously roast fiery of big bad person Ji sky, hesitated for a while, finally opened a small mouth to bite, air immediately peeped out to dare not believe, immediately after several will a big slice of of roast fillet to eat up.
Saying to the Ji blah-blah in the sky is a lot of, immediately disillusion, turned an intention to know to say a few words to dream snow son.
Dream snow son finishes listenning to smile to lose to smile.Helplessly to the Ji God's way:"The little angel says that she has never thought breeze son, you are brutish and cunning.But the lane ground burns fish really delicious, than she a there call the history aroma lift lane more delicious ……"(small breeze son:Xi Xi)
The sky of the Ji a listen to.Spirit spring up, brutish and cunning?
Is this rascal evil to spoil to eat the own, dare to also say that oneself is brutish and cunning?That oneself is brutish and cunning to let her see!The light that his evil spirit is bad to very point at very small saint little angel's way:"Snow son, that you tell this wench quickly, if this wench don't eat up this today the "small" fish is 1/3 of fillets, I mercilessly beat her up, and you can't help hers, either!"
Dream snow son is foolish for a while, see only have him three cents of whole body high of little angel.Say with smile:"Breeze son, you have no so benevolence ground.Want me later how trust a heel you is together.However, since is a breeze son to request, snow son wasn't your elder sister again, can't direct you, had to obey orders, alas, wretchedness of little angel ……"
At that moment one person an evil the exchanges for spoiling to start consciousness.
Who expect, finish listenning to dream snow son ground words, that little angel not only has no Ji the small face in the imagination is very white, also happily jump and die for a sky for sky, bosom, leap and jump and seem and kiss him, the Ji sky ate a surprised, hurriedly jilt she opens, this how go, ownly still need to stay to dream snow son for the first time!
The saint light little angel jilts for him to open and fallen off ground up, but not angry at all, also without extra trouble stretch out a small hand to grasp to have one to roast fish to fill to go in small mouth, delicacies current, similar have no the manner of quasi- beauty.
The sky of the Ji doubt of ask a way:"Snow son, you to this bond maid say what rubbish, I not is make you frighten hers?"
The injustice of dream snow son but one noodles, the ground of You hatred says:"Breeze son, don't you incredibly believe snow son?I but press enough your words to turn to reach ground, but this asked me a words, be that big bad person really is willing to make me eat 1/3?I just say BE, she right away run to want to kiss breeze son ……snow son see a bit jealous of mile of."
The Ji heart palpitates in the sky, dark way:"Snow son, you really need not envy, I at any time ……E."
Feel to think like this to is to breach the nonage in the empire law that oneself revises to protect a method right away, transfer topic Ya however way:"Does she really edible 1/3?"
Dream snow son shakes head to mean the little angel that doesn't know, see that one one going toward to fill fillet in the small belly, worry of the intention know a way:"Little angel, you are full good, never hurt body, breeze elder brother Er just frightens yours."
The little angel basically has no time to answer, because her only roast fish in cerebellum bag.
After three minutes, Ji 50 slices of fillets for roasting in the sky declare pure empty, among them, dream snow son ate two slices of, have mercy on of Ji in the sky ate an one paste.
Little angel's eye settles to certainly hope to put in a lot of sashimi of green rock and points at a fire heap to keep on talking without stop, Ji need not dream snow son translations in the sky all know that she wants to do what, wry smile wear continue be roast a fillet peddler, this time anyway this time all would not° until wait oneself and snow son to eat satisfied to this decade have never eaten fillet of evil spoil to eat, hope the seasoning in the space ring more and more small, Ji sky and dream snow son's starting keeping in mind Yi , before 2 oneselfs have a work, actually keep not to can keep this evil spoil ……
Dream snow son canned not control feelings to touch the small belly of touching the little angel, incredibly is a normal size, until pass consciousness exchanges to just know, originally this small guy contains the skill to grow moment conversion food, be she tell Ji weather, 2 people mutually attend to sigh in sorrow, after there is a kid whom the stomach ate in home, the expenditure wants big, small Be getting harder up ……
End, this little angel daughter ate up 2/3 of fish of roastings and saw her appearance, absolutely is idea still don't exert, greatly have again descend sea to grasp big fish to make the big bad person roast of meaning, the Ji sky looking at to all emptily adjusts to anticipate a bottle, with the dignity of householder ruthlessly decision way:"Is the ground of right and wrong here, should not stay a long while, we leave here!"
Dream snow son sees Ji the appearance that eats terrapin for sky, the unbearable Yan wears a small mouth to steal to smile and seem this guy to oneself after vindicating white have never enjoyed a nice day, oneself
Disaster water that is a mother to say?
The sky of the Ji didn't like spirit of hoped oneself girl friend's one eye, treated to see her purity the beautiful eyes however have the exclamation the skill that is oneself to teach a girl friend not to help clearly.
Hope the horizon of west, flash across in the his eyes is one silk sweet, to dream snow son way:"Snow son, let's return to emperors all."
Hear emperors all, dream snow son immediately thought of father's tree that the mother of kindly still has small green Feng, thick thickly think of home of the feeling inherit at heart,benefit makeup.
She really thinks that the moment appears an all western graceful evil law school at the emperors in, to love and respect of mother say, her baby's daughter finally found out a male kid who likes,cheap benefit makeup, and say that she has already missed her more to her.Expect on Shan of lucid and attractive and elegantly simple face, the skill embraces the little angel into a bosom way:"Breeze son, that quickly returns to."
The sky of the Ji knows that she remembers fondly the west friendship and ordered to nod, a wave hand, intensive of the breeze chemical element follow, 2 people in a twinkling appear at Gao Kong, the deep feeling time hoped one eye they the unknown group of islands that the eternal life don't forget after, mutually see sweet on smiling, the Ji sky starts to resist long breeze, westwards square the emperor all fly.
See the shape that he at will write freely, dream snow son has silk happy have silk oddness, this Ji sky ago although invoked a breeze chemical element also very quick, absolute have no current big-hearted easily of,benefit Cosmetics, have never seen he put out strength, wind velocity quick many.However, she also need not think more, know, this affirmation relates to oneself, this color breeze son.
Just fly soon, but dream snow son discover that the nest changed in little angel's complexion of oneself's bosom, it hurriedly showed this master in sky of Ji.
The Ji in the sky sees one eye being getting more understand.Ha ha say with smile:"Snow son, wastes you to still rise name to call for her saint light little angel, there have an angel will suffer from fearing Gao Zheng Di, she now just brain disorder, want to vomit just."
He isn't worried that the little angel will vomit, who make her have the severe skill that that kind of digests right away, have thing to vomit there again, ha ha.
The saint light little angel has already had no energy Ji mile.The nest keeps shivering in the bosom of dream snow son, the complexion of original powder delicate amiability a burst of the hair is green.
See a form, dream snow son unbearable white the Ji is one eye in the sky, way:"Breeze son, little angel this appearance, you comfort to have no a voice.Still laugh at her, decline slowly speed quickly."
The sky of the Ji sees little angel's complexion so difficult to see and seldom stungs by conscience, being had a little to the heart cant not bear to, smell the speech decline slow speed Related articles:

