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North and south is shout to people while the wine .relationresultWhenbeing over Bi tiger hand carrying a jar of wine grinning came in followed by two middle-aged man is Ding Yuan and his disguise as he .
relationresultTheimmortal sword two each to coarse cloth wrapped to prevent someone from the sword of knowledge on the identity .relationresultBitiger door see table cluttered cup pot pour Lei Peng and the fierce flush with shame has drunk many suddenly heart in his mentioning altar toward two people laughed : brother ray and brother brother I came along for the ride ? , relationresultLei Pengeyes sleepy look after tiger in ha-ha laughs: you - just in time to !To accompany you to drink , relationresultBitiger in the fierce and sat down beside his ,Ding principles of right and left around Lei Peng .
relationresultIfwaking Lei Peng how many have suspected but now which will again .He waved and said: come to bi - brother and his friends again, go on ! , relationresultThewine had sent the chopsticks saucer Bi tiger beat Kaifeng mud to Lei Peng ,Wu Hong Kong filled with wine : brother ray and brother ,brother I first respect you a cup .
, relationresultTheboorish a smell of wine chuckled shaking hand pointing to complete the tiger: you this old steal made thunder big master collection Snow fire stole out if he knew not picked your thief skin .
, relationresultIf you are sayingbut a whole cup of wine has been under .relationresultIf heknow Bi tiger had already stolen the night thunder drum this snow fire couldn a mouth .
relationresultBitiger cack : anyway, mine Dazhuang main wine countless don less of this altar .It is the two of you so late. Why is still here to drink ? , relationresultLei Pengdrank a Beixue fire head almost down to the table : I waved away ?What - alone !I joy .
relationresultTheferocious than it seems Lei Peng awake some even was : thunder drink we ignore him . , relationresultLei Peng hit aliquor belch and said: not drunk I can drink - , relationresultBitiger sweep around serve ladies smiled: brother ray and brother ,we have the opportunity to sit down and drink tonight rare also can take this opportunity to make a heart to heart .
Let people are out to serve us or say ! , relationresultLei Peng isreally drunk at a few days without thinking he waved his hand : you get out .I don - you can come in ! , relationresultThegirl with great care to serve with Lei Peng that night most early terribly fatigued Wenyan such as free quietly withdrew the hall door belt .
relationresultBitiger and two wine glasses filled asked : I feel depressed brother ray Murphy got something on your mind ? , relationresultLei Penga drink Road : we - don !You come with me to drink at my friend Peng Lei is - we do ! , relationresultPrimeand Ding Yuanke have no such need to accompany him to drink one another elegant look for both a hand such as electric .
relationresultLei Pengunexpectedly changes and he already be dead drunk .Empty with a stunning quality is prime and Ding Yuan surprise success .relationresultLei Pengwas a huge hit in the head with a soft desktop hunsi the past seems like drunken sleep in general .
relationresultThereis also a fierce tiger . I laughed : I you two make a good dream . , relationresultHesharply off Lei Peng sleeve and from the other side of the waist to pick a bunch of keys then mouth muttering incantations body gradually expanded from more than two times the face Black Mist lingering muscle unbelievable distorted transform instantaneous already into Lei Peng looks like most is his face with a dark red Lei Peng drinks too much general touch sample .
relationresultSoafter a while his head has been most altar fire dry snow whispered : we go ! , relationresultBitiger bean slim a way : your two best helped me so packed more like some .
, relationresultDing Yuanyi put acopy in his armpit sing: you better not hit my arms that idea . ,cnn, relationresultBitiger caught mind nor blush low hee laugh: how? I most contented have a enough .
, relationresultDing Yuanxin wantsis you also know contentment the world wouldn greedy person .relationresultHe pretended to besupported out of the hall a few days after tiger Shang Shouhou and guard outside see Bi tiger ,Chohara and his coming out was startled have bowed: hospital ! , relationresultAftershaking hands full of drunken tiger said : I bring two friends go out you must stay up here .
His voice imitation only clever only Xiaobie said Ding ,prime is almost indistinguishable from the guard who had also not aware not those .relationresultHisbackhand close the door there are drunk and let them rest no ray of the command of the Lord who are not allowed to interfere .
, relationresultThefrigate though he doubts but did not see in front of Lei Peng was completed to demons incarnate magic tiger law and then nodded .relationresultThree peoplewent out in your club to keep reading Zuta in tower four village guards saw the Bi tiger one seemingly leader middle-aged man Ying said: the thunder god so late in the night you do not rest ? , relationresultBitiger drunkenly gave each other a hand pushed him to: I I feel unhappy to come out this - will you Deng Taoguan ? , relationresultPrimeand Ding mutual heart also had to admire his head even in his thoughtful tonight night villa guard Zuta names are out to understand .
He put a hand who will three people suspected of false ?relationresultAsDeng Tao was away also dare not angry but laugh to : thunder ,don fire is small and slow of speech .The dark or not let small ray ,carry a lantern ? , relationresultBitiger heart Anma Deng Tao .
But on the surface appearance of a completely shoot each other shoulders AHA drunk laughs: you really ,really bootlick !I brought two friends to the top of the tower to walk at night - .
You - - - - keep out is ! , relationresultDengTao with a vague smile : small see Thunder God please . , relationresultBitiger does not understand what Deng Tao is smiling grunted in Ding hold under step three rolled up steps .
relationresultThe ideaunderlying the black paint Zuta closed the door on the outside with a tiger head copper lock .This of course was not so hard for Bi tiger even Ding Yuan and prime can also be an easy job to the Cuiwei true broken it .
relationresultButunder the watchful eyes of the people under Lei Peng are so open it too strange so Bi tiger fibrillation to key opens just take a turn that is inserted into the lock hole to lock is held .
relationresultBitiger intends to bah track: Mom soup to drink more than the key missing ! But just try to complete a tiger has his vision experience no matter what the lock as a try is enough him chuckling to find the key to the front door and a plug and open .
relationresultReadZuta bottom like a shrine for a three statue statue of money central .relationresultOne ofthe first generation of the farmhouse villa is thunder thunder peak is about two of his brothers ray hall and thunder light like before the altar table in fresh vegetable & fruit of cattle and sheep and three cups of wine .
relationresultSaw thetower clean maintain one sixteen baby arm thickness of candle burning inside the shine as bright as day .relationresultThreepeople enter the pylon tower on Bi Sheng tiger suddenly disappear completely drunk stared at the little eyes looking around .
relationresultFinallyhis eyes fell on the Lei Feng hand-held Golden Whip to sound into the dense said: you two will also see the Golden Whip something wrong ? , relationresultPrimefocus : at first .
It looked as if the people often use the whip carved in the tiger image bit wear . , relationresultBitiger Hei hei said: over the past two hundred years have been using it for what not to wear a reason? He went hand holding the Golden Whip him with great care about is first turned on a small ear then gently vibrate and face proud smile capacity according to then turn left down then stepped back .

