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Untie, unless you can get underneath a kind of geezer energy."Lin Qi Yu completely doesn't understand, he asks a way:"Why?"Empress wry smile way:"The Qian star is so big, but only has our this migration come of big household, your lucks are quite good, get here to meet us, if meet Die in the forest joss-stick, you aren't likely to live down.Meeting why so ……tell the truth,google, I also explain it's not pure, but our all men of this big household is in the underneath.

"Wanting ~only them is still on the hoof, we still on the hoof;If they died, up having similar the person of life contact could not also live ……we this big household have been already deteriorated and dispersed."Lin Qi Yu finally understood, he didn't know that this is what the reason why results in, but know that oneself and fairy Ling built up a certain life to contact, the Die joss-stick blockaded 2 people's life energy, want and untie and then have to arrive next go.

Oneself only untie blockade, fairy Ling also just can connect to take to untie, if oneself dies at the underneath, the fairy Ling will also consequently live not become.His in the mind not from must sigh in sorrow:This is what ghost place!

Lin Qi Yu says:"Does my kid sister know these circumstances?"The empress says:"She understands not much ……however, two heavy self-discipline life energy in skies in the Qian star, compare at anyplace all good, this is also regarded as a kind of in expiation of function!"Lin Qi Yu says:"Do not the true solution open this fast knot?"The empress says:"Have, however ……" she hesitated for a while, again way:"This method is more difficult."

Chapter 3 ghostly person

The surprise ground of Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"What way is that ?"As long as have a way good, the afraid of way also has no, that more troublesome.

The empress lightly says:"Seven work properly a leaf."Lin Qi Yu's one Leng, he to although clean achievement method of Fu sky understand doesn't calculate much, but to seven work properly a leaf to pour to slightly have to know, that is a height that is very hard to attain, estimate to connect fee Gu the sun also not definitely attains that height.

He wry smile way:"Empress, have who can attain seven foliar height of working properlies?Does that want to cost how many times?Is this palace what you construct?"His in the mind is curious, if the palace is that they construct, they live in here can too long.

The empress says:"Do not know to want how many times.This palace has already existed, isn't what we construct."Lin Qi Yu's in the mind a cool, play trick, no one attains seven foliar height of working properlies, how should oneself do?Leaving here is impossible.

Led a long time, he asked a way again:"I still have two companions how?"The empress says:"They lifeless energy, so can't be subjected to what hurt, can resume after several ten days, they can live here as well as choose to leave, however ……have to make them promise, can not reveal the secret of Qian star.Do you want to see them?"Lin Qi raindrop head way:"Yes, I want to discuss with them."The empress says:"Die joss-stick, you take him to the tree station."She beckons with the hand to make another young girl order severals again and says:"Young man, your time not much, soon will be next to go, live more longly to your injuries in the top more big."

The tree station after being very unusual, a huge ancient tree is cut down takes out a space with ventilated on all sides in the bottom, all chair wooden benches is the carvings comes out, this tree is most interesting still live, the coping grows a manies, the branches and leaves of green drive fix into an umbrella cover form.

The Lin Qi Yu, cold diagram and east breeze sits in the tree station, the Die joss-stick after carrying to three cup tea and drinks and one dish fruits then left.

3 people who don't talk as well, silent mutely sit.

Lin Qi Yu Nao Nao head, said oneself and the contents Xu that empress have a conversation 1 time, cold diagram and east the breeze is still silent language not, very long, the cold diagram openings asks a way:"Light rain, your meaning is ……" Lin Qi Yu says:"This affair has to tell my father ……I temporarily can not leave this star, H'm, the first essentials builds up a large communication station and makes the lower news able to deliver to a top.

"The matter arrives at present also have no what regret so much of, cold eldest brother, you with Du together contact for a while, try to let the airship come down, win turn to stand the power that the last communications equipment wants to enlarge to receive and sends out ……I estimate from the information that here sent out, about half year behind just can deliver to go home."The east breeze says:"I can with you next go to?"Lin Qi Yu shakes head a way:"Not go, hear underneath very dangerous, I also not know is what appearance, descend go to behind I will contact with you."The cold diagram shakes head a way:"Can not last long to stay, either here, I feel this what Die the joss-stick can also consume a Cu ability, I have a felling like this …… this place, the person cans not live over a long period of time and doesn't well feel very ……" Lin Qi Yu a foolish, say:"Consume a Cu ability?"The cold diagram says:"Can not also make sure now, I want to wait a period of time, if just consume Cu ability, problem still not serious, afraid emergence deteriorate, so I had no way to live in here."Lin Qi Yu says:"Hand over to you the processing here, as long as keeping communication smooth, can contact you to go at any time and outside want to make me immediately know what news."His in the mind is a bit fidgety, now it is can hardly for this kind of situation to make people accept, his most fearing to trap can not move in a certain place.

The cold diagram says:"Need not worry, light rain, I will contact your family."Lin Qi Yu's in the mind doesn't want to bother family, but oneself wants bottom layer to go, according to the empress' parlance, have no several decadeses is not likely to come out, that has to notify family, he doesn't want to let the family worried too much and do so is also a body not from F.

Die joss-stick comes in to tell Lin Qi Yu, the fairy Ling gets into soundly asleep status, only Lin Qi Yu resumes after the life energy then she can wide awake, the empress has already guarded in the past.

Lin Qi Yu again with cold diagram company measure in a short while, then follow Die joss-stick to call on fairy Ling.

After two days, the Du together opened landing barge to deliver some communication equipmentses, and connected cold diagram and east breeze of walking.

Lin Qi Yu stands on a diameter foot to have the entrance to cave of several ten meters the side, in a yard of palatial area rear garden, this entrance to cave's fresh flowers in the yard is like sea, the strong fragrance of flower fills the air up in the air, this kind of fresh flowers be here the most special Die joss-stick.The entrance to cave side is a turn of stone railing, numerous bulky rattan men extend a growth downward from the entrance to cave.

The empress points at to tie up to round together of rattan Man way:"This is the famous purple Yin rattan, can communicate 2 F, the passage of this declivity is very long, there being purple Yin rattan guiding you can't get lost ……

"Remember, below there are a lot of small platforms, you can on the first platform rest, instauration after can put the thing into to keep thing space inside, other things we will keep on mourning with the rope."Gu body one person of Lin Qi Yu, the in the mind is unavoidably some miserable.There are a lot of women in the yard and include the flower temple temple lord that holds tight them, the overwhelming majority women all have close relatives in the underneath, because no one rains to go for a long time, each of them takes a packet and requests Lin Qi Yu to bring family.

Spend a temple temple the lord lower the head to apologize to Lin Qi Yu, she tells Lin Qi Yu, own husband also in the underneath.Lin Qi Yu rather feeling accident, he no longer hates her and just ask a temple lord to help care fairy Ling, this is the affair that he doesn't trust most .

Tenth, the individual gives the thing that Lin Qi Yu Shao takes to pack heavy pack of in fours in, wait until the instauration of Lin Qi Yu after, so as to pack into keep thing space, by this time he can not take.

Luckily Lin Qi Yu is to have already since then had, he trails a box of communications equipment and installed one to receive an emissive simple communication station in the neighborhood of entrance to cave, he does very hiddenly and covers up main instrument in the underground, the small antenna that left to accept a signal.

He tells an empress and public, as long as canning see a nether person, can send out image to come up.This lets all woman's concussions thousand times, they are too long with own close relatives respectively.

Lin Qi Yu with bare hands follows the purple Yin rattan of entrance to cave to keep on climbing, a rope mourns a communications equipment and close on the heels of him together get down.Perpendicular get down about 400 meters after, appeared the first platform, the Yin cold breeze is from the cave in flowed out upward.

Lin Qi Yu lets go of a device box and installs to turn node in the first communication, top very quick Be heavy pack of to hang to drop down fours.

Here is the first curved, platform very big, the foot contains ten several square meters, the rock in green gray, the purple Yin rattan closely entwines together, follow the platform get down a growth.

The platform is under like a trumpet, the purple Yin rattan is like long long of the hair plait hang to fall in to go, underneath the dark sink of, what also see not pure,

