
beats by dr dre pro gzhou often state d

Chapter 618 Wu Wang's tiger cub
The confrontation end of salt wharf is surrendered with dollar view Yao but ends, he has to surrender, he can because Wu Wang needs his boon heavy but hard make a choice, but the low class military officers of his soldier, his under charge have no worry, under the sistuation that don't surrender and then die, they choose to keep intact their own the ng life of x ì in succession, along with most a group of soldierses of northern side let go of weapon and raise hand to shout to surrender, several thousand soldiers finally collapse.
They let go of weapon in succession, according to north Tang Jun's designation to concentration of north vacant land, 10 but 100, 100 but 1000, dollar view Yao connect the voice yell to stop, there is no effect, be he after pulling out knife to kill 2 people, on the contrary the j ī has to more large-scalely surrender wave tide, the flock of sheep effect is quickly enlarged, one person lets go of weapon and arouses nearby 34 people to let go of weapon, 4,000 people surrendered more than 3,600 persons, in a short instant of the soil collapse to break up, dollar view Yao the wreath attend to or so, could not leave 400 people, the general situation has been already gone, has to draw a deep sigh and issues order a way:"Let go of weapon, surrender!"
Last 400 soldierses let go of weapon, but north Tang Jun still on keeping the tallest war preparedness status on every occasion, having a little bit action then will kill at any time.
Connect to slightly have the dollar that defies spirit the view Yao also have to dark sigh Anne west the soldier was hard as the huge rock will, unexpectedly calmed down this degree, connect all of the soldier surrendered, they all turn a blind eye, this war, he hurts admire sincerely to take orally, unless he gives up salt wharf to escape, otherwise ignore him still just aquatic on the ground, he necessarily hurts undoubtedly.
The dollar view Yao takes off to fight tunic, red last body, the life person bound he or she, knelt before soldier and yelled a way:"Offense dollar view Yao, would like to yield!"
Far and far, Li Bao really hear shout a voice, his n Cape of ch ú this just coldly spouted two words:"Accept surrender!"
Is front and back north Tang Ji Bing slowly declined a soldier to take side to the dollar view Yao, more than 4,000 persons knelt on the ground, a group of brigadeses rode icy horse's hoofs of soldier to nearby once step from they, these more than 4,000 persons and box off and open on weapon of ground, immediately 4,000 decline a soldier and press 100 people's one brigade and carry on in file, there are severals surrendering soldier disheveled hair still keep hiding short blade now, immediately drive north Tang Ji Bing nowise show consideration sting dead.....
The bise is chilly, the night s è deeply sinks, a group of brigadeses' surrendering soldier is taken and disappeared in the cope of night, the dollar view Yao knelt on the ground, the last body has been already been frozen green purple s è, the Se Se shivers, he lowers the head, a speech not hair.
Li Bao really slowly urges a horse to arrive at him and stares at him, a long time, just slowly ask a way:"You if surrender, you stay at the family of Dan sun how?"
"Wu Wang doesn't dare to kill people cold heart."
"If does Wu Wang's son want to kill your wife and children?"
Dollar view Yao heart in a burst of and sad cry, he forgot Wu Wang's sub- Li Yi, Wu Wang Xin Ci was hand goes limp, can't escaped the wife and children that would get to the Pan malicious hand, but Wu Wang's son Xiang city Wang Li Yi cruel hand poison, brutally, oneself surrenders, afraid of the family were difficult to protect.
He a grind teeth a way:"Family if don't protect, low will re-marry a rebirth."
"Hum!"Li Bao really sneers at a , way:"I take nothing your to surrender, I will declare that you are a captive, the after the event releases you, as for your family can protect, you upward the sky pray!"
Not etc. dollar the view Yao talk, Li Bao Zhen a wave hand way:"Take!"
Several well-known scholar soldiers dollar the view Yao kept on escorting, at this time, flank a military officer soft-voiced way:"General Lee hears that this view Yao is good at naval battle, is exactly the talented person of our army demand, why need not he?"
Li Bao really shakes a way:"This son is an east Wu heavy Li Cheng Shi's younger sister Qi, Li 璘 by all means can't kill her, his wife is in Li 璘 Shou, Li 璘 to he again always boon heavy, from now on take turns he surrender and then can see, he is an end compelled by circumstances to just surrender, once getting water soldier with him, he will definitely re- go and live with to return to and make we loss miserably heavy, break down the south of great commander soldier advertise for to greatly account, so will never can use him."
"Did that why not kill him?"
"Temporarily can not kill him, kill he would be cold other south Tangs get of surrender of heart."
"General Lee's esteemed view!"
Is many will in succession the Shu thumb speak favorably, Li Bao really smiled to smile and used sword a water Zhai of distance to ask a way:"Can water Zhai have action?"
At the right moment one well-known scholar the soldier run to report to report:"Report to report general, water Zhai government troops would like to surrender and ask general to register!"
"Life they let go of weapon to go ashore, can accept to surrender."
Is very quick, hunt in the one of in the light of fire, a group of brigadeses soldier raises to begin and goes on board to surrender, at this time, a boat pull in to shore, Yang state department Ma Li Xian went ashore and walked to come forward to really salute to say with smile to Li Bao:"Congratulate general Lee's soldier the blood blade seize salt wharf not."
Li Bao Zhen returns to gift to say with smile:"Do not know how the beard stirs an island to there halt soldier's circumstance?"
"I just had been already asked, the beard stired an island to originally have 2,000 soldier of haltings, but had already all withdrawn to walk now, and leaves 100 several fishermans and combines none on the island person to halt a soldier."
"Is very good, I want to invite Li Si right away the island cautiously fishes for again some kind of, matter to a graveness, ask Li Si Ma don't want to decline."
"General Lee has already made, my Anne dare not from, I this all through the night goes to an island, the salt harbor funeral affairs can also hand over my processing, general Lee pleases return to rivers all."
"That was the whole and then pleased Li Si Ma!"
The rate soldier of Li Bao Zhen transfers under guard a captive to return to rivers all, 500 Li Xian Mings watch salt harbor, and oneself leads 300 people to lead river to stir an island to the beard but go.
After three days, due to losing contact with harbor salt the troops of Chiang-Nan immediately realize, the dollar of the salt harbor view Yao the soldier had an accident, the atmosphere of Chiang-Nan gradually becomes nervous, Wu Wang Li 璘 the bottom reach an order, order Zhe east, Zhe west of the troops gather to littoral in Yangtze River, 2,000 war ships, 120,000 battalion deployment at river rather with west of river noodles up, about 100 company Gus who is thin to make to disguise as contacts, sneak into a river north, detect a river north intelligence report.
Li 璘's new Wu Wang Fu is located in Suzhou, but his temporary military camp at this time in the smooth state Dan Tu county,beats by dr dre pro, the near the bank in Yangtze River, tent is an one closely, in the center have a huge sheep(hair) tent that insets to have gold silk in the tent, here would was Li 璘's Wang Zhang.
Is similar to the history, Li 璘 sets up separatist regime support that didn't get place authorities, he once had intention to sound out mounted the throne in Chiang-Nan of possibility, build to decline for a day auspicious portents, sage the public opinion of, but encountered district magistrate Han 滉 , Suzhou district magistrate Li Xi's speech of Hangzhou, often state district magistrate Wei yellow clothes and smooth state district magistrate Yan respect of etc. several places to weigh the consistent objection of minister, Li 璘 has no alternative and have to as younger brother Chen to south Tang Li Heng's swearing allegiance, being added by Li Heng be south for Huai way, Chiang-Nan host observation make, Yang state mostly Du, east road soldier generalissimo.
Though Li 璘 cans not get place authorities to support,he still makes use of at the beginning Li Long Ji to his salt iron power, monopolized river Huai a take of salt pan, make use of to buy to resell salt to obtain billowing exorbitant profits, and then make use of salt benefit to recruit, create to fight a ship, to the utmost take the Yang state armory soldier's A, short one and half years time, then enlist a to pay the battalion of more than ten myriad peoples, immediately Li 璘 killed to oppose he most badly smooth state district magistrate Yan respect it, seize an imperial government storage at smooth state of 2,000,000 stone Cao food, river left exert Hai, at least no man again dare to open to outlaw him.
In the big debt at this time, Li 璘 is worry ground to carry to pace to and fro and worried extremity in his heart, and not only only because the salt harbor fall, river's sun falls, and he receives news, the Yang state city is in great quantities enlisting soldier, adjust to gather a boats and ships, does Li Qing An want to do what?Li 璘 has feeling of preparing, be very likely to be Li Qing An wants to start to him, if be really so, that how should he do?
Stand inside the big debt Li 璘's some confidents strive for a private, his person, staff, Li Bai, , of s ī sits under the debt, Li Bai is responsible for drafting an order for Li 璘 , any Lee 璘 the bottom reach of the order is all been responsible for a record by Li Bai, and take into smooth s è to send out, Li Bai already effect a year, get Li 璘's high regard rather, and he to Li 璘's many suggestions, Li 璘 of can also listen to into seven centses, attitude is very polite, often say to the person at least, too the language of white is a wise counsel also!
This makes Li Bai have much of a kind of sense of achievement, he begs to serve for more than 10 years, always want to develop oneself xi ō ambition in ng, but Li Long Ji be him a celebrity's oblation, but don't give him half cent display the opportunity of artistic talent and finally still grant a gold to return country, expel his capital city and made him encounter tremendous frustrate.
The year before last year, Li Bai wrote a letter Wang Chang Ling is to the good friend and wanted to strive for one job in the Anne west, Wang Chang Ling had no news, didn't know to is the letter with confiscated him, was still Li Qing An don't give him opportunity and make Li Bai dispirited and discouraged and revisit Chiang-Nan, and lived as recluse in Chiang-Nan, until was attended to thatched hut by Li 璘 San but invited.
Is positive because experienced personally this unprecedented sense of achievement, just make Li Bai utterly loyal to Li 璘 , devote to assist.
Inside the big debt in addition to Li Bai, and three Li 璘's confident strives for a private, Xue 镠 , Li Tai Qing and Cai Jyong, these 3 people stir up Li 璘 and mount the throne, and for his manufacturing the sky persuade authorities support in the place mutually, is Li 璘 of get dint assistant, among them, Xue 镠 bears the bag a food, Cai Jyong takes care of salt iron, while Li Tai Qing is responsible for giving him a plan plan, at this time, 3 people see Li 璘 be worry and then exchange eye s è, Li Tai Qing comes forward and advises a way:"The his highness need not worry, even if Li Qing An has the south offends of heart, but we have Yangtze River natural defense, and then have mighty army 100,000, the war ship is thousand, Li Qing An is a north person, don't know naval battle, as long as we according to guard natural defense in Yangtze River, fight a ship to visit Yi the river win, Li Qing An is also difficult to have already won a coupon."
Flank of Xue 镠 also advise a way:"Warfare in Hebei didn't be even, Li Qing An canned be to take advantage o to strike against Chiang-Nan in winter, as long as we insist a beginning of spring, Hebei fights to rise again indiscriminately, Li Qing An has to draw back troops, the his highness need not worry, weather land utilization person and, all the disadvantage is at Li Qing An, he hurriedly strikes against Chiang-Nan and necessarily hurts undoubtedly."
Although 3 people take turns to persuade Li 璘 ,Li 璘 always worries difficult release, he draws a deep sigh a way:"I then have heart Qing to strike against Jing Xiang with all strength in summer, the emperor elder brother also wishes to send army to help each other, at that time be don't make a firm decision, if at that time ability the malicious bottom heart beat, I then have already connected for the one with emperor elder brother now, can with western recall Shu, why the need for worry here is feared?"
"The father king talks to have no ambition so much!"
The big debt suddenly spreads a stalwart voice, sees a young and martial great commander walk into a big debt in quick time, this person would be Li 璘's son, Xiang city Wang Li Yi, Lee easily only has this year 19 years old, grow shape tall and big in stature and stalwart, the height foot contains 8 Chinese feet and make 150 catties of heavy Liu gold Feng tails of one pole the knife , on wearing cloud bow to six stones, shoot with unfailing accuracy and declare Chiang-Nan first valiant general.
He wears the gold Kui silver A, vision arrogant, regret not to take down Jing Xiang to disdain to a to attend to to the father, he comes forward a Gong body to salute a way:"Father king if the heart fears to north Tang, might as well attendant I river's side see I practice some kind of, then can see north the soldier go for soil(chicken) tile dog, father king pleasing with me."
If say, Li 璘 still has what depend on with and north soldier a war of words, that was his this son, Li 璘 had to this son of oneself a kind of blindness of trust, even a little bit fear to an idea, when he at the beginning rises in revolt want a food, but encounter smooth state district magistrate to the smooth state Yan respect of scathing brush-off, he becomes angry from embarrassment and sends a soldier to strike against, Yan respect of lead 1,000 regiments and train soldiers last-ditch melon continent, is exactly Li 璘's tiger cub, lead 300 people to break through defense, a kill long-handled sword deeply rounding of several hundred people, respect Yan it cut in underneath, gain considerable fame a Chiang-Nan various soldier.
Li 璘 extremely trusts to the son, plusing him is a lame tu ǐ , conductor troops inconvenience, he then the general power transfer gradually to son, Li Yi, , militarily and almost completely trust to him.
Now that the son want to determinedly resist a north soldier, Li 璘 is also surprised to fear to of the heart gradually go and then order to say with smile:"The tiger son since has already had preparation, I am to move to drive to left for one view!"
Li 璘 ascended he is carried on the shoulder by 300 people to lift of Wang Nian , under the escort of 3,000 near Wei soldiers, take a class of text minister force will, the Hao Hao d à ngd à ng to river's side but go.
Not much, a group of people then arrived at the side of Yangtze River, sees the b ō light Hao Miao, the wind force of river noodles is sturdy, almost Li 璘's Phnom Penh the big ensign blow to turn over.
Sees big river like cloud on the war ship, several hundred argosies divide two brigade one word row open, is practicing to resist in the river, the one party is a great commander Li Cheng Shi, another a convenience is a Xiang city Wang Li Yi, sees drumbeat like thunder, both parties' boats and ships gradually takes side and shouts to kill an earthquake for sky, an old building ship is disguised as Li Qing An's handsome ship, mast above one noodles the big ensign hunt to float in the sky, last book'Anne west Lee'three big words.
Sees more than ten quick ships quickly surround on all sides from the commanding general ship, the handsome ship sees power far from good, adjusting the head has to escape, on first a quick ship ship's bow, bite a to chase horizontal knife in Li Yi Kou, keep hard bow, sees he draw out a spade head arrows, Zhang Gong takes arrows, 'Sou!'Ground one arrows shoots to go, arrows go to like meteor, exact center mast big rope, the big rope was broken by the spade, the ship Fan bombs however falls in and lead to one drumbeat your work, even Li 璘 also cannot helps but the noodles l ù smiling face and summons up Zhang, quite good!Tiger cub brave dint, not the Kui is a myriad people enemy.
Li Yi Ao however the ng body of t ǐ , he takes out an arrows again, an arrows shoots the handsome ensign of breaking Li Qing An again, black s è the big ensign be drawn in air by the breeze, a short moment be missing a trace and shadow.
He resolutely issues order a way:"Shoot a stone!"
Each war all has a machine that is small scaled to shoot a stone on board, sees listen to one'bang bang!'Is huge to ring, in a short instant of, Li Qing An's handsome ship is beaten thousand create 100 bores, river's water is dashing and goes into, the argosy struggled several bottoms and then sank into a river, more than ten enemy's soldiers on board also drive water soldier captive.
At this time, break out an one battle cry voice in the river:"Already the life of Li Qing An loses river's bottom, north does the soldier why not and early decline?"
Sees a northern soldier war a ship flurried but escapes, south the soldier win a landslide victory.......
A short moment, Lee easily walked on air to go ashore, saluted to Li 璘 Gong's body and said with smile:"The king of the father, see how?"
"Is quite good, your quick ships are really very sharp.Li Qing An's northern soldier only afraid also have no so weak!"
"The father king hasn't to know, on the coast, I admit his troops are really severe, can get to water in, his Anne west crack all became drought insect, the Yang state water soldier relied on by him, all however is lately collect of soldier, lack training, how can resist with our water soldiers, they necessarily hurt undoubtedly!"
At this time, Li Bai is in 1:"If Li Qing An's troops walk sea road, copy our back route to how do?"
A words reminded Li 璘 , he hurriedly way:"Yes!We can not the gist."
Li Yi but a burst of look up at sky cachinnation, "father the king Be getting more careless, river where does the north have see-going ship?Those Cao ships go into sea and not just feed Long Wang?"
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