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The treachery has no reason and only gives no quarter!"
"We how is revolt?" The gold Huang a little bit gets angry of ask a way, this isn't what good thing.
"You be not?"Liu Tian Yuan double eyes cold light suddenly Shan, cold track, " world the person who dare to disregard emperor's authority is all treachery."
This fun can open big!
The gold Huang a little bit has a headache of thought of, they aren't the authority challenge to Yang Wen Dis, just used to say at ordinary times, who will take this seriously, how say that Yang Wen Di is all Wu Lin Zhong's a member, to he how polite, that also wants to see his fighting skill position, but in their hearts, ability and lord in the island shoulder to shoulder of haven't the person seen.
The gold Huang doesn't know how open mouth, Luo easily and very slowly walked to come over and kept on blocking him, light way:"Gold childe dragon BE?You settles however incognizance at descend!"
Gold childe dragon Leng Leng, way:"Should this childe know you?"
"That is certainly, with the childe's identity position how possible know me this kind of small potato, but is descending but don't dare or forget to you." Luo easily sneers at of say with smile.
Childe dragon of gold isn't an idiot either, can certainly listen to irony within his words, wrinkly the eyebrows ask a way:"Should I know you?"Although he has a little extremely conceited, don't represent him to have no eyesight, can become Yang Wen Di's pupil, how all have then for several cents can.He easily feels have a little unfathomable to Luo.
"Do not know whether you still remembers mostly of affair?Can doing the young lady be O.K.?"Luo easily rushes through to have a little the flavor of bitterness bitterness in his/her own, or, say this affair to is a happy affair to none of anyones!

The text chapter 17 gold childe dragon(next)
Renew time:2009-10-2017:14:58 chapter word numbers:6330

Quickly wanted in the gold brain of childe dragon the place that Luo easily say thoroughly thinks, when of affair?His arriving to mostly go isn't a two, go with Hong clothes of the hungry industry isn't Be getting twoer at a time, why can brain in have no this impression.
Luo easily sees he have no impression and still really have a little to lose in the heart, oneself is really a small potato, even memory all have no.He bitterness wry smile way:"See to you have no impression, at under lift for you to come to, should remember to do Hong Ms. Chang is mostly seeing of the Chu's childe!"
"Is you?"
Was full of question and surprise in the tone of Liu Tian Yuan, he how all thought of, that boy incredibly didn't die.He soon turned head to see his own twos long with, was their 2 people to make moves first at that time of, but he appeared a doubt for the very first time to own fighting skill by himself.
Luo easily says with smile:"Certainly is at under, how, can you have a little an accident?"
"Originally you What a treacheries!"Liu Tian Yuan's elephant is to find out to bestly lend, the cold long grass in eye exerts a dew, corner of mouth a put on chilly smiling face to pick to pick.
"You but think so how many persons can chase how are we?"The way that Luo easily disagrees very much, although he has never seen these people begin, can he absolutely has self-confidence, is that he don't make moves, the Tuo pulls out more severals and then can solve these people.Therefore he connects is not is revolt all lazy must explain.
Gold childe dragon's an obvious Leng, although he there is no perfect confidence.Can tell the truth,beats by dre australia, faces river's everything this time smooth, he still really has never thought to do of matter.But very obvious, oneself has self-confidence, this boy that be originally likely to be oneself's rival in love,soon hurt to descend is also remarkable.
"Do you dare to openly set against with imperial government?"His Yin hates of way.
Luo easily smile don't smile of way:"You didn't want to make so big the hat to us, did we when set against with imperial government?Isn't that you wanted to have a great achievement to want to go crazy for the imperial government, this kind of ideas all think of come out, can that also wants and sees whether is really useful!"He is to have no good will to this guy and connect irony to add sarcasm.
The facial expression Fei of gold childe dragon's momentary spirit is red, the blue vein root on the sum root suddenly and violently rises, a hands shiver and want to begin, can also not know to is to have no that courage and still have what otherly have regard for, endured to endure, incredibly and slowly let go of hand.
"You are rather that west of soldier?"He grinds teeth to ask a way, the persons on the side all feel very strange, he can hardly have so talk of time, particularly those four guys that have been following him, is also his to grow with, whichever is all crest superior on river's lake.
"I also know that you are the emperor's pupil nowadays."Luo easily still that is deathless don't live of facial expression, talk to remain a slow voice slow to annoy, seem to be not to grieve childe dragon of this gold not to give up.
Gold childe dragon really wants to begin, it is thus clear that arrives this guy unexpectedly and thus annoy settle if is carefree, he wasn't a so reckless person, still really a little bit had scruples about to the real strenght of this boy in the heart, way:"See to you today is intentionally seek a matter."
Luo easily and tightly stares at him, the facial expression on the face is very abundant, peculiar have it, laughably have it, the murderous look has it.
Gold childe dragon be seen by him of be afraid in the heart, mercilessly Cui one mouthful.
Luo is easy this just roars with laughter, way:"You this words say of have a little meaning, we wanted to seek some matter, that also wants to see is what person, however, today's affair not ability so calculate, as long as you can pick me up one Zhang, today's affair even if don't take place, otherwise, don't blame me a cruel hand hot!"
All of gold Huang several people are one Leng, also think that the main island important event turns it's small, does the small matter turn to have no, who know an end or want to begin.
Once his words sound fall, gold childe dragon after death of the guys call a way:"Bold Mao thief, seeks dead not become!"
Luo easy double of eyes a tight, the together cold light sweep talks of several individuals, chilly way:"See to your under charge very ill-mannered, don't at under make moves to teach precept for you?"
Gold childe dragon's facial expression is one Ning, turned head to mercilessly stare at those people's one eye, this time can throw a person to throw settle.However, does he know that this makes the easy boy of Luo is to want to revenge, but has a so cheap affair?
He after death of fours are long with, among them of a depended toward him near, voice very low way:"Childe lets me goes first to try his artistic skill good."
Gold childe dragon ordered to nod.
That is long with walked to go out very self-confidently, stand to Luo easy front, way:"Want to begin with our childe to lead old man first this to close."
Luo easy double of eyes a tight, the guy for coming out his pouring is understanding, is those two guys that begins to him.Hope childe dragon toward the gold, way:"Do you really want them to walk into death?"
The Tuo pulls out to more appear in public a host not to come out, he also walks to front, way:"Lord in the island, this person is beaten by the mean person to deliver."
Luo easily raises a hand, way:"Need not, I handle by myself."Say, on stretching, list hand's cheerless way:"Please!"
That is long with is careful very much, see Luo easily and at will a station, whole body incredibly some flaws all have no, the eyebrows locks very tightly and rounded Luo to easily turn to open.
Leading is very long-term, or time isn't long, but around join a crowd for fun of the persons all felt atmosphere of uncanny.
"Begin!Wait what!"The bold person of side starts making a row.
If Luo easily smile don't smile of looking at this guy, he isn't don't want to begin, this is begin first, he is afraid that he accepts not to stop, a recruit wrong.
That is long with cannot help but any further side up of press, see opponent difficult have flaw, have to depend on to depend on oneself of deep inside true spirit in the house come hard.He equally made a fatal mistake, a mistake that can not save.
Is long with suddenly stepped forward two, two human lives that ordered distance to wink to disappear.
A Zhang breaks to get empty but goes to and easily keeps bumping but enters to Luo.
The Luo's easy facial expression is one Leng, they didn't thought of this long with also be regarded as superior, incredibly didn't order generosity of spirit, started hand to have no composition.His step a wrong, that winds and clouds changes the palm of Huan suddenly at long with of disappear in the eye.
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