
Beats By Dre In Ear le an idea to sudden

The database is virtuous, Kai Er especially two cooperation with similar adult methods?"
That the database is virtuous, Kai Er especially although face ascend full is smiling face's saying"only Ma Shou of Kang Si is to look forward", in the mind but gutter language to connect a scolding of article to bloom.
"***, Idiocy just similar to past cooperation!Without any reason earning for you is so many!"
The Kang Si smiled joke to annoy to moderately ask a way:"Is sorry, I not and greatly acquaint with to this profession, don't know that you prepare which cooperations method?"
"See will those two guys fawning on your appearance you not know?You pack you!"
The fee Er is in mind bawling out and in a serious manner saying:"We have three kinds of cooperation methods, the first is that you come our territory cash to take goods, we earning a little cost fee, the expenses like other freight artificials complete you complacent, certainly, the profits is also you from enjoy.
"Saying is a little bit simple, we just sell goods of, you are complacent to wax and wane, however we do this business of, how can't suffer a deficit, either be."
The fee Er drinks saliva and continues to say:"The second is that we send to here to the goods, again is handed over down payment by you and check goods, then go out goods carrying, this way is various expenses everyone and divides equally, profits also one square half.
"Is the third is as just about as the second, just you need not pay deposit, and all expenseses is undertaken by us, be just profits we have 90%.Is also say this way under, you completely become the sales clerk that we appoint just.The adult of Kang Si, don't know that you choose which kind?"The fee Er is very whole to ask a way by Xia.
The Kang Si is inwardly funny, for these three kinds of methods, no wonder that have no the database of see-going ship virtuous and Kai Er especially can choose the second.
The Kang Si makes toward the virtuous Ao gram an expression of eyes, the Ao gram is virtuous wearing a smile to come forward an one step to say:"Adult choice the first in my house, after all my house's adult contains several see-going ships, need not divide thin profits."
The fee Er and Kai Er is especially all one Leng, they can have never thought a guy that escorts a sort incredibly can represent Kang Si to grasp idea, only early knowing the Ao gram is just virtuous can of the database was virtuous don't respond.
"The adult of Kang Si, this is ……" fee Er has a little to shockedly ask.
The Kang Si says with smile:"He is my full-fledged member."
The Ao gram is virtuous courtesy to also bow to salute and introduce myself a way:"I am that the Ao gram is virtuous, very happy knows you."
The fee Er a little bit angries of order.
He thinks that the Kang Si is to despise his own personal status, so send a full-fledged member, and Kai Er especially obviously is also think like this, hide cloudy steal to smile in one side.
The Ao gram is virtuous don't wait fee Er of openings, compete first say:"Fee Er adult, can doing not know let us to the goods detailed list and look over for a while?Believe is an emissary of you, can't not and along with take?"
Fee Er Leng for a while, the favour apology says:"Execuse me, the no time for waiting wants to see the adult of Kang Si, so don't bring detailed list, please hold on a moment, after waiting talks to complete, I a return to immediately deliver detailed list."
The Kai Er didn't care especially, but that the database is virtuous in mind then scold to open.
"***, Is this guy affirmation to see can not get half of profitses, prepare to return to change goods price!"
That the database is virtuous angry but also very helpless, who is the goods that oneself wants this guy?
The Ao gram is virtuous don't also expose the cheap trick of fee Er, order to continue to say:"Since so, that we sign how is contract?"
"E, need not discuss goods that we need?"The fee Er has a little to become speechless.
The Ao gram virtuous face takes smile's saying:", We is hurried, haven't tidied up and taken delivery of goods thing detailed list, so ask you and wait much and for a while, wait our sorting to complete, immediately will deliver to to you."
That database virtuous face up of smile an idea to suddenly become very thick,cheap beats by dre.
Mama of, even if you can acquire goods from other places, Lao Tze also wants to annoy you, seeing you dare also price markup!
This is virtuous really severe, if my under charge good.
The fee Er facial expression become on changing, but end still wearing a smile say:"Okay, cooperation method makes sure the first, as for behind of the work preface change each time the Huan isn't very important in the contract.So need to be bought how much goods, etc. both parties to exchange the detailed list is behind decide again."
Say, he starts to raise Zhang quiet treat.
Ao gram the Si that is virtuous to turn head to hope Kang, see the Kang Si nod approbation, he also says with smile:"Good."Then and the fee Er clapped one Zhang, this even if the contract established.
This kind of smuggle business which probably sign written treaty, not is equal to make persons like hold,etc to take?
At that the database is virtuous will professional diplomats set words of time, the fee Er compete first says:"We settle next goods first and have how much want how much."
Hear the other party such no time for waiting, even can't wait for detailed lists and then descend to settle, public all not from curiously ask a way:"What goods?"
The fee Er lightly vomits two words:"Fight a horse!"
Please continue to expect a standing alone war absolute being sequel

The 11th gathers the ocean battle chapter 1 the little lord for pure month
Renew time:2008-9-2414:25:36 chapter word numbers:9140

"Fight a horse?"Kang Si Leng for a while.
But that the database is virtuous and the Kai Er all shake at the same time especially, that the database Be virtuous to is also a wry smile way:"Fee Er at the beginning has already told you, our Ao especially Man empire war Ma Qi lack and fight supplies horse to belong to the war preparedness supplies in the war preparedness supplies, unless is a big nobility, otherwise is not likely to go fetch war horse smuggle of."
The Kang Si blinks, he has a little curious, is fighting a horse to really have that the database virtuous to say so importance?Oneself how literally all purchased several hundred war horses in the emperors, but just does the Kai Er still agree especially to oneself's 100 war horses.
May be to realize the air of Kang Si, the Kai Er depends to come low voice to say especially:"Want ~only in the domestic, fight a horse how trade to all go, but as long as going abroad and especially sell destrier, that is absolutely a capital crime."
"How?Not is connect past every month ten amounts lane also not arrive?"The fee Er dissatisfiedly says very much,Beats by Dre BMW.
This words not only let that the database is virtuous uneasiness, let Kai Er especially embarrassed excrescent more, he have a little abashed angered become saying of Nu:"Have no be have no, anyway re- sign contract now, ex- invite void, we aren't at last either to break contract."
The fee Er saw Kai Er especially and that database virtuous one eye, then still keep keeping the Kang Si of smiling face to say to the face:"Do not know that how to decide the adult of Kang Si?"
Kang Si Leng for a while, this guy can't be a person too much as well?Does the incredibly thus openly defiant act provocation leave?Two different ideas in three partners, opinion incredibly return to ask only one left, that not is want to seek own trouble?
The Kang Si wants to shake head, however originally is very uneasiness that the database Be virtuous to suddenly say with smile:"Good, you as long as can persuade me old younger brother of this Kang Si, sell a horse to you also not is what difficult matter,Beats By Dre In Ear."
Kai Er especially Leng open mouth all of a sudden to mean to say what, however drive that the database Be virtuous to have already trampled the next feet to stop.
The Kang Si notices this, the eyebrows is tiny tiny a wrinkly, but the fee Er hear that words of virtuous database, immediately wear a smile of say to the Kang Si:"The adult of Kang Si, we would like to purchase a war horse by 100 prices of gold coins."
Hear this words, everyone smiled, the Ao gram was virtuous to remind a way more:"Fee Er adult, Ao especially Man empire local Ma Jia as many as this piece."
Fei Er wants to take out his/her own a few box on the ears, the momentary feeling urgently forgot the price difference of of two sides, incredibly and directly spoke oneself the price there and hoped that they didn't notice this.
The fee Er immediately has a little to embarrassedly say:"Execuse me, at under really reckless, the price of this destrier still wants lord decision by the majority to settle be."
That the database Be virtuous to nod to say with smile:"That's right, so important bargain, still need your host to decide be."
The Kang Si knits the brows to put to say:"Everybody, seeming me has never agreed to go fetch war horse to trade, and this but have Related articles:

