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Emperor**the brigade is here before only 100,000 people.The land self-defence forces ground several times fails.Make us lose several ten thousand crack warriors.Our hand inside now ground troops.Is almost a new set building land.Have never accepted to too manily train.Thus the ground soldier delivers to several ten thousand inside outside take part in combat.Has the everybody already won confidence?I have no!This opportune moment isn't good to us.If this warfare breaks out 2-3 years late.We have necessarily divine spot confidence.Now.We can be an on the gamble!"The small Ji Li Don't mention it says.Small Ji Li ground the words let board room ground the atmosphere Be depressed to get up.These member of the cabinet also know.Now be not the bestly open hostilities opportune moment.But American government is once and again pressing.Not from get Japanese government to choose.
"Small Ji gentleman!We also know now be not the bestly send army opportune moment.But you also know that American government is forcing us to send army to Indonesia.If isn't a ground so words we how may at American ground eyelid does the underneath resume army and navy!Everyone knows.Post-warly the treaty stipulates.We ground the troops can not be more than 100,000 people.If we don't promise American government ground claim.The our ground disaster also came right away!"Prime minister the temple Ze is pleased a say.
"These circumstance I know.So I has no objection to send army Indonesian federal.But I advocate to stay on the safe side.As long as we send army Indonesian federal.American government not the nothing important said ground so much.As for we when answer La with Su door to protect**the Chinese people Liberation Arm in Java decisive battle.That is us ground affair!The American can not also interfere with!"The small Ji Li says.
"Is all right!Gentleman inside the rice,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com!The affair that is second to seek to turn station ground in a supplies at Philippines or Ma La Xi.Still need you to appear publicly together American government talks.I think that American government will appear publicly for us solution ground.The list measures with our wes' land productivity.Want that doing into this matter is perhaps very difficult.Have to get American government to appear publicly.Even if American government appears publicly.The afraid of Ma La Xi second government can't promises to help us, either.Perhaps we can be used the American is in Philippines ground military base in turn to stand.Gang village gentleman!You have to hold firmly time to collect Su door to answer La to protect**, Chinese people Liberation Arm ground in Java military intelligence report.The military intelligence report of paying that government ground collects to can not relax, either.Warfare this timely.Matter to empire future more than 10 year ground destiny.We have to be careful!"Prime minister the temple Ze is pleased a say,beats dr dre.
Gang village even five Langses are to once allow Japan north China aspect soldier commander officer ground Gang village rather time grandson Di.This guy is fanatically also militarism member.But this guy pole has a good head.The Shu striven for to Chinese Confucianism right to land has much of a research.To culture also know a ground of many.Together he ground the grandfather Be similar to is an inside country.East the positive male waited a person to once invite him to take part in a soldier country renew meeting.But be refused by him.He thinks Japan at before circumstance's combining isn't suitable for to talk what soldier country renew.The soldier country renew meeting tree's greatly recruiting breeze will bring calamity sooner or later!In those early years Japanese youth will the ground be absurdly destroyed.His preparing feeling someone is fighting militarism member.So he didn't participate in the soldier country renew meeting.So he once escaped a to rob.This guy always at the foreign affairs save a work.It is to the ground intelligence report in Asian region to manage foreign affairs province collecting.Japanese troops reform this time.Established intelligence office.He place name run off body.Make him ascend the intelligence office minister position place.And entitle to take part in a cabinet meeting.Participation makes firm decision Japanese government ground destiny.
"BE!You!I will step up an intelligence report ground collection work!I still want to notify a news to everyone here.Paying that government ground activity currently is very uncanny.Pay that high research organization:Medium ground big parts of sections in section hospital have already moved Peking.Seems to pay that northwestly the tower carat Ma stem desert.The tower carat Ma does district ground warnning degree in desert center now very high.We ground the person can not get into center district in the desert.So I think that we should notify the circumstance to the American.See they have a way to know to pay that person the ground is in the desert circumstance!"Gang village even five Langses say.
"Can!Gentleman inside the rice!You while seeing an American around, conveniently this circumstance toward the American lift for a while, let the American think a way to make to know.Everybody!For the sake of empire of future, also invite everybody much much anxious!"End, prime minister the temple Ze is pleased a think that the member of the cabinet Gong body that take part in a meeting salutes to say.It is public to hurriedly return to gift, left board room after.(The not yet finished treats continuously and knows that how funeral affairs is such as the desire, please land www**com, the chapter is more, support author, support original reading!)
The head delivers

Text 376 far east republics(2)
Renew time:2009-10-311:48:13 chapter word numbers:3507

Not is pay that government again is where?Korea and Korea?These two nations get to have no too big meaning to us, sending army these two countries on the contrary will let to pay that government watch out for more to us and enemy."The small Ji Li says.
"Small Ji gentleman!The seeing to you is very awake!Will sending army to Java equally make us together pay the relation occurrence of of that government change but you have never thought?Besides, what I said isn't Korea and Korea!You once heard far east republic this name?"Gang village even five Langses squint Jing to ask a way to the small Ji Li.Small Ji Li is step by step walk to the current position from the first floor military officer, so to Japanese troops' development history know very in detail, so to far east republic this word isn't unfamiliar.Hence he nods to say:
"Know!The far east republic is Soviets government in original Russia far east and Baikal Lake, Siberia to the east the region build up of a drive the republic of Soviets.The republic establishes on April 6, 192 zero of, although is nominally independent,actually is mainly controled by the then Soviets, main purpose is in the Soviets and drive emperor**the brigade capture of the sign pull fertile Si of Di to give an of grounds like gram(sea cucumber Wei),etc to build up a buffer zone.However on November 5,beats by dre uk, 1922, empire since the sign pulled fertile Si of Di to give a gram(sea cucumber Wei) to withdraw, the far east republic merges Su the Wei Ai socialism republic Russian federal.This far east republic only existed for two years, is your asking this question what mean?"
"Is the small Ji gentleman still not understand now?Empire more than 70 year agos ever from Soviets hand in win big slice of of land, although gave up because of various reason afterwards, now why we not ability?We can have been putting the vision to pay that northeast?The region of far east republic is now the red tower state of Russia, the state of Mu Er, admire Ba Luo Fu Si gram frontier area and alongside the sea frontier area.The region that the resources of these regions is unlike to pay that northeast of little, why can we not control these regions in the hand?"Gang village even five Langses ask a way.
"But!We aren't the opponents of Soviets!Soviets ratio pays that government stronger!"The small Ji Li says.
"That is just past!But is now!The Soviets has already been getting more nonexistent now, 14 becomes number of republic already independently, why at the beginning of far east republic can not?At the beginning of Soviets Red Army defeated 800,000 of pass east soldier, resulted in to the empire huge injury, so the soldier of empire frightened face the troops of Soviets!But are Soviets troops in nowadays still strong?The Soviets has been already disintegrated, a lot of troops of Sovietses even the replenishments all have no, can the troops like this also carry on combat?Say again, this affair uses force just the worstly a plan, if what we operated is good, probably and basically need not emperor**the brigade appear publicly, we can chase big slice of resources control in region in the Soviets far east in the hand, this than send army the Indonesian Su door answers a La island more beneficial.Russia and in nowadays that government which stronger, I think that you can easily relatively come out, be not?"Gang village even five Langses say.
"Your meaning is to say, we to pay government study, secretly split up Russian federal, the political influence that supports a far east region together Russian president leaf benefit Qin carries on resisting, the far east republic in those early years of instauration?"The small Ji Li asks a way.
"I this meaning!The Russian federal disorders now unbearable!Russia Luo Related articles:

