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, Can still just the folks recruit large numbers of provisions for armies, therefore, as long as depending on city to defend to firmly stand by, the Cao soldier wants to want to offend to go into the city, need not up a few months, deathless ascend several myriad people, is absolutely impossible.
Just, river east the person forgot a words:The advantage is sometimes also bad situation, excessively believe to depend on city to defend to is the weakness that they cause.The hard city wall surely strengthened to defend, can also make them neglect other aspects, for example:Follow river's patrol and investigate and search.Ha ha, although it is said take down to set up an industry have to strong offend, can who stipulated to offend the war of city to must be from the extrovert in offend, I am it happened that and then turn over it to use, I want to outwardly offend from the inside.

Chapter 246 gets to the root of the matter(3)

After my identity was exposed, Sun Ce is to sternly investigate and search to my business, all is strictly investigated and searched and inquire with relevant allied business persons of my business.Just, my business in the their eyes however is medicine, tea, silk and paper, there are also smuggle mineral and salt just, I secretly carry on of business they don't know at all, for example virtuous Yu wine shop and set up the freight transportation of industry wharf.The freight transportation of the land-and-water wharf is officer's house to conduct, the goods porterage of each wharf but is the private trading company establishes of warehouse business, whole set up an industry to contain three big wharves, my freight transportation trading company at the right moment at an east one west of had a big head in two wharf businesses, and virtuous Yu wine shop and freight transportation trading company headquarters at the beginning in choosing an address rather fee idea, the virtuous Yu wine shop chose that the handing over of main route in city remits place, here person's discharge is the biggest,beats dr dre, also the most prosperous, is an arrestive but in no case arresting place.The goods go to then all depend a city wall nearer, look like convenient goods carrying, actually is don't have use.The management in decade, virtuous Yu wine shop and freight transportation trading company at respectively of district up 66 continuously and continuously ate into more than ten companies to spread, the freight transportation trading company still ate into three freight transportation inns and became these places all our secret base.Set up industry city to defend absolutely unexpectatively, spreads at these companies in, two tunnels led to a city outside.
I in summer exploitation Ma Zhong's coming from the never thought that ground war example that takes over city gate is early been familiar with by the everyone, precept absorb Liu fully, river east person's company's brigade in passing in and out city investigate and search very strictly, war arrival front, is also won't belong to company's brigade in the city all Nians go out.Zhang Zhao is enough careful, but didn't thought of to cautiously investigate and search the person who early sets up household in the city.These several years, my person 66 continuously continuous settle down in the city of have about 100 people, these people's just right in the house hospital, can 110 families can also pack the horse of 231000 people.Their send and setting be for striking against to set up industry city, when I led a river in those early years even if preparing the feeling would be jailed by Sun Ce,had never allowed Qin Yong to adjust to rescue me with them.
The battalion after rounding the city didn't start a violent attack, just at sound out for the first two days take the offensive for a while, in addition to dying 100 people, very valuable wall roots didn't run into.Seem is felt city defense of impregnable, the Cao soldier didn't start aggression again, but started to build camp dish to come and greatly had the Shi the meaning that will besiege to carry on exactly, but actually, what they build is a war prisoners' camp, set up guarding of industry city soldier the number is many, not and in advance ready to war prisoners' camp, settle them troublesome.River east person's of course not know that the other party is fixing abode for he or she, the such conduct and actions of the troops who looking at a city outside is sneering at, they combine Be not afraid of offending of battalion city, also Be not afraid of to besiege, time drags along more longly, more beneficial to them, Cao soldier 100,000 people, Ma Yao,s eat and drink, the day drags along Be getting longer, difficulty of is a Cao soldier, etc. drag along benefit state to send army or everyplace of the troops and horses collect since then, the city rounds to don't understand from break.
Ma Chao the hot fire that they do outside the city dynasty sky, I took to slowly sway to have 2,000 soldiers with Xu Chu still to silently touch into city from the tunnel, later two days inside, Xu Huang went out and brought in to 2,000 soldiers.The residence had early under the preparation, these soldier's setting roots aren't a problem.The warehouse inside prepares also descend several thousand Wu soldier uniform, we take incoming soldier and is all Yang state the person , after making change uniform, have no differentiation with the soldier of the region.At set up the city of industry and defend in, I had already maded Qin Yong carefully selected ten waiters to mixed into and depended on their artistic skills and few years of effort and had already become small head of group, oneself not only stood firm feet, but also found job for several personnels who exclusively train in the wide Ling.We after going into the city, in contacting momentary they, within two days, they continuously bring in their own subordinates wine shop and warehouse, be changed down by our soldier.Estimated for a while, getting into the soldier whom the city defends had already had several hundred people, more than 3,000 soldiers plus to steal to go into the city, capture city gate in short time, greet battalion to go into the city to have no some problem.
Settle next start to always offend of time, I arrived at virtuous Yu wine shop to wait battalion to offend city quietly.BE being apart from Wu Hou Fu and beg for Lu general the court not far place, it are our bases to have all of two house hospitals of big point, now in respectively came together several hundred people, wait for my order quietly.Winter days bright comparison in the sky night, wait dawn of the sunlight spread the time of setting up the industry city, the Cao soldier out of the city has already tied to pack orderliness and offends although the apparatus of city is few,the apparatus of city also sways of defend city a square dimmed eyesight.Strict whole atmosphere that sees different the past days of Cao soldier, sets up an industry to guard a soldier understand the Cao soldier will distinctly offend city today, the news is setting up and getting abroad in industry city, common people all turtle's shrinking in the home doesn't dare and go out, but sets up the big small fries in the industry city all the favour slightly get up, the force will all rush through and defend on conductor of city wall, the text officer then in a hurry arrives to the court of begging for the Lu general first-class wait and adjust and send.
City outside of shouting and killing a beginning, the one and other attack makes the town people thousand times nervous, the aggression of Cao soldier at half of two-hour period after temporarily stop, they are quick to get hurt of the personnel withdraw from the battlefield bottom, make change behind of combat personnel, still stare at a city wall with strict whole brigade row.The guarding of city inside soldier also takes advantage o war crevice to replace soldier and lift wound member bottom, living a dint soldier top to go.In the transfer guarding soldier, our person continuously arrived appointed seat, the real attack will soon launch.
I stand on the wine shop of 2 F upstairs, look down street downward from the top top process of people, they are dressed in each difference, form color in a hurry, from everywhere collect since then, again to everywhere spread.I see leisurely and carefreely face a window to enjoy tea, awake our soldier in the eye mixs up at down stairs of pedestrian in to schedule to the location collect but go, quickly descend up to various order in:"The person who renders assistance is quickly good enough;Personnel westward southern door in the door is concentrated;Zhong Kang, you go to a west door, the person in the tunnel has already come over, attention of road, your shape easily makes people doubt;Being male is clear, south the preparation of the door have been already completed, you urgent rush through;You notice, waiting my will make to launch at the same time.Qin Yong, you go to Wu Hou Fu, our personnel already together, tell them, there is no my order, anyone forbids into a mansion, the person of inside don't lets out, either, you remember, ability motionless the hand don't harm a person as far as possible.Permit to, you beg for the Lu general mansion Ya and take care of no matter enter, noticing don't harm officials and wait me to the person system."
Time slowly passed by a quarter, the shouting of earthquake sky killed a voice to spread, and my station is started to without extra trouble picked up bow and arrow:"Begin, everyone readied to, must live the scolding of the other party shot of Hou Zu, make them not communicate news."
Concentrate on a Cao soldier the body is out of the city up of guard a soldier to dream to also have never thought a Cao soldier will burst upon under the city gate, not only come from never thought that ground the right of control that seizes suspension bridge, also at constantly and constantly the inside rushed toward to the city wall from the city.But just still prepared to deliver the brothers that the arrows Shi rolls a wood for oneself, suddenly descended own weapon or direct send into weapon body, when many soldiers lose life also astonishedly hope to kill own opponent.When the government troops defending city finally responds to come over, the battling out of suspension bridge fights on the tip of end, again the strong little soldier isn't the opponent of great commander either, sides is the valiant general of the other party.After allowing and Xu Huang and taking over the suspension bridge of the south door and west door respectively, setting up industry city the general situation has been already gone.
The west door guards to be my Can and discovered to make a pounce upon the time of city gate in that the Cao soldier is from the city, his Leng a short moment almost is screaming hysterically to rush toward to go to the city gate, outsides inside the control building of suspension bridge all have already been captured by the Cao soldier and allow is directing soldier to urgent let go of the suspension bridge accolade troops and horses outside the city.My Can organized 100 soldiers to pound at in the past and put together dead to want to take back the right of control to the suspension bridge and allowed Related articles:

