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"This is about to see eldest brother you, I is can't."The absolute being punished an angel to shake to shake head and threw the most important problem to me.
"Eldest brother, you need not see me, although I can the concealed body fly to nearby go to that big spider,I can't let that big spider leave that box, I once reveal in material body, affirm to can not escape."Long Yin sees I turn a head to see toward him, don't wait my openings to call first.
"That how do, in addition to Long Yin, we are other to connect to close to that big spider all troublesome, although we can hurtle over there,want to rob that box, will face the attack of big spider and other small spider, and once robbed that box, perhaps will be rounded by the all of these spiders to kill, can really run not to drop by that time."Long Yin's words also say right, can in addition to Long Yin, other persons are harder to close to that big spider, unless begin first to polish off it, then lose that box.
"Eldest brother, probably you can accomplish."At this time babysitter suddenly the openings say, while he talks of, the hands still keep being keeping displaying to counteract poison Shu and treatment sorcery.
"Can I accomplish?"I don't understand that the ground looking at babysitter.
"Eldest brother you forgot you to have that special absolute being machine space to turn a dish."The babysitter reminds that I say.
"Does the space turn a dish?To ah, the space turns a dish last a day had the opportunity to three times arbitrarily deliver, as long as I am here did a transmission order, rob to the back of that box, again transmission came back wreath go."After hearing babysitter's reminding, I just think of, I still have such a baby, this space turns a dish after got, in addition to using several times in the beginning, have already been always hidden in the palace of the moon by my snow, the babysitter didn't say that I returned to forget.
I am from the palace of the moon in found out space to turn a dish, then equiped on the body, immediately after did a transmission to order at first, however thinking that this transmission ordered was too near, hence I again backward the noodles after running a distance once re- did transmission to order, again return to publically and nearby, invoked a centipede gold just.
"A short while I after hurtling to that big spider nearby, you immediately climb to my centipede gold just the body went up, I would let the centipede gold escape here just, I robbed to after that box, will also immediately deliver to leave, you can not stop over here, you also need not wait me and otherwise draw on those spiders."After invoking a centipede gold just, I immediately towarded public say, let them prepare to escape at any time, in case those spider attraction the ground follow our behind since then."Know, eldest brother you carefully order by yourself."Many brotherses together the voice is in response to the way.

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After very the whole preparation, I immediately rush out the protection turn that the disorderly dance waits a person and hurtle into an inside, if isn't a space to turn a dish to deliver to made-up transmission to order in the position, I really want to directly deliver to that big spider nearby goes, so can reduce many efforts, regrettable this is impossible.
"Out of the blue boxing!"I while purple Long Jian of the right hand is stabbing into a spider, the left hand vacating also beats to go toward another spider one punch, out of the blue what boxing tees off is an invisible spirit strength, that spider cans not is obstructed with the spider's web, is directly shot and poured to fly to return to.
"The fierce tiger puts tail!"I 1 return to kick a leg, direct think 2 attackstones from the behind my spider to kicked to fly to go out, and still crash into two spiders behind of other spider bodies up.
"The eldest brother, the careful top of head, folds cloud arrows!"The ear spreads the interjection that the absolute being punishes an angel and raises head and looks, there were three spiders over the head to unexpectedly and directly jump down, fall in toward my top of head, and the absolute being punish the angel's arrows to also shoot at the same time, however the one among the spiders is from the mouth in spew out a spider's web, directly punish absolute being the angel's arrows to wrap up.
'Chi~~'the venom jet but of a green, then the spider that spews out spider's web was shot to bump to fly to go out, returned will it behind of spider together to bump to fly to open.
Just the absolute being punishes an angel to project of fold cloud arrows isn't a ,cheap beats by dre, but two, but spider's web of that spider wrapped up an arrows, in an arrows of that arrows behind but had no countercheck ground to shoot to win that spider, the strong vigour will have no the spider that borrow the dint buffer to bump to fly and crash into another spider up.The absolute being punished the angel's attack to beat all of a sudden to fly two spiders, the spider leaving to decline down could fall I am in the head of only have a .
"Red tornado dragon cuts!"Purple Long Jian in a twinkling converts into red Long Ji, then I is on cutting to cut to go toward the top of head, although I this recruits red tornado dragon to cut to belong to a long range attack.But that spider makes due to declining down too and closing to in me it can't spray to vomit spider's thread to block my ground an attack, result drive I a Ji split into two halfs.
"Red Long Xuan Luo wears a heart sting!"Is close behind I again is on recruiting red Long Xuan Luo to wear a heart sting to use, a Ji connect wore the body of two spiders, directly kill two spider seconds, however the venom in an among those spiders body splashed in my body, immediately make me poisoned, the life starts running off.
"The toxin purifies!"O.K. I leave the babysitter's distance now not far.On babysitter a body that counteracts poison Shu to put me.The poison on the body immediately the solution drop.
"The emissary of sanctity please help in the moment person-sanctity to guard!"The babysitter goes toward again my body up put a sanctity to guard, this made me able to own to avoid poison ground in the in a short time status.
"Babysitter thanked."Turn head to thank toward the babysitter.Then I start taking no cognizance the venom attack of these spiders and start towarding spiders to start rapid counter-attack, quickly hurtle into toward that big spider at the same time.
"The ground moves mountain to shake!"My hands press in the ground.Launched to match an among those in body with the Huan monster white emperor to match a body skill, along with white promoting of emperor grade, this matches a body skill also more and more, but this ground of move mountain to shake just one match a body skill and attackstone power not strong, however can let the earth produce strong vibration.
This underground hall all starts shaking to move together with the passages, seem take place strong earthquake similar, letting indiscriminately and dancing them can not stand firm, and then those spider more naturally,beats by dre uk, whole soft lie prone at ground up.The top of head originally pours to hang on the plank in sky, and on all sides the spider of the wall also loosen to drop down in the vibration and seem to rain.All fell off a ground, although fall off deathless they.But so similar, my top of head has already become vacuum district.
"The white emperor relief matches a body!Take back!Invoke Long Huang!Long Huang matches a body!"After the spiders of top of head all fall off, I immediately relieved with white emperor to match a body, and take back it, then invoke Long Huang, carried on to match a body at the same time.
There is no top of head ground danger, after matching a body with Long Huang, I 1 leap, flew to shoot to pass by toward the big spider that hasn't returned to an even keel back.
"Withdraw!"I just flew to that big spider nearby, immediately towarded a disorderly dance to wait a person to loudly shout a way, let them withdraw here, in case I I transmission leave of,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, they withdrew ground too slowly and led those all of the spiders followed us to run.
"Is spiral strength!"I the big spider nearby land over there, but that big spider because before move the attack that the mountain shakes and let it hasn't canned stand firm back, so make me safely land at it nearby, wait it to respond while coming over, wanting and attackstoning me, my attack has already compete first sent out, the first recruits and then directly uses the attack technical ability of S classes spiral strength.
The eddy current of air is quick to form in the my hand, from the spider over here too many, therefore the eddy absorbs of vitality also very big, form of the current of air is also more than past large, I also felt the current of air on the hand bringing a ground of pressure at the same time.
I fear that the that eddy current of air strength leads greatly, I will control not to live by myself, so don't wait current of air complete formation, I directly hit and beat at the right side belly of big spider up, strong current of air big spider from Gao on the stage direct Related articles:

