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Take back BMW for me, make me give an account for 1 of your baby's son so much.You who not afraid dozen woman of, make me take back a horse for me."
Square Cheng way:"Need not Xiao elder generation says that I also want a meeting meeting theirs."Lift sword to hope they come of direction.Soon, 2 people one horse to here run fast since then.
Knife Wang Jiao Dao:"Would was them, had already woulded be them."
Square Cheng lo 2 people, can not help a dark great way:"Very good-looking miss."
A short while, 2 people have already gone to public at present, that young woman drinks a way:"The glory of the square, you made me disappoint too much!"Say a box on the ear goes toward square the glory face up beats.
Before square Cheng originally blocks two human faces at her, surprisingly that young woman once rounded him all of a sudden to arrive a square glory in front, Luo Qi at square glory flank, the favour stretches hand a space to live, way:"Which come of virago, thus don't preach a reason."
That young woman favour lifts palm reading Dou, way:"I from teach him, close you what matter?"
The Luo Qi Nu way:"You beat him to would be to beat me."
Knife Wang Mang Dao:"The Jie son help your aunt Luo quickly, she not that virago's opponent, go quickly."
Flower language Jie sadly shakes and then doesn't come forward.The square Cheng lifts sword to come forward to help.That young woman side dismantles to recruit a side way:"2 people beat me a , good shameless."
Square Cheng way:"Your this virago, the innocence is then homicidal, teach you not to need what river lakes rules."
Square the glory see the Niang fight each other with others, the favour comes forward to partition 2 people, to that:"What person are you ?I wish to harm a person in good humor and not today, you leave quickly."
That:"The glory of the square, originally do your eyes didn't°yet be good?"
That young girl cries a way:"Square elder brother, I am snow son, she is a Niang ah, don't you can recognize?"Originally 2 people are exactly leaves if jade and eastern Yan snow.
The glory of the square but where within hearing, drink a way:"You walk for me, otherwise I killed you."
Eastern Yan snow sadly hands on the horseback to cry.If leaf the jade favour runs over a consolation way:"Snow son, don't be sad, the your square elder brother cans not sees you, out of hearing you talk, if he knows is you then can't so to you."
Take charge of a Ma Xing empty way:"Aunt, you heel square the eldest brother talk to need to be used inside the dint be."
If leaf jade strange way:"Is there this etc. matter?"The favour is used inside the strength:"The glory of the square, you why did a person come out?"
The square glory suddenly hears a leaf if the voice of jade, in the heart a surprised, the heart fiercely jumps quickly, in the brain is also then got empty all of a sudden, just foolishly stood over there.The eastern Yan snow favour runs up to left for and grasped a his hand way:"Square elder brother, snow son once says and looks after your , you why did a person silently walk?"
The glory of the square is abrupt however touches eastern Yan snow Xian hand, in the brain suddenly one electricity, way:"Snow son, how did you come?"
Eastern Yan snow way:"Snow son comes to seek your ."
Square glory sad way:"You come to seek me to do what, I was already a disabled person.I don't want to bring trouble you."
Eastern Yan snow put on tears and said with smile:"You are really a simpleton, the daddy once says this disease is will be good of, and snow son once says and looks after a square elder brother of, you suddenly walked, who come to look after a square elder brother?"
Take charge of the Nu way of Ma Fei Yan :"You this demon female, give me the aroint thee, square the elder brother don't need you to look after, I will look after square elder brother of."Say to come forward and then want to draw back eastern Yan snow.
The square glory stretches hand a to push, then department Ma Fei Yan push over in the ground, way:"What are you dry?"
Took charge of Ma Fei Yan to be subjected to great humiliation, the Fu cried on the ground, the eastern Yan snow favour comes forward to hand her and take charge of Ma Fei Yan a push away she, way:"Square the elder brother don't like Yan son and also beat me for the sake of a demon female, square the elder brother didn't want Yan son, the daddy didn't want Yan son, the mother didn't want Yan son, what do I live in this in this world stem?"Finish saying to pull out the portable bayonet stabs before the chest toward oneself.
Eastern Yan snow leaves her recent, again personally lo she draws out a bayonet, a busy Duo she bayonet way:"Younger sister, what's the matter with you?The all strange elder sister isn't good, you have to beat and then beat elder sister.You don't want to commit suicide ah, person can live once."
The square glory also feels oneself Be getting more intemperate, however don't know that she wants a suicide, feels very much obliged, the favour comes forward to start to hand her way:"Yan son, all strange square the elder brother isn't good, later square elder brother any further not so."
Take charge of Ma Fei Yan favour Fu at he before the chest, way:"You always cheat Yan son, you said to the Yan son how much time words like this, but don't count as well at a time.You to flower elder sister good, you to she good, but be not to Yan son good, the Yan son knows to can not compare with them, but the Yan son like a square elder brother than them, and the Yan son is more pitiful than them, Yan son in addition to square elder brother, there are no other close relatives any further, you can not throw down Yan son ignore.You is once promise, other words you can not calculate words, this words you must calculate words, otherwise the Yan son then can not live.You have to promise Yan son.Promise Yan son quickly."
The square glory is harding put an answer in eastern Yan snow in front, if leaf the jade says with smile:"Originally the square glory is subjected to so a female kid to like."Suddenly geologic change face way:"The glory of the square, if you sorry snow son, my Rao not you."
The knife king also puts a way at this time:"The glory of the square, you can not ability three hearts are two ideas, otherwise I also Rao not you."
Take charge of Ma Fei Yan to know oneself a decide however eastern Yan snow, if let him choose it a, he chooses flower language Jie and chooses eastern Yan snow,can't definitely chooses oneself, favour way:"Not, square elder brother can three hearts are two ideas, he married to spend an elder sister and married an eastern elder sister, can also marry Yan son.If the Yan son can listen to a flower elder sister and listen to the eastern elder sister's words,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com."
If leaf the jade sees her minimum, but strong so just, loved deeply so a square glory, way:"Snow son, we leave, be us incognizant you square elder brother."
Eastern Yan snow listenned to this speech, favour way:"Niang, the square elder brother needs snow son most now, snow son can't leave a square elder brother of."
The Luo Qi doesn't wish them noisy next go, even don't wish to let square the glory keep on being difficult, the favour comes forward to grasp a leaf if the jade hand says with smile:"Is one to misunderstand, younger sister, whole is a misunderstanding, just give offense to of the place please to put in the mind."
If leaf jade way:"You is who, thank your protection square glory."
Knife Wang Mang comes forward to say with smile:"Beating around is a relatives by marriage."
If leaf the jade deludes a way:"Elder sister is ……"
The Luo Qi says with smile:"The glory son is my kid ah, my lo must come out, the glory son likes snow son in your house tight."
If leaf the jade hums 1 and jilts to open a her hand way:"Will you be a glory mother of square?The matter of square glory I very clearly, his kid was easily cheated by you, deceivable not I.Do you want to do what?Say."
Luo Qi hasty way:"You misunderstood, I was really a glory son mother, is that we aren't good, threw down him to ignore before.Finally have already found out him now.I anyway can't leave glory son."
If leaf the jade Mie says with smile:"That you is your son's evidence the square glory to go fetch my lo lo."
The way of Luo Qi:"There was a piece of Liu Ye Xing's birthmark on the glory son lefted to would be evidence."
If leaf the jade is originally ashamed to speak, but for refuting her, way:"Hum, who know that your meeting can't shamelessly steal lo his bathing?Perhaps you still know he even we don't know as well of there are a few birthmarks in place."
Luo Qi's pouring is said by her greatly abashed, way:"You …… you ……"
Square Cheng way:"Still having 1 can prove.Glory son picks your amulet."The square glory favour pulled amulet to hand over to him.Square Cheng way:"Originally treat not to say, seem have to say this time, here the noodles have one to hide treasure diagram, is those early years' Wei loyalty wise gather of ill-gotten gains, my 2 husband and wife stole in those early years it, young annoyed in those early years prosperous, thief come after, I let younger sister Qi at top embroidered a few words.'Ru thief world, I return world'.Only because was been wise to make track for to kill by Wei's loyalty in those early years, we had to hide glory son the treasure diagram temporarily sent with this to an old man's house, don't think that the heaven's will made a person, it made us just again gather together today."Finish saying lightly on pulling, took out a cake of from it brocade, top colorful indeed as expected be like Zhang Tu. Related articles:

