
www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com the Ruan jade farml

Come of the parliament manage, because invade each other, let whichever organization to manage parliaments will encounter other organization outlaws, so recommend such a don't influence any organization of the person of benefits come to to manage, the publicity member of his work some similar governments, is responsible for publicity, or so not any influence.
This guy eloquence is mostly quite good, generalize the affair that five in the last yearses take place for short more than 10 minutes 1 time, say around to is all small matter of some trivial matters, don't specially be worth Zhang Zhe's paying attention to.So he also just listens to, don't get up speech.
"We all have respectively of the waters is just to get along, originally should be mutual non-aggression, but it happened that have the person of dissatisfied present condition, make use of this time parliament to exercise his/her own bad means.What is up can not put table's top to talk, don't want knife soldier mutually to?Ya Jia Er representative, don't know you to NATO allies represent have never participated in this time parliament to have an explanation?"Li Yun the voice is abrupt however a fierce, it is direct to aim at Zhang Zhe unexpectedly.
The sea Rui pulls to didn't etc. Zhang Zhe the openings jumped first and well developed a woman impervious to reason attitude, sneer way:"Want to make us say what?He Ruan jade the farmland come to don't come to participate in a parliament pass we what matter?Bad means?Do you mind if I comprehend that this is you to the indignity of our Ya Jia Er?"
The Li Yun sneers at 1:"Does the sea Rui pull castellan want to deny?Sir Ruan Yu Tian was massacred in the room last night, but I under charge the person sawed with own eyes a your Ya Jia Er representative to whence pass by!"
"?Did the Ruan jade farmland die?"The sea Rui pulled to blink to blink eyes, a bit puzzling, stare at an icy look in the eyes of Li Yun, peculiar way:"You can't be doubt that our Ya Jia Er is of?"
"I don't expel this kind of may, because of only the person of your Ya Jia Er once appeared over there."Li Yun saying of affirmation.
"Go to your ma!You this is clear is to doubt our Ya Jia Er, does your this idiot exactly have brain?Want be really we do of, return an ability drive your under charge do those stupid goods see?You also overestimated your that assistant to descend too much?"The sea Rui pulls a Nu voice to scold a way, the blue vein in a twinkling spread all over the whole face and had never held tight evidence to come right away to correct her and played trick of?
The Li Yun has never thought this girl's mouth so smelly, the openings shuts up of call names, also so vulgar, immediately cringe a way:"You ……you are shameless!You think to die to deny me can't?Hum, you are to overestimate your under charge that ability that helps a stupid material, my under charge has already controled evidence and you can not control denies at this time,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com!"He Li Yun of so is so excited, whole is because Ruan jade the farmland have boon to him, he has now today's position, whole is a Ruan jade the farmland give his, the Ruan jade farmland dies at present, the nobody gives him on the side, more the nobody gives him money to spend, he the from now on of Li Yun still with what feed under charge, feed that much more women?
Original even if see with own eyes Ruan jade the farmland be pulled by the sea Rui to kill, he the Li Yun see the sea Rui pull still get very polite, nod admire waist, after all somebody else's real strenght puts over there and give offense to her that not is seek dead?Can the situation not understand now, because someone's at the back gives him on the side, and is a much taller than Ya Jia Er real strenght Korea organization stand he, the so-called wall pours public push, somebody else's Korea organizations all see you Be getting wither a revolting feeling, how long can your Ya Jia Er also support?Lao Tze takes advantage of an opportunity hatred to complain, there is enemy revenge,be wrong?
Sea Rui's pulling has already been pressed by Zhang Zhe and twist overdo don't see Li Yun that ferocious looks, Zhang Zhe knows that Korea's organizing has already started taking oneself to have operation, so pull than the sea Rui more overbearing station starts, sneer way:"Old thing, you also not amount of Dian by himself/herself the weight for a while, are a words with you, does our Ya Jia Er have to carry on the back the bad reputation of last homicide?"
"Hum, boy, you also need not overbearing, wait evidence to strike in the table's top, you want that denying is perhaps all difficult.I make everyone have a look, your Ya Jia Er is what mean shameless!"The Li Yun just can't put Zhang Zhe in the eye and continue fire up sprinkle oil, he deeply has confidence to Korea organization.
See Li Yun the such self-confidence of performance, those guys for having ulterior motives, the idea starts limbering up again, already someone joins to challenge row or column:"Your Ya Jia Er has been mean shameless, the battle wears have a little real strenght, across area to rob for many times, this kind of bullies small and weak behavior, also only your Ya Jia Er just does of come out!"This is a 30-year-old Vietnamese, the meeting is some indoor hot and dries, but he wears a silk not 茍 , the neckband buttons up the square square is just positive.
The others also attach and get up in succession:"Be, our organization is usually discriminated against by Ya Jia Er."
"Hi, you that calculates what, once evil scorpion demon the female come to our waters to commit robbery, not only cargo vessel top the supplies loot an empty, is also will go up and down include seaman at inside ascend 100 people kill one clean.That Taiwan island receives news to directly send warship to round Jiao we, if isn't that we hide piece, don't annihilate for them clean can not!"A Filipino is bad to mercilessly say.
"Evil scorpion demon female?I is to her understand very deeply!"A Thai jumps out a Rang way:"She doesn't obey parliament treaty and not only sail across ocean an area to rob a freighter, even we the place influence don't pass as well, we organize two war ships be be polished off by the evil scorpion demon female of, die up to 100 brotherses, this enemy must report sooner or later!"
"Still have, our organization meets troops to round Jiao and wants to go to her Ya Jia Er to temporary avoid, haven't approached, greet our is several war ships, if not that I was intelligent, have already become frogman now at that time, which canned also sit facial expression of exposing Ya Jia Er here!"Malaysia doesn't fall behind as well.
Singapore also stands one person, call a way:"Somebody else's fist is hard, nature not we these groups knit to put in the eye, we organization send away under guard supplies, more than once be robbed by Ya Jia Er!"
"Still have us ……"
"Our organization is also subjected to Ya Jia Er's 捈 poison ……"
More and more organizations jump out, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Thailand and Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines, the whole Southeast Asia, in addition to Ya Jia Er's source Indonesia, almost the owners all hate Ya Jia Er to gnash teeth with hatred!
This makes Zhang Zhe have the kind the impulse for bumping a wall, this friendship's adding Er also isn't a thing too much and incredibly once did so many indignation and discontent affairs, is Ya Jia Er's representative, Zhang Zhe experienced the Indonesian's"magic power" on the whole, his in the mind only have a mind, hereafter regardless where, will never lift oneself to know sea Rui to pull, so as not to be drowned with the saliva.
Face thickness than bad city wall not how much of the sea Rui pull to incredibly also cannot help but some blush with shames and face Zhang Zhe peculiar vision, very embarrassed.
Attacking Ya Jia Er's organization is more and more, the sea Rui becoming angry from embarrassment pulls and cannot helps but endocentric exasperation any further, layer after layer on striking table, jump feet to scold a way:"On helping the bedbug that will complain, in addition to moving mouth skin son, what do you also can make?Since hate so our Ya Jia Er, why don't dare to solve problem through use of force?Most be on helping a petty burglar, old Niang I despise you!"
This sentence immediately arouses the condition to turn, Li Yun first the station come out to drink a way:"Your this woman is too overbearing, basically don't put other organizations in the eye, in my eyes, your Ya Jia Er should also disappear!"
Sea Rui's pulling is also a true Nu and nearby threw a so big face at Zhang Zhe, how can make her keep calm?At present this some identity positions all have no of old guys all dare to her Liao facial expression, this lets she hereafter still how raise head in Zhang Zhe's in front?At that moment ignoring is regardless of, direct from the pi bottom starts to copy 4510 catties of leather depend chair, press forward with indomitable will of hurtled up, scold a way in mouth:"Old thing, the old Niang sends you one distance first today!"
Is public who all surprisingly this little girl will be thus violent and haven't responded to come over, listen to "shout" a , a huge dark shadow toward the Li Yun fly in the past, "Mao Ca" one was huge to ring, dark shadow fall in of at the same time, the body ti weak Li Yun was also heavily bumped to fly to go out.
The wretchedness hangs the Li Yun of approaching old age Yi which withstand this kind of stroke, even hum don't hum a spirit of directly swallowing.Very dry of xiong all drive this wooden bench to hit to fell into, bloody condition, Related articles:

