
beats by dre military officers a

The Xiao is also extremely uneasy, because the strong gale person lands in Shandong at any time of may, although the front and back of Mo Di's Northern Expedition, the consociation fleet of Shandong and Chen Jia carried on several enlargements,the troops is still "typical model of local area inshore defense type navy", have no the dint resist strong gale navy.
Chen Jia's elders request again and again send Chen Jia's main force for Southern Asia adjusts back, but this requests to be refused by Ms. Chen, the warfare of Southern Asia is to get into the status that the blood puts together now, the Er compare proud person and card to wear a person to launch large-scale debarkation, Xiao Di Ji of second fleet sink into collapse of edge, still depend on the Bo life of the third fleet one shot just maintain the balance of power of Southern Asia.
Er's comparing a proud person is an always nautical Ba lord, any mistakes all probably cause to fail, now second fleet with third fleet's main fleet in Southern Asia, the fleet real strenght is just antebellum 1/3.
And northeast war situation along with a silk of Lin Yi Chen hesitant become more and more bad, chaperonage love water's paying what brigade go ashore is strong gale the person again increases to aid of six big brigades, now at glorious west the strong gale soldier have already had ten troopses of infantry big brigades and probably offend to sink at any time brocade state, will receive a soldier to thoroughly match to round, and northeast of the circumstance is also more and more bad, although the volunteer army rises everywhere,surrender to enemy everywhere also the amount is numerous, more darned is the person of iron Lei to seem to have constantly continuous troops, their double the eagle ensign far east military district devotion northeast battlefield of the troops have already come to a 150,000 people, many cities on the frontier announce to subjugate.
On January 8, Zhang Bu Yun leads more than 40,000s straggling soldiers back into a pass, this affairs' announcing northeast big department has been already subjugated.

Chapter 41 goes into a pass

The ninth day, strong gale with two divisions of second teacher, 20 divisions conductor mix eighth trip regiment of main force get into brocade state, don't meet vehemence holdout, only independent railroad soldier the armored train of brigade didn't back in the middle of the 74th into pass inside of receive a for use by the military artillery the shot ruin, two military officers are dead, on that noon brocade the state subjugate.
The strong gale soldier is getting into brocade state, on the other hand prepare to clean up the troops that is remenant to receive soldier and volunteer army everywhere, then step up a rest on the other hand, from the republican 95 November, yearses 20 day and night, strong gale three war, the strong gale has already thrown in 170,000 troopses and stand to die about 1,300, need one to rest the whole process.
But attack and occupy the strong gale soldier of brocade state soon namely was subjected to a not small stroke, attack toward the brocade west of ride a soldier 27 allied brigade and go together with to belong to of infantry 1 be annihilated.
Ride soldier's 27 allied brigades to belong to 19 divisions of the soldier system of new Luos, halt a salty territory north way Luo south, strong gale soldier to receive after opening hostilities, adjusting should ride a soldier allied the brigade join to mix into 38 trip regiments.
Press the strong gale army system, infantry trip regiment is after going together with to belong to artillery and riding a soldier, the soldier of the impedimenta and engineer corp, then become the troops that has an independent war power, call its"mix trip regiment", 38 trip regiments of 19 divisions adjusted northeast to change to return 20 division commander's headquarters at first conductor, rode a soldier 27 allied brigade thou Zuo in He and allied the brigade adjutant's absolute being hoped the little Zuo of thousand degrees receives 20 division commander's headquarterses order to Shanhaiguan a took to accept Suo headway.
The allied brigade of strong gale, "regiment" of the equal to our army one class sets up to make, but rides soldier's 27 allied brigades is to draw up dinky troops and ride soldier's flexibility the strongest, while multiplying by battle horse, its position changes very and quickly,beats by dre, for controling in time on the battlefield and in command of can bend like this can gallop about dint to very and strongly ride soldier's troops, it common method in all countries be and infantry one class decrease ride soldier's layer and narrow to ride a soldier to draw up.
Strong gale one rides a soldier, trip regiment belongs to ride a soldier allied the brigade general circumstance is to directly direct 4 to ride the brigade in the soldier, infantry division belongs to to ride a soldier allied brigade only 2 then ride the brigade in the soldier and have no camp one class conductor layer, on the number, each medium brigade is about 100 people.
But 20 divisions ride a soldier although the allied brigade has the plan to enlarge to set up to make.But the navy loots crowded have the reason of related data, all unite a brigade to only have one to ride the brigade in the soldier, plus an allied brigade adjutant to wait several military officers at inside, all unite a brigade however 80 people.
Allied captain's adding Zuo in He is specially the military officer that an is from and very understand to the northeast circumstance, but should unite a brigade famous of be still that allied brigade adjutant thousand hope absolute being degree little Zuo, with"captain in ghost" famously in captain, hereafter do for the strong gale ground intelligence report system contribution's making public strong gale outstandingly key figures have spy to betray an intelligence report ground secret, Be assumed office to the strong gale school of army sergeant behind.
Because increase troops fighting strength.Especially idea the school took out to adjust thousand to hope from the sergeant little Zuo to ride soldier's 27 allied brigades Be served as to allied the brigade adjutant's ground want a job and unite the brigade arrives on January 12 glorious west county city, soon 20 division impedimenta brigade a set 26 people and the division 73 allied brigade ground a squad main force also arrive the ground of, it glorious west the city hinterland strong gale troops have 130 people around.
After going into to become soon, glorious west county city ground strong gale nine fall among a raid, don't know source ground, the troops assaulted the and resulted in several people's dying or injuring, indignantly thousand hope an absolute being degree don't advertise for allied the captain agree reach an order under the circumstance.Decide to ride soldier's 27 allied brigades to attack execution revenge completely.
Thousand hope an absolute being degree will already department one ride the brigade in the soldier to be divided into four roads clean up to Long Wang Miao, 20 teacher impedimenta the brigade return brocade state, 70 allied brigade get a squad more than 20 persons are qualified the ensign belonging to ride soldier's troops to take part in to clean up, only uniting a brigade weaves with temporary one ride soldier's squad to stay to guard county city.Thousand hoped little Zuo to still speak to have intense emotion very much must talk:"the empire get the officers and mens.The Emperor his majesty is waiting you establishment eminent contribution ……front"
The thou He is allied the captain discover thousand to hope without authorization descend reach to orderany in luck to wait, almost have already become decided fact, have to recognize tacitly in this circumstance.Right away lead troops to attack, don't walk how long namely encounter running fire in the neighborhood of up slope son.Thou He allied the captain right away orderany twists about surround to give, each with a squad don't or so wing.One rides soldier cannon in the center, 1 in order to prepare a brigade, start aggression to the troops of mountainous country.
Thousand hope an absolute being degree to excitedly call a way:"One assaults and then can rout these people's regiments", which imagine more than 60s to dismount ground to ride a soldier into the mountainous country outstanding score in the front and back of the situation, take the offensive the situation soldier's squad to also suffer three breads to round to Long Wang Miao.
The thou He feels a circumstance far from good and right away decides to stop aggression, result thousand hope little Zuo to greatly drink:"This is the empire soldier report effect motherland ground the time can not withdraw ……"
As a result drag along good short while just just withdrew the up slope son, by this time a sergeant list rode to rush to report:"You, the stone wild infantry squad suffers three breads to round, the stone wild little Zuo unfortunately turned to make the soul of protecting the country ……"
Originally and directly volunteer army with receiving a soldier don't and back into pass hinterland an and the parts of people's regiments and police constitute, the infantry's squad on the way to set out, namely concealment the ground volunteer army observe on the highland clear, right away lure this 30 people ground troops to the highland of Long Wang Miao enter shot, wait Japan's Imperial Army to get into Long Wang Miao's highland, the volunteer army suddenly launches raid, stone wild first lieutenant many people die in battle as follows.
And the glorious west city hinterland strong gale soldier also fell among volunteer army ground raid at this time, thousand hope an absolute being degree again rush ahead next reach to divide soldier's order, oneself leads two squads to render assistance infantry squad to return to city, thou He allied the brigade lead one to ride a soldier squad and ride a soldier the cannon brigade assist glorious west county city.
He loudly says:"we can not abandon to go together with to belong to a ground of troops, allied captain, please forgive much and more!"
City hinterland the allied brigade ensign and one Be temporary to weave into squad, at ride a soldier 27 allied brigade in addition to city, soon nine discovered that the volunteer army assaults since then, right away the decision controls prefectural main route, and on the private house roof, the Lei builds defences, logistic personnel all three war.
Assault glorious west city vehemence fieriness, they a side attackstone a side to set fire and stay to guard personnels to all don't already doubt, when Wu Chuan Sgt. Frog plan horse comes out to probe right away be shoot~deaed.
Allied brigade flagman Sen bottom second lieutenant see this circumstance think to unite a brigade to have to all put out of danger, right away chase Gao Liang Lei a heap of, at any time prepare point when all of the troops put out fire, hold military flag to dive into fire naturally, but volunteer army took the offensive continuously three each ones, until thousand hope the little Zuo leads strong gale soldier a main into city just have mitigation.
The initiative returns to the Zuo in the city ground's ancient He and arrive west door outside suddenly run into cannon upstairs the ground shoot, thou the He be soon shot to fall a horse namely be shoot~deaed, the his nearby a guard soldier and a big Wei are shoot~deaed respectively with severely wounded.
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