
beats by dre solo seem to be to have

Prospects, here compare with local villa of those nouveau riches still rather, but this is to a little bit let person's unexpected.
As etc. is arriving at the country villa front of door of Edward, Lin Dong's lookinging at that isn't a very attractive front door to feel that having a little is unimaginable, doesn't he understand ground to Edward?The Salsa princess says:"Your household can be treated as the whole Europe is as for the whole noble family that the world enriches great reputation most , but why look my little luxurious breathing all have no?"
Edward?The Salsa princess says after stretching out the right-hand index finger slightly bought Lin Dong's nose:"Chase country villa adornment of sumptuous that is the performance of the most familiar nouveau riche, that is just 1 kind to full ofly show, in fact have no what actual of meaning.Elephant we Edward's household no longer need to be proven what, although you look unattractive here, this is absolutely the whole world's most expensive manor, if be taken out to auction off, absolutely make record, that is absolutely a price that you all could not imagine forever.In regard to that this iron gate, there has been up thousand calendar histories, generally speaking the iron gate would become rusty last a hundred years, but this have nothing at all, you should understand a black paint below is what metal, have no several must the euro take not to come down."
In this time, Lin Dong understood, Edward's household is beautiful and intelligent, really is don't need to be luxurious to come to prove what, this really is this the top-class noble family should have of manner, he saw one eye Edward BE?The Salsa princess says after:"Do not know why, I feel to isn't very suitable to your house now, after all at from second especially before orchid Di Si come back, talk what affairs all have no very special meaning, after all thing square culture still has very great difference."
In this time, Lin Dong not is have what from the vulgar mental state, also not is feel that the household Gao of Edward can not climb, but feel haven't considered now how can good relationship with Salsa princess keep on carrying on, want to do with their household more not what bargain.If and second especially orchid Di Si of go to lead long to pull last what relation of words, so this became one to have additional conditional marriage, all unfair to both parties, also have no substantial meaning.
Edward?The Salsa princess in whisper says on empress of the shoulder that slightly take at Lin Dong the head:"I know that you don't want to do with Edward's household to be any to trade, because words like that at you I of will have a misunderstanding that can never put on, for you I the association from now on will produce very good influence not.But the real warrior presumes to face miserably thin life, you should face the test from everyone's noodles, prove that you are to love mine.However, at go to second especially the orchid Di Si before really isn't very fitting, but you have already come over now, if turning round to return to words to seem to be to have a little isn't so good.Want to be not, you first and my father see side, as for you my affair after canning lead for a period of time again bring up."
Lin Dong slightly embraces princess of Salsa at bosom, he the light tone ground say:"I will accept to come from all challenges, will definitely go forward courageously as well, absolutely can't retreat.Is your site here, that I had to to listen to your to arrange.However the words said back again and meet with your father is also have much of necessary.However had better informally meet with, even if is be used as your friend to come over to pay a courtesy call on, had better not concern more things.A lot of things will be what happens without extra effort of, if coming all too soon the not exactly is a good matter."
The car directly arrived Edward country villa inside, after attendant open car door, Lin Dong and Edward?The Salsa princesses all came down, their Wan began to slowly walk to the ancient fortress.
After walking and going into the city fortress, Lin Dong just knew luxurious real definition, that will never be inset the jade of gold Qian so simple, the noodles is more to is historical dead silent, sublimating of art here, is live style of perfect turn.
Edward?The Salsa princess led Lin Dong to a small scaled reception area, she said with a smile:"Is generally the place that I receive a friend here, although looking to have a little is small, so everyone may be more a little bit more friendly, can't have too big pressure."
Lin Dong Song says after shrugging shoulders the Bang:"Doesn't matter, is after all an informal meet with, the where should isn't all problem.This is my first time to come, but absolutely can't be end for a while, hope to arrive at the time next time will work out all problems."
"You come next time, will come with a marriage proposal toward my father?"Is this problem Edward?The Salsa princess concerns most of, she the light tone ground say:"I expect coming of your end and hope that you will become the frequent caller of Edward's country villa."
"That do you get ready?The marriage is a marriage, that will never be the child to play house so in brief."
The Salsa princess after contemplating for a while soft-voicedly says:"I don't know that in mind noodles or many or little still have a certain obstacle, can not accept this affair a while, we still lack the most necessary communication, we should understand and know the other party mutually."
"Yes, we still need to communicate many problems, so this problem temporarily come to an end for the time being, I believe in suitable time, I will do the most correct choice of."
At Edward?After Salsa princess goes out, Lin Dong starts deliberating next move he or she how should do, oneself very obviously since arrived at Rome, that soon should contact especially with Ba Ke of sea demon, distance go to second especially orchid Di Si of time is more and more near, but oneself still don't work well the most abundant preparation and only rush place of extreme danger to really have a little an adventure in this case.
Is second orchid Di Si especially always is all legend, only appear 《is big west country 》 that writes in the Plato in, actually is what appearance know for no one.Come to the scientists have been being looking for the time immemorial civilization for losing for several decades, but always have no the least bit news, this mysterious country became to don't understand in this case of riddle.
BE going to now have been already done not understand of riddle of second especially orchid Di Si, that is really an affair of narrow escape from death, the Lin Dong's exploration toward this activity doesn't catch a cold and if not that having no alternative in this case, he just have no so stupid go to and take a risk,beats by dre solo.
The time in Lin Dong's entertain foolish ideas, door an open to come in shape high greatly grow the middle age of red beard, naturally is he Edward?The Salsa princess' father.This person after entering house say with a smile:"How do you do!Mr. Lin, am I Edward?Mulberry virtuous Lu, very happy can see you arriving at Edward's country villa to visit."
"Mulberry virtuous Lu duke, you are very kind, the dead hour is presumptuous to disturb, and the disrespectful place still hopes to forgive."Lin Dong seems to be very in this time civility, hope to stay a good impression for this guy, after all he is the Salsa princess' father, oneself is still a little bit careful of well.
Edward?The mulberry virtuous Lu says with a smile:"There are an ancient words in your country say like this, there is a companion coming from afar, not as well Yue, the person doesn't know but not Yun, not as well gentleman.The future is a guest, I am too late still happy, how can feel to have what presumptuous?Listen to Salsa say, you are a person who has miraculous energy, don't know you actually being what of self-discipline?"
Because thing square's culture up exists tremendous difference, the comprehension is inconsistent on a lot of problems.Allly practice moral teachings to all basically have relation with religion to fasten in the west, this and the fixing of east is really as different as chalk and cheese.Lin Dong knows if explain to fix the true words are very hard to tackle, though this Edward?The mulberry virtuous Lu duke will speak Chinese, but very obviously is that know skin, in this case is have no way to describe oneself's identity with the suitable language.
Very obviously and since Edward?The mulberry virtuous Lu has already inquired about here, not the answer is obviously also not that suitable, the words like that seem to be specially ill-mannered.Lin Dong says after contemplating a short moment:"There are a group of remarkable talent lives in the world here probably, they live a very special life and own very special energy, only at thing square terminology speech description up will have difference.The dint that is a little bit simple to say to is a group of persons to own saint in Europe, but you in Related articles:

