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Return the Jin army southward invasion ,through the initial difficult situation, but also to upper and lower pressure ,the implementation of change ,the introduction of the new law ,the court of the entire gas like all changes ,also make the product can have deep song again Huan new vitality .
And in the end of last year, will be the good drubbling ,also not to cede territory and pay tribute to the great song and .relationresultAs a result of thisfield to the great victory ,big song southwest around some countries ,such as the Tibetan ,Cochin ,bagan in awe in the song ,while the Zhao Chen birthday ,have send envoys ,carrying a gift to Jiankang ,with a gift, named Zhao lichen .
At the same time overseas ,Japan ,to flow for Korea Southeast Asia also sent envoys to the song ,if coupled with Jin and Xia ,this time has the twenty-two countries at the same time to celebrate this in the Song Dynasty ,in the song ,by many years without pomp .
relationresultCan besaid that although Zhao Chen was less than four years ,but the construction work by more than one after the first three Song Dynasty emperor, and even south of the former Emperor Zhenzong ,better reputation is compared ,holds as much .
relationresultBut it is clear that Zhao Chenwas not satisfied with the work now ,only the northern plains ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com,recover lost territory, to create a great song of Sheng Shicai is his ultimate aim .
Of course, he also believes that ,in himself and his efforts together ,the goal that will be achieved .relationresultIn Zhao Chenbirthday ,had just been canonized as long as his princess ,Zhao Wanru of Yongjing also agreed with Yue Ke .
But while Zhao Wanru agreed to the marriage ,but also put a condition ,that is now subject to raise Zhao Wanru Deng Zhao Hong King not adult ,so that Zhao Hongnian full sixteen years old ,can independently control office ,and Yue Ke .
But after the wedding ,but also keep the Zhao urinary ,until she grew married now .relationresultThisrequest is also be perfectly logical and reasonable ,but now from Zhao Hongnian turned sixteen years old only less than a year ,Yue Ke and Zhao Wanru are young ,this time of year is also afford .
Therefore both sides to exchange tokens ,this marriage is put down .That helped Zhao Chen and Yue Ying et al a wish .relationresultBookedZhao Wanru after marriage ,Zhao Chen to leave, with Zhao Hong ,Zhao urinary to Ling palace .
And another thing ,also began to enter the discussion stage .It is the great song and Mongolia Federation .relationresultTwo:Mongolia envoys with eight infants and children in the fire light red health to live by more than 10 days ,although free ,but is always something missing in my heart ,therefore also very anxious ,but also know the emperor birthday is a great event ,so it can only wait patiently .
Until now has the emperor birthday is over ,Beats Detox,and came to Yang Yan ,asking the alliance with Mongolia, how are things ?relationresultIn fact,Zhao Chen never forgot the things in Mongolia .In the past few days has been the palace serious reading Yang Yancheng handed the Mongolia data, so the situation in Mongolia also has a general understanding .
At the same time and Yang Yan together in two times, then called Han Yanzhi ,Beats Solo HD,Zhao Ruyu ,Wang Yan three the ministers discuss .relationresultEveryonebelieves that with Mongolia Federation to have feasible hope ,but after all, for the particular case of Mongolia ,had better to send ambassadors to follow Mongolia prairie to see ,see Mongolia Khan iron pin it ,or the Mongolia have an intuitive understanding ,learn about Mongolia how much strength ,the alliance with Mongolia ,on the song ,how many .
The problem then returned to Mongolia to go to who .Yang Yan still asked ,by personally going to Mongolia .relationresultZhao Chen and three otherministers also think ,Yang Yan is really the most suitable candidate .
Because the mission ambassador to Mongolia ,not only to be bold but cautious ,able to adjust to changing circumstances ,and to some extent ,but also can represent the Zhao Chen decision and Mongolia Federation conditions power ,only Yang Yancai can do .
relationresultNowthe whole song the line by all finished ,six Royal garrison commander respectively Jing Lake Road Xiangyang Palace Royal garrison command when Jun ,German Ann Palace Royal garrison command Li Quan ,southern West Kwangju Royal garrison command Liu Fuwu ,Haozhou Royal garrison command Zhang y ,Huainan East Road, Xuyi military command ,Chuzhou garrison command Guo Zhen Royal garrison command Gongzuo Lee ,and Navy and jac .
The other one by Bi Jing Lake Road Royal Ma duct ,is responsible for the entire Jing Lake line ,and Cao Xun and the high earthquake in health ,it can be said that the current song line is as strong as iron .
relationresultAt the same time,Wanyan Yong was not news to Jiankang ,in this case ,Jin is also very difficult to start a war ,so Yang Yan is on a mission to Mongolia ,there is a good chance .
relationresultButall they are clear ,this time to Mongolia ,the future is still hard to tell Qing weal and woe .Everything is going smoothly. Maybe ,maybe full of danger ,so let Yang Yan to ,have some of worry .
But to insist to Yang Yan ,and there is no other candidates ,only tentatively identified ,allowing Yang Yan to .relationresultAfter determining thesecret trick ,Zhao Chen immediately see two Mongolia ,to ask and in Mongolia and Temujin various things .
In eight infants with fire and bright red to children nor a little to conceal and exaggeration ,all of Zhao Chen problems are the real answer .Zhao Chen saw the two of them said, basic and Yang Yan offer information about, also at ease many .
So when the temple is ,by Yang Yan as envoy to Mongolia ,with two people .relationresultTwo peopleafter listening, is very happy, also suggested to Zhao Chen ,because the great song and Mongolia does not border on, and grassland is not peaceful ,or in the best team name is discussed, through the prairie ,arrive at .
relationresultAlthough thesong decided ,with Yang Yan as the ambassador to Mongolia ,Ambassador to Mongolia, but each preparatory work still needs some time ,but not in a short period of time to complete the .
So with eight infants and children with bright red fire ,decided to field with eight fire to return to Mongolia ,told the news to Tiemuzhen ,let him prepare for the preparation .Bright red in healthy infants ,following Yang Yan departure the group together .
relationresultThe eighty-eight engagement , relationresultSowith eight fire to Zhao Chen ,Yang Yan ,with only two from the people ,return to Mongolia .relationresultAroad without incident, after one and a half months after the long journey, with eight fire back to the grasslands of Mongolia tribes .
relationresultWhenTemujin to camps in Mongolia by infants at the foot of the mountain moved to catch fish by the sea ,it is part of the Tata son resident ,flat terrain ,abundant water, north of a tall and lush forests can withstand cold South ,South Xingan ridge can stop the Centaur ,very suitable for establishing camp .
More importantly from the Wang Han camp and more distant ,but Wang Han wanted to attack Mongolia ,must after a long journey, while Mongolia would be sitting pretty .relationresultIn eightinfants with fire after coming back ,was immediately Temujin warmly welcomed the promise ,that with Mongolia Federation ,to fight against the Jin ,and soon will be dispatched a messenger to grassland ,Tetsu Shinya is full of joy .
Immediately ordered arrange banquets ,celebrate the news .relationresultInTemujin and rejoice when, suddenly someone to report ,King Khan sent envoys to see temujin .relationresultLarge accountsuddenly quiet down ,in recent years ,remove partial office corner of Nayman ,prairie only iron pin and Wang Hanshuangxiong put it ,and both sides are not absolutely sure beat each other ,therefore only then temporarily also maintained on the surface state of friendship ,in the back ground, both in the accumulation of power ,waiting for a chance .
So at this time ,King Khan sent messengers to Mongolia department ,have what thing ?relationresultTemujinwas thinking ,side called led g the wrath of angels .relationresultEmissary seesTemujin ,also very respectful ,said: our King Khan Temujin Khan to the black forest to please eat sheep neck bone . Related articles:

