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Grain team .Grain car about one thousand cars ,car escort grain gold army and present a total of seven thousand or eight thousand people .relationresultYang Yanknow ,the food must be besieged Qixian County team to gold Army food .
Immediately Xin Qiji : Mr. Yan Xin ,we Jiu in is down there . , relationresultXin Qiji opened themap ,looked for a moment : now have to the vicinity of Fengqiu, from the black Yangshan less than 100 ,no competing outside words ,today evening can be used to black mountain .
Wood this is Tokyo from more recent, less than fifty . Turning south to look ,as if to see a general tokyo .relationresultYang Yan immediatelycalled Xin Qiji ,Wang Shilong ,Yu public light discuss .
After a moment calculation ,draw the conclusion :even if the food because of the attack team and exposed expeditionary army ,song learning in Bianliang also sent reinforcements before step to black mountain .
Yang Yan then immediately ordered the army to prepare for battle ,against the grain of the golden army .relationresultYang Yan reached out his hand andpulled out behind the wind forest volcano was ordered to charge ,suddenly one Yu public light pulls him to: Yang Yan ,wait a minute .
, relationresultYang Yanstartled, he said: the bright ,how ? , relationresultYupublic light pures colors : I know you are very brave ,but always take the lead in time of war .But things are different now .
You are the commander of the army ,it is your responsibility to command army combat ,not like the past but like himself killed .The charge into the enemy ranks matter, or turned over to someone else to do it .
, relationresultYang Yan suddenlyawakes ,he is not a member of the general war ,but the expedition commander ,nothing must stand in the army commander .Although not all will not lead the charge ,but effective collecting volatile army combat is the most important .
relationresultAt this timeXin Qiji also said: Yang system ,Yu Tong system that well, you should still stay behind to command army combat . , relationresultAsa reminder of the horse come suddenly Zhao ,just their conversation she heard him, said: Yang Yan ,you remain behind to command army battle ,leading the charge things is to do it .
She taught herself into martial arts has not had a chance to work, in the Qixian County camp is only accompanied Zhao bingo ,beats dr dre,now is the debut ,is itch for a try .relationresultYang YanjianZhao Yueru takes on the challenge ,to some hesitation .
He is not but heart Zhao Yueru martial arts .But he knows ,Zhao Yueru is never go to the battlefield .His debut play but remember what Jing all ,then the enemy spattered with the blood of his body, head halo ,the whole people paste paste graphs in the .
But Yang Yan also clear except for Zhao Yueru ,to really find out of second individuals instead of their charge .Liu Fuwu or Chen Yichao seems to have also a number of poor .relationresultZhao YueruYang Yan remained silent ,the hearts of some unhappy : how ?Do you think I lack of martial arts ? With good Mi a slight frown ,waved life dragon stick .
relationresultImmediately Yang Yanwaved his hand : princess ,I didn but you are the battlefield for the first time ,I but little . In the twinkling of an eye ,saw the side of Yu public light ,heart had an idea :he put it to himself remained behind to command ,this hot potato or throw painted him .
Immediately : Liang Gong ,you and the princess a spearhead, be careful of princess . , relationresultYushell mouth with a wry smile ,had to nod .Zhao Qianru aside pursed her lips smiling ,Zhao Yueru hum do not , relationresultStop talking.
relationresultNot easy tosolve Zhao Yueru problem ,Yang Yan immediately ordered ,by Zhao Yueru ,led the first battalion of Yu public light for the main ,Cao Xun ,high shock collar second main wing ,the Fourth Battalion was responsible for setting fire to grain ,Third Battalion and the Wuying for preparation .
And that ,to Jinbing will not take prisoners ,killing all the .relationresultGo ,go ,don dillydally . Speed among the wood off to men who .The stem gold counterattacks of schedule ,also make each golden army are still in the dark in Yangshan ,not divided to the army to .
This time the speed in and led five thousand soldiers ,three thousand porters ,one thousand grain car a total of fifteen thousand stone grain to chen .While escorting soldiers is not much, but in the churchyard ,and once to Nanjing ( a ) there will be men meet ,therefore speed up still very reassuring .
But he is but the heart to send grain time ,a period of five days ,this again was third days, there seems to be some to accelerate .relationresultThen asergeant : ,brothers walk very tired ,or have a rest .
, relationresultSpeed,and stared at him, had less than twenty miles and tired ,two days leave less than one hundred ,it is because of this take a rest period . ,today must be rushed to Nanjing ,not to Nanjing ,who was not allowed to rest .
, relationresultThesergeant will say what ,suddenly heard a voice from the distance on the earth the gradual approximation .Speed ,and looking up, I saw from afar dusty ,almost blind the sun .
A team of white-clad cavalry rushed toward his food .relationresultIs to meet the grain army ? Speed ,and is still not aware of the danger has been close to . Think they pick out so far .
Had only heard of futu iron in black armor ,can hear Daikin state that team is wearing a white gown ? , relationresultZhao Yuerurides a white bulk ,Kami Toshino and white horse ,the front of the punch in the song .
Body custom silver armor with her beautiful curve figure, the helmet also plays a white feather ,beautiful face with a silver masks ,showing only a pair of eyes eyes .The white shirt with the flying horse flying in the sky, Fengzi prosmart .
And the danger to the public light urged the horse behind her .relationresultZhao Yuerudragon stick a cross arm on the horse, left hand is holding a big bow ,the right hand from the arrow pot in a sample of five vultures Ling arrow ,from the golden army there are two hundred step distance ,will be an arrow on the string , whiz ,such as meteors shoot arrows .
relationresultThe fiveChang Zheng smiled to speed Hudao thinking : well, well, the grain car to them that we will do, or can rest ,rest ... ... His words are not finished yet ,just listen to he was a head cut off ,playing a vest behind Eagle plume arrow .
relationresultInthis fast suddenly realize :is Song Jun to rob the food .Madly immediately shouted: is a song ,song rob food ,ready to fight ,to protect the grain cart . , relationresultZhao Yuehao didnstop ,hands constantly pulling the strings ,archery .
Between the blink of an eye ,will be more like five arrow shot out etc. .Miss ,continuous shot five jin .However, and hung up the bow ,dragon stick ,rushed to the golden army .Song Jun chorus of cheers .
relationresultBeginningwith Zhao Yueru leading the charge ordered by Yang ,Jun is amazing ,thought that Yang Yan was wrong .Who would have thought the pretty princess has unexpectedly so a good archery ,you know the ordinary bow with this amounted to less than two hundred yards ,only a special stone Wudou around the bow ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com.
Who in this moment ,even Zhao Yueru himself did not know ,she has been in the military who are in mind to establish a beautiful and powerful image .In the soldiers eyes ,in front of the white figure suddenly radiance .
relationresultSong Junrustic soars, all shouting kill ,to the golden army .relationresultSpeedamong the pull-out broadsword ,cried : back song ,dr dre beats,protect grain cart . In fact, speed among the mind clear, own the five thousand men simply can not protect grain cart .
But as escort grain cart in general ,lost the grain car is undoubtedly to death ,but also can fight and the death of Song Jun .So he hurried is horse, towards the front of the silver armors wearing a silver mask song .
relationresultZhao Yueru saidQingchi ,long stick hit , stop a cutter stick ,a huge force as soon as possible ,and hands ,mouth pain ,bolo out and fly .Two horse Xiangcuo ,an idea as soon as possible . Related articles:

