
cnn the language aside s

The text chapter 419 south Di
Renew time:2010-7-129:57:34 chapter word numbers:3278

The lunch is previous this day, pure lotus, You Ji and Yu text to shout all to have already arrived to in time, but imitate a Buddha for the sake of this delicacies but especially the idea rush through into.When 3 people came in, but in chance encounter the Ning Be cold to change attiring of bride, carried a bowl of pottage that personally cooks, slowly exceeded to go into from the outside, the pure lotus disappears with her for few years, a hope under, ascend happy infinite, if not is to have regard for that pottage, almost whole personal sons all want to rush toward to go up.
She at halfway in, then have already listenned to that emissary tell various affairs that take place last night, as a result at this time, see the Ning that the bride attires cold, but is the slightest don't think difference, on the contrary smiling all over, the one mouthful is a mother, keep calling originally some awkward and shy jade person's sons are more embarrassed, stone not the language aside smile to sing of hesitate, but the at heart suddenly gush matchless of satisfy feeling.
Just he this fiddle while Rome is burning however a short moment, the man be then been strong line of by sister in the Li house to start to pull, do a within kitchen, You Ji slightly a hesitant, evade confrontation with late, be also had no good man to without extra trouble hold tight, along together tooked into, saw that meaning, probably is want to make her return to she's scapegoat.
After cold morning and Ning talked once, the Li is tiny, the Li is boundless the air at this time, but seemed to be bright and beautiful many, then connected tightly wrinkly eyebrows, then have already shown cloudy become fair of evidence.Not the stone language understands Ning cold certainly is to say some words of consolations, perhaps still promised the promise of "have man to together enjoy", but Rao is such, he is still very curious, take fill bowl with rice of time, openings start to inquire cold meaning of Ning.
The Li is tiny to eat to force however, this just the purse one's lips say with smile:"The elder sister says that as long as you would like to, Jia Lian, Mo Chou, still have us, can marry to be home again!Would was to connect You Ji to along together accept, she was also inattentive ……"
This talks a , the positive benzene hand benzene feet fill bowl with rice of You Ji, while ascending jade cheek dizzy and red one, almost even the porcelain bowl in the hand also holds not to live.Stone not language but is a startled long time, can not control feelings of clapping and clapping forehead, mumbling way:"Is old sky of!Might it not be, do I cross a certain stud novel not to become?Isn't the madam only not jealous, incredibly still steep beauty for me?"
"Is incomprehensible!"The Li is boundless is once connecting porcelain within the hand of You Ji of bowl, smelt light Cui of speech him an one mouthful.Just descend a moment, her happy of color but suddenly of one Shan but not language, the way of You You:"The elder sister says that you sooner or later also want to leave here …… contend for that meaningless honor and duties with it, rather, everyone releases some minds ……"
Stone not the language positive desire take bamboo chopsticks and smell speech one Zheng, slightly loose on the hand, listens to the voice of "split Pa" don't live to ring out, that bamboo chopsticks, the whole amount downfall ground comes and lead the one is noisy miscellaneous.The Li is boundless to hope his one eye, didn't feel sigh tone, held Li tiny, the You Ji along together went to go out, stayed the independence of his one person in this building, wood however have no language ……
Lead very long, finally listen to one is leisurely long of sigh to ring out.Although the sunlight of noon is bright and beautiful, from last night rise then savings many men of good moods, must at this time, on the contrary feel to shoot into the ray of body, all suddenly changed into haze ……
Because of stone not the variety of language mood, this originally for the sake of reunion but establish of lunch, not if prepare to think win so joyful.Like in the stone not the language have been optimistic and know to find excuse to console oneself and add of a few jade persons have intention to not intentional of cater to, pour to also gradually untie eyebrows, throw that vexed worry over one side.
Again lead a long time, distance row or column etc. person the then big brigade kill into and pull the taking of half Ye Yu text by the half of "protection" to shout and see that meaning, about think the past days defeating of battlefield, look for back from the wine altar.Wait until a these people horse to leave, public have never continued as well the mind for having a meal, stone not the language bring up to go to the matter of the Di of south, various female natural milli- no objection, at that moment and in brief tidy up some kind of, then namely start on journey.
Before facing to go, stone not the language does of a matter, would be will numerous spoil a monster to call a time one by one, Qin Mu only fear stone not language again such as early some years that sort is subjected to a sneak attack, again especially the idea adjusted to send 500 Jings to ride and changed slack suit with they with go.The Yuan son listens to the Yi work properly of turn to tell, originally also the desire along together lefted for, but was blocked by Yang Lin Qiang's line bottom.Old headman crafty one a life time, understand Li Mi in the Yu Yu now naturally, at this time, but is exactly the best opportune moment that lets the Yuan son left for to entwine to dissipate sorrows.
Let go of this side not to lift, stone not the language and Ning cold various female now start on journey, the on the way has no matter, stone not language vapor trail of give of matter, 15110 tell.The Yi works properly the life experience of knowing oneself, nature very happy, malicious can not put wings to fly monster boundary once, but listen to would not° until a hundred years also open, immediately gloomy air, as suffering big injustice in the sky.
Stone not the language early know that she will make she's various general knowledges in the monster boundary being pleasing to tell thus and at that moment and speak miraculous interesting place, the Yi works properly immediately and forgets just of Yu Yu, turn but press he doesn't want to hold in suspense and tantalize, had better come to a midnight on the first five more of.Wait until a very self-satisfied man speech way he or she on the tip of demon Jiang state, and then after showing off a making of sort and once changing the method of the body, hold the small girl eyes of chin in, then leaves twinkling stars with can not compute of the feeling of adoration.
However, wait until a stone language not at praise highly to satisfy in the voice of fly up a sky go to before, his pouring don't also forget the bewitching Jue that that vapor trail write down, pass Yi to work properly a hand in.Have this passes from generation to generation of the bewitching Jue is in the hand, and practice moral teachings for consecutive days in the journey, wait until the red Liao mountain that the south Di tribe resides to appear in the visual field of, the Yi works properly to freely change into to fly a horse, and it demon the usage of the dint although still doing not calculate is well-learned,still doing not calculate gives sufficient time, catch up Mo sorrow with leisurely white, also just a matter of time ……
And probably would be her that sheen that becomes after death is too obvious, 1 brigade visits to explore outlying south Di to fly a Tuo soldier within sight see this strange of prospects after, ascend together and together Lei horse, dash away mountain once, free to public how at after bawl at, is also will never turn head.
Stone not the language at heart Nu rise and fly up to left for, capture a Zhi empress of ride soldier inquiry, this just know this red Liao mountain neighborhood, often have some the China bandit of taking captive the slave to appear, occasionally still mix up with in the troops several be believed in a door to drive out of have no virtuous disciple.From just of circumstance to see, these fly a Tuo soldier to want to is to misunderstand a public identity, so catch up the mountain reports letter, only afraid again lead a short moment, then will have big brigade person's horse to kill to come down.
But depend on that ride the soldier is finally of the speech of threat say, the clan was Chang-an plain to take recently female Zong Shi comes back, the real strenght is very violent, your these slave traders if know an interest, then and early as possible put this big Ye I, then the darling roll out south the Di go.Not the stone language listens to burst out laughing, without extra trouble clap he faints, once the eye pupil turn and suddenly have a bad mind ……
The various female sees his Xi Xi but smiles, which will don't understand this in-between of truth.Also don't wait their openings inquiry indeed as expected, stone not language then already Mo Suo wear chin, flutter feather fan, at two classic action of set off under, play what that set it account to slowly tell,cnn.The various female smells speech, all is a Qu in every aspect and mutually, but finally Ao however he, have to accompany the prince to read previous time a book.
Was at that moment public to change battle armor, mixed up in 500 Jings to ride in, was signed to calm down to wait for at first, indeed as expected a short moment behind, then saw distance smoke and dust rise Teng, the horse of several thousand people dashed about since then, a short moment was then on the tip of at present.Lead the way a various person, is exactly the Anne's vegetable and Jia Lian that for a long time disappears and don't worry a various female, in addition to being red to kiss, unexpectedly is a don't be absent ……
"Miao Miao of!Deal with 500 people, as for Qing nest but?"Stone not the language is miscellaneous in, hope to see a various female facial appearance to remain, at heart nature very happy, but see they the such battalion kill into,also unavoidably whispered severals.
He just in mind stomach Fei, in front various female but have already stopped to sit down the mountain Tuo that the disease rushes, slowly and about to come out.The Anne vegetable escorts at the Mo Chou and Jia Lian under, lift long the gun go to battle and raise head loudly drink a way:"The Er waits who and dare to come me south the Di beg for prairie fire, then don't fear to die!"
Is alongside the sea to ride a soldier in every aspect and mutually Qu, how can not anticipate a coy jade person's son unexpectedly will be thus stupid as well, immediately speechless have no to should answer.Stone not the language saw in, don't feel smile a to smile, quickly let go of helmet to hold up noodles to permit, plan Ma Xing goes to battle, he is only fear found an identity, therefore especially the idea chose piece tremendous helmet, at this time right away on jolting, immediately lead the battle armor don't live to bump shot and send out a tinkling voice to ring, then such as movable musical instrument general ……
The Rao is a various female at this time the quick temper see very big such kind of funny scene, also not from get purse one's lips to lightly smile.Anne vegetable body light Zhan Related articles:

