
dr dre beats circle to spread a s

Only die in battle here.
Obviously, none of these two choices are a good choice.
But orchid the virtuous Si don't give it the opportunity of the choice, he quickly retreats and starts singing since the incantation.Although the motion of magic will let the devil in the blindness get a lord to find out himself/herself more easily, orchid the virtuous Si still did so.
He sees the other party of wildly dry, in this case, make use of the other party of urgently dry make a fatal intention to murder, for orchid virtuous Si this bad kid come to say it's not difficult.
The devil gets lord Hao to call to rush at orchid virtuous Si, it even threw away its own weapon, but stretched out benefit claw and opened a big mouth to peep out a Liao teeth in it.
The instinct of living creature probably and more inclines toward to use body combat, not foreign weapon.The mankind only have mankind, was probably unique living creature that make it a rule to ask for help of outside dint.
So, then small and weak mankind can on the strong,such as the wood's existence battlefield, existence, develop, strengthen this degree till now.
This world, still belong to mankind of ah.
Abandonned heavy weapon, the wild turned devil then had to let virtuous Si of orchid also have to careful speed and quick in action, in consideration of opponent as long as literally wipe and then can make oneself's severely wounded, the orchid virtuous Si more and more and carefully gets up.
Arrogant stop the shoulders of the virtuous Si at the orchid, it is tiny to twinkle sorcery of working, this unattractive runt is virtuous orchid the Si Shi Fa's necessity, had no it, the orchid virtuous Si then could not become a sorcery teacher.
But when the arrogant exists, orchid virtuous Si but is the strong sorcery teacher that a doesn't almost and impossibly interrupt.
A strong sorcery teacher, a strong devil, who will win?

Keeping of devil the burning AN of the shot 6 ACT1 explosion
Renew time:2008-9-321:11:24 chapter word numbers:4680

Burning 6 ACT1 explosion
He step by step retreats and often change a direction to lead the other party to round a turn son.Suddenly, the devil gets a lord to suddenly stop a step to turn round, one club to after death failed come down.
"Admire, you were on the whole the route that remembers me."The orchid virtuous Si sneers at.
Sorcery, Cui cold jailbird's prison, three rank water attribute varieties fasten sorcery, making one can Heng settle of low temperature space, result in cold injury and make the opponent frozen stiff or freeze.
Surroundings of the air quickly cool off down, devil's getting a lord is almost oneself to intrude into the orchid's virtuous Si as jailbird's prison that it readies to, and this cage that constitutes to°from water chemical element strength can keep very low temperature, or we can call it as the refrigerator of sorcery edition …
To the devils in the purgatory, the chill is obviously aller terrible than any deadly poison.
Orchid virtuous Si's understanding the sorcery of this degree isn't enough to immediately polish off a 12 the getting of rankses lord class devil, however, low temperature status descend devil of the activity effect obviously will descend, while this is exactly the result that the virtuous orchid Si wants.
The devil gets a main scale to immediately become green gray, orchid virtuous Si's without thinking raising a hand is one arrows, evil play to shoot the bone of jetting to stab just like the lightning flash, seem the virtuous Si of orchid just raised a hand, that bone arrows then had already shot in the devil to get a main chest.
"In the clout!"
"This this!"Not the distance after death spreads the interjection of small You excitement, the orchid virtuous Si thinks also not think to be right on the spot on rolling, quick of the break out of count a rice far.
For small You this viewpoint peculiar chain gold assistant, the orchid virtuous Si has already had a full estimate, particularly is the destructiveness to her chain gold work ……
Small You's throwing what to come over is a jar, if there is still inside the bottle, one's trying a bottle is immersing green liquid at the You in.When the jar dashes to the ground break, try a bottle and then dump to come over among them, will among them of medicine interfusion You green of in the liquid, close behind ……
The smoke being purple steams Teng but rises, the quick dissipation is up in the air.Orchid virtuous Si lookinging at of positive oddness small You, think the girl's out of order time for baby, he sees, girl that be like pole small fox of steal to smile.
Stole the small fox of honey, lovely, very sweet, very deceitful.
The purple smoke of dissipation seems to have a certain and miraculous magic and be it to spread go to, black fog of the surroundings suddenly as living to come over, quickly of condense to this position, not much, those black fog then liquefy, crystallizes and falls to the ground.
"Hey Hey, small You you are true cleverness."Orchid virtuous Si not from on saying with smile, he stretches hand a to grasp, unexpectedly direct grasp that black fog crystallize that takes to have causticity in the hand.
The false dragon is poor soul ……is clearly a virtuous orchid Si to grow up now the biggest hero, but drive orchid the virtuous Si regard as a mask, the gloves even is a dish cloth to use ……
"Is a good material indeed as expected, the small You wants to carefully use, this thing, but 12 rank devil output evil sex material inside the body."The orchid virtuous Si just carefully takes out a piece of coarse cloth to wrap up those thin ground crystals and put to go into to try among a bottle save.
These fog, seem is also one part that the devil gets lord body, at this time drive strong line of capture, get to the devil lord to say, would be fatal injury.
"With I of, allow you offer humble soul to please sad Qi of my absolute being of lord."Orchid virtuous Si smile way.
The devil gets a lord to embrace a head to loudly roar, the orchid virtuous Si just settles to certainly looking at it, completely didn't act.However suddenly, when the devil gets all of the lords to have no launching of omen to make a surprise attack as fierce as a fire bump to come over, the orchid virtuous Si slowly raises right hand and points to the center of the chest of opponent.
"That, I wanted."
The spider captures to kill!The action of orchid virtuous Si seems and compares before quickly several cents, under the function of the wreath of double son, his figure was almost thin like light fog, the words just exported, he then has already bumped at the devil get main on the side.
Avert from front side, attackstone opponent to defendoof weak on the side, perfectly right is a good idea.The orchid virtuous Si bumps shot dint not and calculates greatly and compare devil to get main strength he still far and far don't enough class, however, orchid the hand of the virtuous Si in but take a weapon.
Gao power mode start of grain son knife.The devil gets a main scale very hard, the muscle is strongly built, however at grain son knife that very short light blue light blade up, but is like a piece of thin paper.
Shua Shua Shua ……a connect several times brush past very and quickly, the devil was pared a word while getting main on the side to ascend.The orchid virtuous Si Yang wears a corner of mouth, burning the evil sword don't know when have already appeared in his right hand, forward a sting.
" Use your blood as I lately- created evil sword skill to open light."The orchid virtuous Si puts a cachinnation way, " my Mi sword, Fen piano."
Is burning the evil Si of sword excitement blare, the flame of that An color imitates Buddha at express Yi man in especially of excitement,dr dre beats.
The sword is burning, orchid the look in the eyes of the virtuous Si is also burning.
The wreath of double son gives speed and dexterity for him, burning of the evil sword contain enough strength, and bring the fire chemical element the obvious to build up of the sorcery, linger around to catch fire to annoy on the sword aureole with burning of the sword of evil sword work properly Yi man in act in cooperation mutually especially…………All everythings, all at for the sake of a purpose.
Demolish, the Mi sword that the opponent completely demolish.
The orchid virtuous Si isn't good at a lance skill, don't represent his war capability weak, in fact, the orchid virtuous Si is absorbed in the basic character of promoting the oneself, his strength, nimble, eyesight, mood, all call up to is a superior.Even if had no idea to once learn a too profound martial skill especially, he still kept being a terrible opponent.
If, plus the strength of sorcery again ……
Such speed, such of flame, then didn't need too many techniques, as long as coming out this strength exertion and would be strong Mi sword incomparable skill.
The bewitchingly beautiful sword light that the "is very beautiful ……" small You dejectedly hopes that to slowly bloom such as black lotus China, mumbling to oneself way.
Sword light such as flower, dazzling just a short moment, turn an eye then the smoke sell cloud to spread, leaves cripple the withered caulis leaf is still stating the then brilliancy.The sword light is thin to go, the devil gets a lord to disappear to disappear, just at orchid virtuous Si foot, take him as center of a circle to spread a several the emanation that draw to°from the blood line-like in shape sketch, put just like the Nu of fresh flowers.
The vibrating of evil sword excitement that is burning, send out pure more of call, obviously, this strength that demolish is matching sword to work properly Yi man inside especially of characteristic, it hopes earnestly strength, hope earnestly to fight of honor.
Orchid the virtuous Si Be clear to feel, uploaded to one from the sword body light of, but the very fresh clear strength is then it a Yi man inside especially of approbation?
An approbation, strength that can be provided as use, looks, is this Yi man inside's pouring especially the evil absolute being that a speaks a principle very much.
"Is very fierce…………"Small You Related articles:

