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Qi play, often to do so .Because Zhao Wanru was shy, do let her go .relationresultButZhao Wanru knows ,he had arrived the marriage age ,and she on Yue Ke printing as well ,for the marriage to also do not oppose ,but now his side with Zhao Hong and the Zhao Mi two people ,although married ,two people still can follow their lives together, young Zhao Mi listen ,to the said better .
But Zhao Hong was really let her put down to ,although now avoid strong is listen to their words ,but if that day is made up of temper, then how to do ?If you marry ,without them ,not their own in the side tube with Zhao Hong ,also don know what he ?relationresultTherefore,after a long silence ,Zhao Wanru before: nine mother ,let me some time, let me think about it .
, relationresultZhao Qianrualso know her heart ,but is not a good break, nodded ,and said: well ,the twelve mother ,do you think ,I have to leave now ,such as the official birthday ,you make a decision .
Then, with Gu Xueping rose to leave .relationresultZhao Wanru nodded,and they will be sent the inn .Back in the room, and wanted to half the day ,no decision .Had to sigh a Piao gas ,got up and went into the inner room ,temporarily upset ,also can ,hearts ,want to have a look two children about sleeping .
She first to Zhao Mi ,see Zhao Mi at this time to sleep, nor disturb her ,looked after ,and turned away .relationresultTo Zhao Hong,see the big sunflower ,beats dr dre,sunflower two is at the gate guarding ,they see Zhao Wan Buddha ,immediately salute ,whispered : to the princess .
, relationresultZhao Wanru gently: Hong Son asleep ? , relationresultBigsunflower : back to the princess ,your highness by fell asleep ,and slept well ,please rest assured that the princess !It ,the princess had earlier rest .
, relationresultZhao Wanru nodded,and said: I went to have a look this Hong Son, went to rest . , relationresultThenbegan to walk ,large sunflower ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,sunflower two immediately changed color, large sunflower quickly blocked, said: the princess ,your highness to fall asleep, you go in wake your highness, I am afraid not well ,is there anything ,Princess tomorrow morning goodbye was too late ! , relationresultHerealso said: yes ah ,princess .
Your highness by sleep ,also nothing special, but to this day ,the princess went back to rest . ,cheap dr dre beats, relationresultZhao Wansnorts, said: I just want have a look inside Hong Son, your two people there so much nonsense ,difficult to the two of you dare to stop me ?Don get out of my way .
, relationresultTwopeople are frightened, bowed to ,said: I dare not . , relationresultZhao Wanrudid not care for them ,from two through the middle, went into the house to .Big sunflower ,sunflower two people look at each other ,are found in each of the helplessness and fear ,but is powerless to stop Zhao Wanru ,had to bite the bullet ,with Zhao Wanru later ,walked into the room to .
, relationresultRebellion of eighty-three terminated ( a ) , relationresultNo ,this must not be ! Shi Miyuan almost jumped from the chair ,and motioning with his hand, shaking head like unplug billow drum .
relationresultZhao Hong andZong Tianxuan looked at each other ,two people looked somewhat ugly .In Tianxuan heavy track: why not? Does history had said earlier ,are false words ,and do not really want to overthrow the tyrant king ,make Deng di ? , relationresultShi Miyuan is busyand waved his hand ,and said: no, two don ,in my long to the discontent of the tyrant rule ,Deng King HRH is the fate of the return of the king ,under the assisted Deng mind to set ,no change of heart ,and it will happen .
, relationresultZhao Hong listened to,face it better ,said: history of adults, is so ,so you just why stop the palace ? , relationresultShi Miyuanheaved a Piao gas ,this before: while two listen to my words, and then make a decision too late .
, relationresultZhao Hong andZong Tianxuan by Wang Shiyong ,Sun Bingwen and Shi Miyuan two people ,a related series .The original text is Zhao Kai Wang Shiyong and sun Bing comrade ,in the defeat of Zhao Kai after Zhao Chen died ,defected to the side ,but Zhao Chen did not reuse them ,only to the two people who sent him for officer ,later the two people with the history very far ,only gradually promotion ,now known as Wang Shiyong Ren Huizhou ,Sun Bingwen, Yan know the state ,have become the Shi Miyuan party .
relationresultWhile Zong Tianxuan iscontact Zhao Kai jioubu, that the two of them head ,once home to find ,let them support Zhao Hong ,together to overthrow Zhao Chen control .But Wang Shiyong and Sun Bingwen are the official ball ,learned of Zong Tianxuan ,and not to say yes or no ,make it ready to accept either course ,will Zong Tianxuan hold, then go to a history of MI far .
relationresultShi Miyuan listened totwo people spoke of ,immediately realized that this is a rare opportunity .Because Shi Miyuan is an ambitious man ,pay ability ,now six power with the big Xu Township ,six Department of Lang is Shang alternative officer ,later even the opportunity to enter politics hall ,becomes the minister ,in general people do this step by mind enough .
But for Shi Miyuan, not Gan hasten people, only to this step ,is never enough .He wants, is to be the pinnacle of power, becoming the dominion ,mean what one says .relationresultButthrough the years of watching ,Shi Miyuan heart Qing Chu ,Zhao Zichen is never a good fool of the emperor, and he and Yang Yan range is also very difficult to challenge .
As long as Zhao Chen and the Yang Yan two people combination exists ,then in a government office ,you want to become Minister of cabinet ,even worship is not difficult ,but absolutely not only power ,mean what one says .
Can only be honest ,served under Zhao Chen as a paramagnetic hill ,in order to Big Song Mountain state ,offering his wisdom .relationresultShi Miyuan is certainlynot willingly, also made a number of moves ,the first incite people ,while victory over the machine, create public opinion ,let Yang Yan out as pivot quest ,going to push Yang Yan into his own in the teeth of the storm ,and then slowly try to deal with him .
But Zhao Chen did not expect that ultimately did not let Yang Yan out as pivot quest ,still to the behind the scenes, also let history very far this plan falls move .relationresultButShi Miyuan still can not be reconciled, and through buying palace Chamberlain ,seize the emperor without the Cha ,bulk insert rumor ,said that the emperor and the empress and opposition ,so not to slander ,Yue ying .
But the queen fell out of favor ,can create opportunities for the young princess ,for the Queen position .In order to control the harem ,and then slowly take things .It was just a few days ago ,from the palace of outgoing messages ,Guo Changda and so on five Chamberlain ,were the emperor with the impiety of death, a house everyone chilling ,who also not dare to talk rubbish .
relationresultShi Miyuanfound this at least at present ,Queen Yang Yan and the location is as firm as a rock ,it is difficult to shake .And while these two things are far history do it concealed ,did not involve himself ,but the paper is always covered outside the city ,now the Yellow Cloud View ,also be the court to cast spells on people ,absurd discuss court charges attachment .
Fortunately, the old Zheng Xuan common machine quickly, the first step to escape ,was not captured .But by national take .Later in case things brought to light ,he come to a bad end .
relationresultOf course,Shi Miyuan is not without thought ,with the most extreme measures ,a coup to change the present situation .relationresultButShi Miyuan knows ,coup generals of the necessary support ,which is called the three generals .
He is after all only a civilian ,destination although established some forces ,pulling in a number of wings ,but in the military forces, but also by far insufficient .relationresultAlthough heand Li Quan formed an alliance ,but Li Quan now stationed in Jing Lake ,difficult to play a major role .
But Li Quan is used for background, it is determined that Li Quanxiang served as the chief of three courts will be very difficult ,in the short term ,it may be difficult to count on .At the Related articles:

