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It is the default Xiao Han forecast .relationresultYou are so precious, we should be far away to hide, did not find the place to hide is ,why go to the market, but also exposed the whereabouts ? Xiao Han smiled, let me guess your purpose ,how? , relationresultDo you want to give it a thousand years the Indus wood to find a buyer ,or try to find a more suitable with his master right? , relationresultYou ,who the hell are you ? Hocking was slightly changed, not confident at Xiao Han asked ,beats by dre australia,met for the first time ,speak more than thirty words ,will be crystal clear in his own mind touch ,the nadir of so much person ?relationresultUnless thepeople of their own very familiar with !relationresultMr.
Hocking ,you don ,I told you before be strangers to each other ,but have heard your name ,gifted master of alchemy ,right? Xiao Han smiling ,he not only fully grasp Hocking mind ,also took control of conversational initiative .
relationresultYou want to get the root of the Indus wood ? Hocking is not an ordinary person ,calm once asked .relationresultOf course ,I find what are you doing ? Xiao Han nodded ,for thousands of years the Indus wood, if he is not an idea, it is not possible .
relationresultYou want to use it for thousands of years the sycamore do ? Hocking continued .relationresultThis seems to be no need to tell you ? Xiao Han smiled .relationresultNo, the millennium the Indus wood contains can be any of a human state of the city burned to ashes energy ,if used improperly ,it will bring the huge disaster, if you do not know ,I won give it to anyone .
Hocking said the resolute and decisive .relationresultUnder thisdifficult, that Hocking was still a great guy ,but the key of the problem is ,he does not know what do to with Chi You .
relationresultMr. Hocking ,the millennium the Indus wood is very important to me ,but its use is related to my personal ascension ,but I assure you it won that you said the disaster . Xiao Han said , as long as a reasonable price ,I can accept .
, relationresult,not until you tell me what you do with it ,or you don want to get it ! Hocking stuck to his original intention not diversion .relationresultI said ,you how so shaft ,you take this thing hide oneself from place to place ,one day there will be found ,if you want to keep it more difficult ,if he should fall into what people ,you have no time to regret it ! , relationresultBut I can give it to you ! , relationresult,I do not say to you ,you think good come looking for me ! Xiao Han felt like this no talking head ,unless yourself by force ,or until he thought to turn the corner !relationresultXiaoHan walk out the door, greet selling and selling pills a sound ,took his leave, leaving Hocking alone in the house !relationresultBad,forgot to ask who the man was ,Hocking hastily rushed out ,but found that people has gone away ,looking back, the door frame affixed a piece of paper, take down a look ,Huojindun when a smile ,suddenly think again ,their baby is Xiao Hanshen ,immediately bitter smile ,it seems that he even doesn ,have to go !relationresult,that he really has the millennium the Indus wood ? Sell herbal care asked .
relationresultPeace of mind to sell your herbal medicine ,there are some things you did not know is good ! Xiao Han said .relationresultBack toShu house ,days have bright ,Xiao Han let the cat to selling and selling pills arranged to stay, then go and see so big they .
relationresultXiaoHan stayed out all night ,Ning Xin the female nature could not sleep a good sleep ,early gathered together to discuss how to find ,yet, this saw Xiao Han from the outside in ,they put the heart down .
relationresultharvest ,last night ? So big to Xiao cold front, low voice said .relationresultXiaoHanchong she squeezed eyes and said: ok ! , relationresultSo biggive a pleasant smile of a woman ,said : a night rest ,tired ,let the children she give you squeezed ? , relationresultWell ,my shoulder some really tired ! Xiao Han one laughs .
relationresultLying in arocking chair ,glass ,a pair of hands gently so a pinch, the body instantly removed half spent .relationresultThirteen, how is it no one ? , relationresultDon where to go crazy ,yesterday in the rest of the night came back, also brought back a little girl ,who is also very beautiful .
So big just received .relationresultDragon five ? Xiao Han felt the need to talk about the dragon dragon five thirteen things ,if so let down ,to create what the trouble to get out of hand ,it .
relationresultBrother went out early in the morning ,said to be visiting some old friends to go . So big .relationresultYes, Rong Xin Miss gone yet? Xiao Han suddenly thought up and asked .
relationresultLeft in the early morning ,originally, people also want you to come back, an other ,but later received an urgent message ,he hurried away ,chrysanthemum can and Zhu Yinggu accompanying protection ! Ning Xin road .
relationresultThey send a letter to the blue sky ,let her mercenary guild and the bounty hunters guild issued a reward, the sun flower growth environment and characteristics of out ,find award ten million coins ,found clues ,confirmed this award one hundred thousand gold coins ! Xiao Han thought once said .
relationresultGod is going to attempt to save the Rong Xin sister ? So big surprise tract .relationresultThis is not I want to save will save ,I this is to do the personnel ,listen to heaven ,if there is a glimmer of hope ,I will still try, after all, to see a great beauty die is a bad thing ! Xiao Han shook his head with a smile .
relationresult,I found a man than we also say yes and mean no woman ! So big was vexed at Xiao cold eye ,writhing slim waist walked away .relationresult? Xiao Han see so big this outfit ,still holding his beloved small purses ,is clearly going out .
relationresultGo to date ! Ning Xin turned, naughty smiling .relationresultAppointments?About what ? Xiao Han a shock from the chair ,jumped up ,put him to pinch the shoulder of the glass children get a fright .
relationresult,we are going to light the sweetness Lanyi water dating ,and ice clouds together ,a woman you can eat vinegar ! Purple mirror said with a smile .relationresultJoan Lanyi water ,this is what I moth ? Xiao Han frown ,it relates to the holy light ,Xiao Han appears particularly cautious .
relationresultThis time is the virgin kiss as man stated that this date only a woman to a man ,without any other orcs Empire ,Queen Amir and princess Juliana will also take part in .
Purple mirror explained .relationresultOh ,oh ,you just let it go ,home all of me ! Xiao Han taibaodalan said , the son, give God squeezed . , relationresult,tomorrow is the ten qualifying ,who do you think will be the first Orc Warrior series best ? Purple mirror asked .
relationresultDon ,it is not to say, the orcs to show only a portion of the force ,there are many hidden strength is not known to us ,but only the ten person in humans ,is also a leader ,so in the future we despise any orc, it seems the ghost princess found a very strong ally ! Xiao Han is a channel with .
relationresult,outside a girl for you ? The cat was standing in the doorway before the road bend .relationresultGirl ,what girl ? Xiao Hanqi strange way, they can never go out to be promiscuous in sex relations ,even if provoked ,will not be responsible !relationresultDon ,she said to her grandfather grandfather ,she is not convenient . Related articles:

