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Hurt .Million Yinmo shield is because gold knife hit so many times ,many have been completely true fire refining ,Vaillant drops considerably .While Black Hawk reality did not hurt .
But bound soul cable also appeared to damage .relationresult,this metamorphosis !So we two as his sparring partner ! , relationresultOnce againblocked the gold knife attack, but could not help out a blood coca depressed said O had previously seen in battle under the pressure of progress to improve the friar.
But Yuan Futong ,who had never seen .Coca is suspected to continue ,giant Rune action time without end ,they stop their attack .relationresultNot really .So ,you exit and circle ,launched Operation black seal ,seal him directly .
Black Hawk reality looks at his secretary was the gold knife injury many bound soul cable ,hesitated .Said .relationresultseal !I not very safe ,beats by dre pro? Coca slightly started ,some hesitation and said .
Nether seal is he practicing black magic power is extremely strong a magical ,after finishing, can seal the same order ,most of the strength ,if the blood or something to join ,can be extended to develop many other effects .
The strong powers have a huge problem ,is a very long time-consuming and need be absorbed in . There ,not on the battlefield can use magical powers .After all the long time on the battlefield to Mitac ,absolutely belong to have a death wish .
relationresultRest assured ,as long as you exit the battle circle ,let his gold knife cannot attack you can .I let the Blackhawks guard you ,me as you stop Yuan Futong . Black Hawk reality said coolly .
relationresultAlthough Yuan Futongstrength during this time crazy ascension ,but not to completely overwhelm Black Hawk reality degree .Hold Yuan Futong for a period of time ,the Black Hawk reality is sure .
relationresult,I go to prepare . Coca hesitated ,see Yuan Futong again called the gold knife ,some said with resignation .Yuan Futong :this task in the yuan Rong mountain belongs to a top secret ,after the success in order to cope with other forces and Mune Naito also said that Yuan Futong is spending calamity failed ,who unfortunately .
The role of Yuan Futong could not escape ,so this task cannot ask other people to help ,only to have to know Black Hawk reality and coca .Of course, people can also be two to two empty elder for help ,but then ,recognising their incompetence, the Coca unacceptable .
So after thinking ,or chose to follow the hawk coca reality proposal ,began to prepare the nether seal .Although some risk ,but the coca believe prisoner dragon town should be trapped Yuan Futong .
To ensure their own safety .relationresultSeecoca isolated well .Yuan Futong slightly surprised. Look at Black Hawk reality depart from one begins and to fight ,while the Blackhawks had followed coca leave ,Yuan Futong the big heart .
relationresultA moment later,coca leaves in the direction of Yin Sheng .A powerful force began to gather ,Yuan Futong immediately guessed the opponent layout .Obviously ,the coca from battle circle ,to prepare for the powerful ,but need time to prepare for the big powers .
While Black Hawk reality is here to stop himself ,so that it can not attack the battlefield outside of coca .relationresultA good opportunity ! Induction to Coca ,and feel the coca has gathered power ,Yuan Futong mouth was a sneer .
Gold knife back toward the bound dragon cable ,reached out his hand for a magic gas reserved black shell ,fight to Yuan Futong before there has been no attempt to shock the prisoner dragon town .
Yuan Futong and my body also followed this shell ,rushed to the prisoner dragon town .relationresultNot good !Broken circle shell !How can you have such things ! In the black shells appeared moments ,Black Hawk reality found wrong ,but this time it was too late to stop Yuan Futong .
Can only see black Seashell in prisoner Dragon Town ward ,destructive forces at ward made a rule of the round hole, let Yuan Futong put the body and .relationresultGive me death ! Out of prison after the Dragon Town ,Yuan Futong did not like the Black Hawk reality might directly run ,but a teleport appeared in Hades seal was still preparing coca behind, regardless of Black Hawk claws and Black Hawk reality to release black sword ,sudden expansion body holding a golden sword ,heavy cut in a million Yinmo shield .
relationresult.thorn ,a raspy voice ,the voice also fall when, the gold knife has broken the coca guard treasure. Cut in before fleeing coca .Powerful force suddenly broke out, will direct the infinite surprise ,grievance, depressed ,even with God in one fell swoop on kill .
While at the same time, the Black Hawk are scratched Yuan Futong while the Blackhawks immortal sword pierce did not have much power to support the defense ,into Yuan Futong chest .relationresultThe thirteenth volume of the eighty-first chapter .
relationresultEnd?Looking at the self only Eagle Sword Pierced Yuan Futong chest ,Black Hawk scratched Yuan Futong head ,Black Hawk reality suddenly relieved ,be very upset mind began to heal .
relationresultIsaw Yuan Futong break out moment ,Black Hawk reality filled with regret and doubt .Black Hawk real regret that ,from the war so far ,have not thought of Yuan Futong has a breakthrough prisoner Dragon Town blockade in may .
Because Yuan Futong has been firmly trapped prisoners Dragon Town ,even the situation extremely difficult when no attempt to break the blockade of prisoner dragon town .This Act gave the Black Hawk reality a strong hint :Prisoner Dragon Town insurance .
So the Black Hawk live two people has not considered Yuan Futong could break the top trapped people treasure may ,all the strategy revolves around Yuan Futong could not break out of an encirclement and layout .
When two people have a little bit of the alert, it is impossible for coca work in just ways to fight outside the circle brewing nether seal this only in the absolute security of the circumstances under which it will use the magical powers, could not leave Black Hawk reality one harassing Yuan Futong ,that no intercept Yuan Tong Fuk escape force .
It can be said that from the beginning of the battle ,two men were Yuan Futong to set up ,this let hawk reality extremely regret .relationresultWhileBlack Hawk reality puzzled circles of two shellfish such things to happen .
Prisoner dragon town as the supreme commander in the sleepy people first baby ,it banned capacity throughout the yuan the collar are the top there .Even as black hawk reality than the treasure master ,the effect will be discount ,but it is definitely not Lianshen order monk to breakthrough .
This is in fact Black Hawk reality two drop one is the main reason .relationresultBecause theBlack Hawk reality two mom heart Yuan Futong could not shut out of prisoner Dragon Town means .
relationresultButthis confidence in two shellfish appeared was thoroughly shattered .For the two sector shellfish ,Black Hawk reality is very understanding ,for such things as master yuan demon lord Anfeng in rise process ,repeated use of such things break the ban execute the opponent, to establish their own status at the same time two shell through the impressive reputation .
Can say two circles shellfish is yuan magic brought in several the most top break the ban of precious .This belongs to Anfeng exclusive baby ,Yuan Futong appeared in a newly advanced Lianshen looks and Feng no relationship between monk hands Black Hawk reality is naturally full of doubt .
relationresultButat that time ,the Black Hawk reality has not much time to regret ,no time to think why Yuan Futong has two circles shell this should not occur ,but be absorbed in watching Yuan Futong .
Dashing in prisoner Dragon Town moments ,Yuan Futong has been in a strategic initiative he can be directly run to failure of the mission may suddenly burst threat to his two security .
relationresultBlackpeople don is the lucky or sympathy ,Yuan Futong chose to attack the coca ,and did not choose to escape .Such a choice not only for Black Hawk reality got safe so that he is obtained only a task completion opportunity . Related articles:

