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He is very happy ,happy smile ,said: before the break ,but Tianxuan peaks ,this is in the edge in a breakthrough ,into the body ,the body and the Eagle Statue of Dan Xuan Xuan force to actuate the moment ,we have successfully broken through into a God yuen .
relationresultAfter your grandfather learned Xuan Dan force .Actually barrier ,to two mysterious realm of god ! Cardioplegia Eagle Air lost sighed : but it hasn ,the mysterious Dan effect so far to have slowed down the momentum, but the three kinds of medicine medicine but at this point the muster out of rabid .
Direct drives the Xuan Dan forward ,rolling .A little bit of rising ,in the meridians in the rampage will be almost killing me !Not easy to keep up your old meridians comprehensive ,I suddenly found that your grandfather .
good luck was actually lucky guy ,through the third rank God Yuen boundaries ,it stays down . , relationresultThat is to say ,my grandfather is now God Yuen three ,only slightly lower than that of Xiao clouds layer ?.
No evil with excitement, a clap .Ha-ha laughs: I expected almost, I thought that can be to God Yuen two goods ,even more ,go up a level , relationresultNothing more to go up a level ?Two for God Yuen ,in order ,high order ,and then the higher rank for !Your grandfather is now three Hyun started with god !* * * ,is really go shit cardioplegia Eagle air was swung sleeves ,greatly feel imbalance : I go to sleep !You two here like sun ,I you ! , relationresultJunbattle day laugh ,a low bow : thanks for the Eagle Statue to help !Sb be indebted forever prince !Your family ,be indebted forever .
relationresultCardioplegia EagleAir smiled ,floated out .relationresultThe fourth chapter sixty-second door to kill , relationresultOutbreak,the more !Fork or sisters Day holiday happy !The success of a breakthrough ,he is very excited ,mr.
.A lot of talk words found grandson clutching his nose make an ambiguous statement ,a pair of not open ,very afflictive Biequ appearance ,a pair of eyes don live on my own looked, he could not help wondering, do me that a gray .
So take your grandpa ?relationresultSubconsciouslytoward the body on ,is found, that is the point grey ,should be no gray ,is being surrounded by a stain .Body robe has been affixed to the body .
The original yuan white robes, is accounted for by a thick layer of don dirt cleaning ,couldn what color, at the same time feel uncomfortable in tight wrinkled .relationresultHewas also a former generals ,also do not care about these ,but now there is always Tianxiang Duke identity ,these year come to provide for oneself and live comfortably ,and in recent years the self-cultivation ,also raises some cleanliness ,especially in front of juniors is some stress ,but a fool it ,he couldn screamed , the sound has disappeared shadow ,leaving one sentence: go to wash .
Back later . , relationresultYoucan moye .relationresultThisis normal ,he succeeded in breaking Tianxuan peak barrier ,but also a breakthrough for several rank ,skill greatly .At the same time ,the new large black screen and external help ,under the impact of strong medicine ,is made a very thorough washing of pulp by ,the decades in vivo the treasures of all impurity ,drain ,coupled with the many years old wounds at this time, all the troubles basically a clean !If no such dirty elimination ,large less wonder grandpa this breakthrough may have defects , relationresultAfter this time,no evil can be sure of .
Monarch war days now body ,live to be two hundred years old or more ,there is no problem no !Moreover, the self-protection ability itself is greatly enhanced ,if the body now practiced with moye memory in the miraculous feat ,even with the extreme can also be a war .
relationresultNoevil finally put down their own a heart zhuo !relationresultNoevil face showed heartfelt smile .He is very happy ,very happy .relationresultInthe fist big big world is the truth ,only in this way ,can ensure the family of peace , relationresultLe!relationresultLife,for what? , relationresultTheysay every man for himself stand condemned by God ,but ,after all ,everyone is to others .
In order to care for his people ,the people we care about ,their loved ones !Previous himself alone bamboo ,are said to be alive ,practical is also very helpless perfunctory claim .Because I want to live for others ,but not as a person .
Only with his mind a little faith alive .relationresultWho canbe my evil king paid for him ?Pay for her ?relationresultRob the rich and assist the pooror the police either ,or evil .Or to their own country ,their national or .
In short ,is a supporting their beliefs .Past life although he is a killer ,but the fight for justice, his mind to think of justice .relationresultHomicideor ,as well, but the persistent ,but always unchanged .
relationresultOut ofbalance and uneven road ,pipe to make the world the injustice done !relationresultBut whatis more it is to do so, the more with the so-called right .Draw further apart.
, relationresultJunChu ,the evil king is really very lonely .The eyes are voiced to go live ,most people can not understand ,beats by dre uk!relationresultButthis life, but accidentally have their own really loved .
In Mr. moye accepted their new identity that ,time ,really accept this family time .relationresultIn thebattle for his angry King Day to the capital at !No evil feeling was completely surrounded by the powerful family !relationresultSo far,the evil king amo heart .
No longer lonely .Because had a heart on .relationresultFamily,here is no evil in this life the most people who care ,is the life belief !relationresultIf it is possible,no evil will do all the way .
Try to let their loved ones to health and longevity ,peace and joy of life .He would never allow anyone to destroy everything !relationresultRootlessduckweed prodigal ,once you get a family place, no one ever thought he would care about how !He is rather give it all .
And the world will end on maintenance !relationresultBecause therootless feeling ,,relationresultToo hard!relationresultHardto make life unbearable !And has been concerned about the feeling ,but it is so warm ,warm to lives to maintain ,put one the care .
Make every effort to protect !relationresultFrom myunconscious legs recovery ,residual day Soul Eater Jun advanced ,tube cold changes, it is no evil ,step by step for yourself now home to do .
relationresultAnd he,will continue to do so !relationresultUntil,the family stigma thoroughly redress .Until the family stands on top of the world, looking the world no one dares to look look !relationresultOnlyyou really the way the world ,people look !relationresultIt isthe ultimate goal of Jun chu !relationresultLook at thedark of the night ,the knife ?Evil finally dry long sigh ,a guard outside .
The hill Hangzhou thought normal defense ,then he would shake ,from the bottom of the tower body is gone .relationresultTonight,he has important things to do !Daytime deterrence ,enough, enough !To convert this storm completely down, will take at least several heavyweight figure head !relationresultNowdays in some pedants ,dare so in a flagrant way attack Khan monarch home .
They can phase ,what about the deterrent to the world? One of the top family ,super family ,if not in color ,then the future how base oneself upon? This is not a joke !relationresultConmozathe
works ,is to deal with these things !relationresultIntend to use thereputation to attack me !?relationresultHey,will have a look who cares more about honor !relationresultImean and having no Related articles:

