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"Leaf sky, you once heard, mainland on have two toll - gates the holy land of the Jue is at the self-discipline sword?"
Lightly shook to shake head, however the leaf sky can really know of know, if mainland on really have the self-discipline sword the two greatest holy lands of the Jue, so the sword absolute being mountain necessarily will be an one of them.
"Boon, I tell you now, mainland on have the holy land of the two greatest self - disciplines sword Jue, one is sword absolute being mountain, one is sword absolute being sea, but if what we guessed were quite good, you would be the person who comes out from the sword absolute being sea".
"What?The meaning of three elder generations is to say, I does the sea come out from the sword absolute being?"
Listen to the words of finishing 3 people, the leaf's celestial spirits feeling is one Ning, in the mind as if start to turn over the Tao surge in the sky general, after all for his life experience, he the descendant that know that he is leaf's house, but for what sword absolute being sea, perhaps the war genius of only thousand year agos will know.
The last home of chapter 389 many absolute being
Lightly ordered to nod, returned sea to say:"The guess that is also us, after all you still have no soul awakening now,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre, however leaf sky, I hope that you can promise us, ignore in the days to come your fix for the real strenght that attains what kind, all not the ability and time immemorial ruins are enemies".
Finish listenning to the words of returning the sea, the leaf sky lowers the head to quietly consider, while 3 people also have no again say what, just drink the wine on the table, an eye doesn't blink of looking at the black dress youth of in front.
For 3 people's words, although the leaf sky still doesn't know and has among them what intention, but his in the mind is very clear, 3 people should have no malice to he or she, otherwise with his current real strenght, 3 people absolutely can easily kill his shot.
And 3 people incredibly say that they come from one of the two greatest holy lands, and sword absolute being mountain together the sword absolute being of sea, although the leaf sky doesn't know sword absolute being the sea isexactly where, and sword absolute being mountain together perhaps isn't a simple place.
And fought celestial spirits in those early years the emperor seemed to have one silk gratitude and grudge with of time immemorial ruins, and listenned to the meaning that Tang connected, the war affair of ruins that was cracked down on to seem to be also to have time immemorial in the sky.
Probably is exactly as it does, 3 people frightened he or she when the time comes soul awakening, remember the affair in those early years, with time immemorial the ruins continue for the enemy, after all many a friends, total ratio much an enemy has to be strong.
Think these, the leaf sky also has no to go to while banding together, hence lightly ordered to nod, said:"Three elder generations ask me to promise, however the younger generation also has three problems not clear, also invite three solutions".
Hear the youth promise himself/herself and all show unintentionally one silk smiling face on the 3 people face and return sea to have no to hesitantly promise, the leaf sky asks a way:"The first problem, the fabulous time immemorial ruins totally own 3 F, the first floor is to kill space, the second floor is the last home of many saints, as for 3 F numerous in the last yearses but no one know, so the younger generation wants to know, time immemorial ruins of what is the 3 F exactly?"
Hear the youth's problem, 3 people's facial expression obvious one Jiang, return sea voice some helplessly say:"Leaf sky, you can change a problem, time immemorial ruins 3 F must the in the last yearses Be all unmanned to know, is because the time immemorial ruins have rules and forbid to tell outsider, now ……".
"Three elder generations please trust, the younger generation can't definitely tell others this matter, such as if disobey an asseveration, certainly bomb five thunders crest, don't die a natural death".
Haven't waited to return sea finishes saying words, the leaf sky then and immediately sends down an asseveration, this also makes all of 3 people that still want to continue to decline have no parlance, and can be helpless to sigh 1.
At by this time, 3 people in hasn't been speaking up of**say:"Since so, that we tell you and hope that you can obey your own asseveration".
**Finish saying, return sea openings to just say:"The time immemorial ruins totally own 3 F, the first floor kills space, you have already rushed, the second floor woulds be the last home of many saints and also is divided into 3 F".
"Also is divided into 3 F?"
This bottom's pouring is the idea that consumedly comes from leaf for sky to anticipate, because they after arriving at the last home of many saints discover several graveyards of ten thousand per star martial saints, now incredibly just first floor.
"The 3 F is the graveyard of one star martial saint respectively, about have more than 70,000s martial saint graveyard, the graveyard of two star martial saints, about have more than 7,000s martial saint graveyard, Wu Sheng of the SAMSUNG and Wu Sheng's highest point's graveyard, totally own 700s or so".
This descends a leaf thoroughly shocked for sky, more than 70,000s are one star Wu Sheng's graveyard, more than 7,000s are two star Wu Sheng's graveyards, even have Wu Sheng of the SAMSUNG and Wu Sheng's highest point's graveyards more than 700.
What concept is this a ?
The leaf sky finally knows now, the real strenght of the time immemorial ruins exactly comes to a what kind of state, but so many martial saints, be good enough to sweep the whole mainland.
Seemed to see a youth doubt within heart, return sea face up smiled to smile, say:"You need not surprised, these force saints all have been already withered, even if also having no severals of transmigration of soul rebirth, as for the heart of their martial saints, but is respectively stay down".
Hear here, leaf sky's heart just at last relaxed some, because he knows it in heart, even if is an of Wu Sheng Qiang, dying after want all of transmigration of soul rebirths are thousand times of an of all rate.
"Wait your to fix for the territory of attaining Wu Sheng, so the time immemorial ruins then will give you a side to make a card, if after you wither, the time immemorial ruins will automatically inhale your body and saint heart to the ruins in time immemorial, as for the soul then turns into transmigration of soul and waits until rebirth".
"So the force saints that say the ruins in time immemorial the graveyard is since then all numerous in the last yearses to accumulate Zan, in fact don't calculate a lot as well, but if among them the martial saint transmigration of soul is successful, so his saint heart then will disappear, as for you ask of time immemorial ruins of 3 F is where, I can tell you now, the name of 3 F is called the last home of many absolute being".
The last home of many absolute being?
Hear these four words, the surprise that on the contrary has no the slightest in the leaf sky, in fact his in the mind has been already guessed, all of the second floors of time immemorial ruins are the last homes of many saints, so the 3 F is absolutely the last home of many absolute being of higher 1 F, only he wants to make sure for a while just.
"The second problem, are there three elder generations having ever heard a soul palace?"
"Soul palace?Is difficult don't become to also have gratitude and grudge between soul palace and you?"
Leaf sky's words really let 3 people face up feel one silk surprised, and the mental reservation that also has no the slightest in the leaf sky be only directly guarded a pass to the Gu begs to hurt of affair 15110 of said out.
Wait until all of him to finish saying, 3 people all respectively ordered to nod and returned sea to say:"The influence no trivial matter of soul palace, even if is three greatest holy lands is not its opponent either, however according to you just say, if that person haven't attained Wu Shen's territory, his soul even if be got by the soul palace, also will put in the lowest person class soul palace".
"Elder generation don't know what influence the person class soul palace of this soul palace is?"
"Is very low, the soul palace is totally divided into four grade, person class, ground class, sky class, absolute being classes, the palace lord of person class should be Wu Sheng's Class, the ground class is Wu Shen's Class, as for the sky class is probably absolute being Class king, as for end of absolute being class, then the absolute being stays in".
Hear here, in the mind in the leaf sky immediately a loose, in fact he once thoughted of as well, only the Gu begs to hurt of the father haven't attained Wu Shen's Class, even if be held tight by the soul palace, also just crack down on in the person class soul palace.
But the palace lord of the person class soul palace is the strong of a martial saint Class, wait until his soul awakening, fix in order to thoroughly resume the territory of the highest point of Wu Huang, leaf sky again enough of the confidence is from the person class soul palace in get only Gu to beg the soul of hurting the father.
"Leaf sky, although the real strenght of the person class soul palace how not, if you dare moving soul palace, so connect down and then will have the ground class the soul palace to seek you to bother, behind still have the sky class the soul palace, I can definitely tell you, even if the sword absolute being sea of your back makes moves, all the opponent of don't necessarily soul palace, so you want the whole careful".
Chapter 390 earth cracks
"Thank elder generation, now the last problem, fixing for the territory of attaining Wu Zun then can turn saint heart by chain, although the chain turned saint heart to attain Wu Sheng's territory,is not whole life and then will halt here Related articles:

