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The .relationresultLittle leopard ,if I remember correctly ,you should first peak being tested ? Guo Chuanyao three person has just gone, Qin Tianzong was unable to hold oneself back away from the house ,and went toward breaking yunfeng .
relationresultQin TianzongApprentice named White Wenbao ,but Qin Tianzong was accustomed to call apprentice nickname ,it is little leopard .relationresultQinblood were with Guo Yutong and Song Yinyin playing ,aware of Qin Tianzong ,he does not hesitate to go to get out ,and in the death of Qin Tianzong .
relationresultGodmedicine every ten years will open Shoutu once, income of the period is one month ,this month, all want to join God trough disciples to God in a trough and peak peak acceptance test .
relationresultTheseaccept God trough test of the child ,is God trough door disciple from Wu Ling continent around to selected, either because the clever ,some is because of their possible ,either because the talent ,for various reasons this is not the only one .
relationresultHowever,even though God medicine outside door disciple into God trough people more, God trough will only pick the one hundred most outstanding performance of the juveniles stay were observed for three months ,only thirty people have the opportunity to become a god trough outer disciple .
relationresultQin Tianzong rushes to thefirst peak ,he was the scene before huge crowds of people to the town, a peak in front of the square, which has more than one thousand heads up ,in addition to the examination of a Presbyterian and a few close disciples ,all look wild child .
relationresultThese childrenas young as seven or eight years old ,older was fifteen six years old .Some of them be shabby in dress ,complexion dark greyish green :some well-dressed ,pink .relationresultButthis time they face was surprisingly consistent ,that is the eyes on me and firmly stare in front of a Tower of large column .
relationresultIn fact,holds up the huge column is not really pillars ,but God is one of the thirty-six peaks of the line trough peak ,a peak shape and mushrooms .Its bottom is a high as three feet hard stone pillars ,the top is for God trough Pro disciples and business students living peaks .
relationresultBecause thefirst peak terrain special ,so it also becomes the best place door disciple test .relationresultQingYao pillars above ,already has dozens of kids trying to climb up ,that is undergoing physical strength and endurance test of the child ,only to climb into the first peak mountain top, is successfully passed the examination .
relationresultLittle leopard ,you came . Qin Tianzong soon from the square in one thousand to found their past apprentice figure, his eyes a hot ,almost tempted to say .relationresultThe whiteWenbao is only eight years old ,the person is so thin bamboo like be in rags ,who ,in the numerous assessment of children, he is undoubtedly the most unremarkable ,but also in a very weak position .
relationresultQin Tianzongis very curious, body so weak little leopard finally is how in the more than one thousand children talent showing itself ,finally was elected to stay in the valley of god .
To know the leopard in addition to physical weak ,his talent is also a headache extremely .relationresultBenot before Qin talented artists ,white Wenbao always never abandon to follow in Qin Tianzong took great care of Qin days if ,until die for Qin vertical-day ,Qin days if the heart is not enough so ordinary for a person .
relationresultQin Tianzong was immersed inthe previous bit memory, has the turn of Bai Wenbao that one group of children to accept the test, and Qin Tianzong heart was lifted up .relationresultToQin Tianzong the white Wenbao although arm crus short ,but his body was filled with explosive force ,just a few time to breathe ,he will be way ahead of the competition with him dozens of kids ,let everybody can only look up his ass and crawled line .
relationresultboy, what do you ride in my head . In the Qin Tianzong heart secretly for his young apprentice cheers ,a very important voice suddenly sounded, although this sounds fine if the mosquito buzz, but clearly into Qin Tianzong ear curtain .
relationresultThevoice just fell sound ,followed by a gust of wind hit without warning white Wenbao knee .relationresultA suddenattack, white Wenbao miserable skirr ,the body will go straight to fall .
relationresultFortunately,at this time the child is climbing the height of five or six meters ,the white Wenbao machine well ,immediately turned around, he jumped down, avoid landing injury .
relationresultBai Wenbaoafter landing ,he does not have any hesitation ,continue to rise .relationresultOn one sideis responsible for maintaining order in the outer door disciple mouth piece ,ultimately did not prevent white Wenbao climb up again ,after all, there is no man climbed to the peak, so Bai Wenbao this batch of child assessment does not end .
relationresultClearlythe scene to see in the eyes ,Qin days if eyes suddenly become cold ,his eyes locked just sneak up on white Wenbao child ,it is one of fifteen six years old boy, wearing clothes ,he climbed the peaks at the same time ,around the world by constantly into his body ,and the body combination in one piece, so he climbed peak speed was much faster than the other boys .
relationresultThe fifteen six years of age and reached the realm of military financial acquired taste Wu throughout the realm ,look should be from a small family of disciples ,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.But the breadth of mind and character is not God trough talent needed .
Qin Tianzong gently in a word ,to this being the teenager sentenced to death .relationresultBecause I want tocontinue to observe the white Wenbao performance ,Qin Tianzong did not immediately appear interference assessment process ,he just stood silent watch .
relationresultIn Qindays if arresting eyes ,white Wenbao was for a while will keep up with a large force ,and even had a tendency to catch up from behind .relationresultIn the Qin Tianzongwhite Wenbao secretly cheer ,mutations suddenly occurred ,is white Wenbao head of a youth foot slipped ,he stepped on a white Wenbao head ,then two people simultaneously from the hillside to fall .
relationresultThis ... ... See white Wenbao fall mountain scene ,Qin Tianzong body and one vertical ,then go to rescue the white Wenbao ,just think of God trough in the comprehensive protection measures, he again stopped the footsteps .
relationresultGod trough is you this kind of person can qualify for ,even if I lose joined God trough qualifications ,also won your heart get . In Qin days if thought just fall mountain scene is just an accident ,just as white Wenbao with falling the pathetic juvenile to white Wenbao whispered .
relationresultI love you ! Hear Qingsha young ,white Wenbao face were highlighted ,his fist grip, will be with the green gauze teenager beaten together, but his eyes on the green boy raised muscle to sweep after the cold ,he grunted ,again in line peak run .
relationresultSee Bai Wenbaogo ,green gauze juvenile gaze of a condensate ,he looked around the eyes ,and see not draw attention to himself ,he steps out ,direct tripped over white Wenbao body ,followed by a slap in the white Wenbao chest .
relationresultQindays if clear ,green gauze juvenile hit Bai Wenbao chest when, green gauze young palm faintly suffused with green ,his palm obviously contain toxic .relationresultBai Wenbao apparentlydid not notice his poisoning affair, his eyes red eyed green gauze young one, it will not hesitate to move a peak run .
relationresultRun ,run ,your movement the more intense ,the body of toxins attack faster, if you can really through God trough assessment ,no life in God in the long valley . Looking at the white Wenbao quickly go figure, green gauze young face with a grim smile ,he whispered word word . Related articles:

