
Facebook ity the chain turn i

Now, owned the spoon of Huang absolute being, that even if is at a stretch urge five rare article ways machine, all not is can not.
And, the square is cold to promote to the highest point of "Zhou light territory" now, the oneself hole firmness in the sky, vomit to the swallowing of fairyland vitality, lift purely, all arrived terrible degree, can do pure sun Dan of 351,000,000 numbers ofs by Ning every day.However rare article way machine at will on urging, be up hundred million, count 1,000,000,000, even 10,000,000,000, the pure sun Dan of 100,000,000,000 numbers comes.He this fairyland vitality swallow to vomit quantity, absolutely is small and weak to be pitiful.
But, to general Zhou light territory monk, is already an astronomical figure.
General Zhou only territory monk, the Ning did to count 100,000 pure sun Dans, was already an extreme limit every day.The square is cold to is that their decuples are all not only.This kind of amount urges the first grade way a machine, is already all right already.
However, the square is cold to want to chase all savingses now, rule, all coagulate, comprehend build the true meaning of thing!Step to go into to build a thing territory!The Ning does an immortal material and till then waits, can float the Tu, 33 days to 8, extremely valued, all refine first grade way machine, when the time comes, that really advancing by leaps and bounds , between this world cosmos, can occupy a place.
Build a thing territory, refine the first grade way a machine, legendary, even if is to smuggle fairyland, all own some positions.
"The as in heaven's will builds a thing secret place, blue sky content, the yin and yang is five lines of, predestination destiny, the world has no, sun and moon transmigration of soul, easy in the cosmos.The rule of time, space rule, the operation works properly to know and escapes from true Gang and sets free a super degree, blood soul soul ………"time,Facebook, a day and a day of pass by in the nether world diagram.
A hundred years.
500 years.
Time in the diagram that the square was cold to adjust nether world now, the outside is a hour, in is 100 years.This kind of terrible time consumes and needs a great deal of pure sun Dan medicine to prop up.But the square is cold but not concerned.The pure sun heavy water in the spoon of Huang absolute being, pure sun crystal the mountain range was really too many.Don't know how much trillion.
The self-discipline this time, the square is cold real of is chase all doctrines in past, all combed 1 time in succession, and made stronger the groundwork that oneself advances by leaps and bounds.
The long time sits in silence, hundreds of years, immerse for sinking of last thousand yearseses, contemplation, the mind of square cold fickleness, thoroughly quiet come down.Chase formely various ficklenesses, all converted for the sake of to the realization of rule.
The Kun Peng looted, gourmand, the time crystal of original not guilty, square cold also Che thoroughly the chain of bottom turn and comprehend and convert for the sake of own.
1,000 years, 2,000 years ……
Square cold mind, continues to sink to immerse at for the realization of rule.
His mind, permeates nether world diagram, the feeling Wu wears a world cosmos various extensive, in numerous time, space blind side in roam about at pleasure, saw endless endless sun moon and stars, week sky big Luo, read in his idea in, incredibly had one the silk the comfortable flavor.It is carefree, enjoy a trip to world.
And, at this feeling Wu rule in, the square is cold to still be making use of small predestination Shu, continuously revolve, infuse into the body of person's emperor's pen.Then let people's emperor's pen convert into not well-known strength, urge inside the body of building and turning the absolute being machine remnants slice.
Square pure snow fixs for, also arrived space rule greatly satisfactory degree.
The state of the breeze precious jade light, seem is promote also very quick, similar to square pure snow, all chase space rule, the self-discipline arrived greatly and successfully, will comprehend the rule in time, and square cold similar, arrive Zhou light the state of the territory.
Time fully led for 3,000 years.
But outside the nether world diagram, passed by 30 hours, it is three days and three nights to approach.
Fix in these 3,000 years of bitterness in, the square is cold to fully use to go to the amount of 3,000,000,000,000 pure sun Dans, revolve the dint of time in the nether world diagram to bring up the vitality of owner self-discipline at the same time.Those 8 float a Tu in, all evil, also all start promoting, numerous evil, the self-discipline became a big sky of devil king, the sky of the amount of gold Dan was evil, also many many.Arrived to fully have evil 30,000 dayses now, fix gold Dan.More have for evil 1,000 dayses, passed through a war signal to greatly rob, the Ning did all day a method mutually.
However is regrettable BE, a head of promotes evil till the sky of deathless body all have no.Promoting for the deathless body is evil absolute being, meaning no trivial matter.At square cold 3,000 years pure sun Dan the medicine incredibly didn't promote for the evil absolute being under the ample circumstance, it is thus clear that is long to living a secret place, ten thousand thou the tycoon's difficulties.
However, square cold confident, the crane pretty woman, Long Xuan, the Jia is blue, red Yi princess, nebula baby, witch, black You Wang Deng Ren.It is a self-discipline to pour must be very rapid, at fixing of these 3,000 years for in, the Jia is blue, nebula baby, incredibly self-discipline own realm, step to go into a deathless body of state.
However is eight float a Tu in of the tycoons of ten big deathless bodies, no one promotes to space rule.Those five sword Lang gentleman, green noodles, didn't also promote by that time rule.
It is thus clear that, more arrive a behind, the state is more hard to promote.Unless is a natural endowments native endowments, otherwise even if is again many of Dan medicine, self-discipline's getting up don't also use.
"3,000 years, the fixing is 1/1000 for, I fully consuming the pure sun vitality of 3,000,000,000,000 Dan amount of medicineses, however, this to the storage in the spoon of Huang absolute being, however for 3,000 years."The square trembles with fear to fall into trap calculate.
"The square is cold, you and square pure snow is 2 people, again urge the dint of predestination, square pure snow you display the soul branding of the door of eternal life and help my last shot, the chain turns this build to turn an absolute being machine of cripple slice of.I can not the chain turn this 1:00 but remnants slice that builds to turn an absolute being machine and only have a kind of method now, be inhibit with the soul branding of the door of eternal life.The door of eternal life is to outstrip the whole existence, personally once saw the person of the door of eternal life, all three Wus to build to turn of person.I have never decreed by destiny to see, ancient three emperors also have no this predestination.Only you, electricity mother gentleman in the sky, you personally once saw the door of eternal life, so as to help me!"
Person's emperor's pen suddenly broke out a burst of wildly roar.
The winds and clouds changes countenance for it, world is of vibration!
Square cold and square pure snow urged small predestination Shu towards hoping one eye, together again, the falsely copying of the door of an eternal life thoroughly body of getting into person's emperor's pen.
"World integral whole!Carry a chain to build to turn, the absolute being machine goes into a body!"Person's emperor's pen wildly roars in, the body shivers, it is to bear huge pressure to seem, the whole individual's body, Che thoroughly the variety of bottom became a pen, then body up incredibly produced to closely crack trace.Seemed a kind of strength to promote to extreme limit.
Looking at these closely cracked of veins, the square is cold with square pure snow to hope one eye, all felt heart deep place of shocked, this veinses that cracked, each time together produce of strength, can directly give° several stars to tear to pieces.
Inside the body that brands a to get into person's emperor's pen in the door of eternal life, extended decuple, package live that piece of only nail cover the building of size turn the absolute being machine remnants slice, that builds to turn an absolute being machine of cripple slice of, didn't what things can break, but produced to melt now of trace.
At 3,000 years in, person's emperor's pen is this strong that waits means, continuously use 3,000 major ways fiesta chain, all not ability the chain turn its very small amount, but now the branding in front in the door of eternal life is all that the floating cloud was general, unexpectedly disintegrated.This is a kind of Wei of instinct to press, that legend in, the fairies can not refine of building and turning absolute being machine, can not match the branding dignity of the door of eternal life, either.
Mao Ca!
This is cripple slice of, thoroughly break open, then changed into extensive strength, revolve in the body of person's emperor's pen, the body of person's emperor's pen, those cracked veins, immediately start repairing, the whole day crystal stone forges of body, also convert 1 kind just a little take the color of dark gold and have some thou plain, come from Hong to receive the color in the mentally dense.
"Ha ha ha ha,Ha ha ha ha ha."The strength of person's emperor's pen presents a kind of carriage for soaring:"This bottom, my chain turned this builds to turn an absolute being machine of cripple of, crystal stone in the sky forges of body, finally the conversion builds to turn crystal for the sake of a silk, now I of strength, even if is a falsely fairy, will be also been everywhere to seek a tooth by what I beat,

