
http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap is the root thickB

Ability, he also has no fortuitous and gets the first grade way a machine.Can refine a medium article way just by himself/herself machine.
Now, see all of a sudden arrive so many first grade way machines to present, absolutely is grasp crazy.
The strength on his body, a wave per wave urges.
Immediately of, chase five first grade ways machine, there are also eight strengths that float a Tu, again press??Keep on making, "maneuver star sky, the road of cover sky, your baby although quality good, don't live my baby, I let you the knowledge knowledge, my 33 days, extremely valueds, wreath in the sky in the town, the cover round in the sky, put out for a sky, sword, the Ba knife in the sky ……" is in his palm a flick of the moment , from his Zhang, flewed the treasure of 33 very mightinesses light, these 33 treasure light, changed into 33 heavy hole sky, in multiple layers fold, the 1 F is more close than 1 F.Respectively from 33 in article way machine, an uncanny magic weapon constitute, the strength of its motion, compare 8 to float Tu don't know to want greatly up how much.
"33 day extremely valued!Is this what he refine?This absolute being??The monster incredibly can refine for 33 days, extremely valued, he where the method of these 33 days extremely valued refining for getting!Is yellow in those early years??Spring the big emperor is dead the extremely valued is at these 33 days under of."Once the Yan see and immediately bellow and seemed to see absolutely irreconcilable personal enemy.
"What?33 day extremely valued, is that what things?"The square was cold to eat a surprised, he feels, these 33 days, extremely valued, although all win an article way machine, allied??Match??Rise??Come, 33 in the strength of the article way machine, incredibly compare five first grade ways machine, and the whole 8 floats Tus to all want strong get many.
Certainly, this because, the state of the Kun Peng approach to build a thing.Equally a magic weapon, power develops on the his hand, as different as chalk and cheese cause.
"33 day the extremely valued is a legend in the lord of fairyland and build a baby who turn the fairy king and constitute to°from 33 fairy machines, the communication builds to turn of dint.In those early years, yellow??Does the spring big emperor tore??Split fairyland, encounter rounding of fairy??Offend, the shot killed many true fairies, fairy, but on that time, 33 days, extremely valued, burst upon, only one shot, thoroughly of Huang??The spring big emperor kills and bowl off the secular world to me.Now soundly asleep.33 day the extremely valued is a cover respectively sky, town sky, put out a sky, Ba sky, Fen sky, ??Sky, war sky ……etc.33 can not the extremely valued estimating constitute.Refine a method, float Tu Yao than 8 terrible get many.The set puts together, even want badly don't know how much doubly, and refine, more don't know and consume how much ancient material, some materials, even want fairyland to look for.This Kun Peng didn't know to get what fortuitous and took whole life time, fiesta chain in these 33 days the extremely valued of article way machine!We are getting more dangerous.First grade way machine, basically press??Make not to live him."
Did the absolute being of the Yan read and roar and oscillates, be full of an earthquake??Is surprised, unimaginable.
"Incredibly can know 33 extremely valueds?You incredibly can know each other this baby!"The Kun Peng heard the voice of Yan, is also ate a surprised, however later on face up present a ferocious smiling face, spray??Shoot??The spirit of one mouthful pure sun, these 33 heavy hole sky inching one Xuan??Turn, float the Tu to 8, absorb??Go into among them.
The square is cold to even feel, eight powers that float a Tu are weakening gradually.
"Do not go and then put together!"The square is cold is about to display a small predestination of Shu, Ran??The life span that burns oneself for 100,000 years thoroughly kills the shot of Kun Peng and goes for broke, but at this time, his brain in, suddenly one earthquake, a copper mirror in, the spoon of huge Huang absolute being, clear get up, the spoon of this Huang absolute being, a little bit on moving, suddenly endless endless pure sun vitality, got into the tree of world, then sprayed to vomit into own hole for sky.
This pure sun vitality, incredibly also presented liquid, each , the all very Ning does, is the root thick??Being airtight to get can not turn to open, each , all weigh up to 1000 catties, spray??Shoot??Went into a square cold hole sky in, in a moment, became pure one sun ocean, and wasn't the ocean of pure sun palace, but a kind of ocean of"heavy water".
The pure sun vitality of this split second importation quantity, fully have 30,000,000,000 Dan amount of medicineses.
The square is cold to immediately rejoice with wild joy, although don't know, the spoon of that Huang absolute being what trouble, incredibly instill pure sun vitality for oneself, this variety that come all of a sudden, the nature can't pass.
Of in a flash, he urged magical power and chased the pure sun vitality of these 30,000,000,000 Dan amount of medicineses, thoroughly Ran??Burn, pure sun flame, did the Chong fill the whole Huang??Spring diagram in, that of the dish of transmigration of soul, violent Xuan??Turn, 72 evil absolute being, mutual roar, stare at, a greatly like the dish of the transmigration of soul of stars, from flew out among them, did the shadow do a triple before than the Ning and mercilessly bump shot in the body of Kun Peng??On the body.
"This is what!Why does the meeting suddenly explode a so strong war capability?"The Kun Peng absolutely dares not believes his/her own eyes.
Chapter 668 pure sun heavy water
The square is cold is ten thousand ten thousand don't thought of, the spoon of Huang absolute being didn't know what affair, incredibly give the tree of own world, infuse to note to arrive so many fairyland vitalities, the dint of the pure sun comes down.However this is the affair for giving timely assistance, he ten thousand ten thousand can't refuse, is about to use to crack down on Kun Peng,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap, the shot kills this big enemy.
Can say, the Kun Peng gives his pressure a lot too big.
Particularly is that 33 dayses extremely valued.The power is miraculous can not imagine, can**, having no the second road can walk.
The dish of transmigration of soul bombards, the Kun Peng changed color, immediately give up a rightness the grasping of door of nose shoot, also have to eight suppressions that float a Tu, but displayed a hole for sky and attempt to swallow the falsely copying of the dishes of transmigration of soul.
"Incredibly dare to swallow the dish of transmigration of soul, this brain that wants what birdbrain, so as to do so stupid affair."The Yan shuts ascend own eyes.
Indeed as expected, the shadow of the dish of transmigration of soul bombarded into the hole sky of Kun Peng in, the hole of this absolute being monster sky, among them space rule, time rule, violently revolve, attempt to break up to falsely copy, but useless, falsely copy to revolve, turn, break out repeatedly deep-fried ring.
The hole a wave per wave in the sky breaks up, the body of Kun Peng, also started appearing fracture, these fracture, seem the fracture of his sky general, can not repair.
The Kun Peng bellows, the strength spills out, seem a ball drive the pinprick break generally, very pathetic.
"The Kun Peng swallows a day and covers up world, I swallow!Swallow!Swallow!"This Kun Peng finally displayed own incomparable skill and launched a kind of 3,000 major ways in the body and greatly gobbled up Shu, the black hole upsurges and repeatedly revolves and finally and incredibly chases the falsely copying of the dish of transmigration of soul and changed into invisible and incredibly resisted a shot of square cold suppression.
"This Kun Peng where learned to come greatly to gobble up Shu?"The square trembles with fear once the absolute being move and ate a surprised, but realize, the strength of this Kun Peng, weak get severe, deeply suffer from severely wounded, hole in the body sky all start broken up, only afraid could not develop 30% strength at ordinary times.
And, that 33 days extremely valued, also all spread in disorder.Is beyond control, fly indiscriminately everywhere, 33 F hole sky, also break up, 33 in the article way machine constitute of extremely valued, thoroughly scatter, dropped to go into nether world diagram deep place, drive the door of nose absorb, don't come out any further.
"Is damned!Damn!"The Kun Peng was repeatedly fierce to absorb, but could not absorb oneself's extremely valued in 33 days, not from deplore greatly drop blood.
"This is my this life magic weapon, fully self-discipline 27,000, don't know to expend how much bitterness achievement, got how much fortuitous.Just can refine, ever, I just grew for the sake of the fairyland of town timber in the sky anticipates, use a was very not easy to get of first grade way machine, just at on the market exchanging of the whirling big world to, refined into wreath in the sky in the town!Now, now, everything all have no, the whole strenuous efforts, turn into naught.I want to eat you!

