
Monster Beats ast you encounter a

Mirror image !relationresultFalse like skills and can also be used !It is in trouble ! Xiao Hua was in the mirror instant attack three times, the heart is be frightened and change color ,then see a false image is used out ,face is more variable ,smiled and exits the room ,decided to go outside to a countermeasure .
Stay here ,only to be killed !relationresultThere room outside .Xiao Huadun on the way to .A little upset scratched his head .See the mirror so badly ,he will very much, this is certainly something to be happy about ,but there was not this time ,although it is unclear how much of a mirror image of the ribs ,but it will not be too low ,at least not only his two times .
relationresultHey ,there is a way !Hope can pass ! But all of a sudden .Xiao Hua see light suddenly patted his head ,to deal with this type of mirror monster .There are still a cheating way ,but now he seems to be able to use this almost cheating way ,but Xiao Hua is worried that system will be provided .
relationresultButif it works ,you used to know .The method is very simple ,just before going into the room .First of all the equipment off ,enter the room ,such as mirror monster refresh came out, and put on the equipment ,if the system is simply copied his property to strengthen ,no doubt he can easily turn not equipped with mirror !relationresultThebody and equipment the whole strip ,Xiao Hua once again entered the room .
relationresultThis timeXiao Hua was walking very circumspect ,not to wear the equipment situation ,he is weak as a fresh sprout leaves ,at ninety percent off !relationresultIn Xiao Huaon high alert ,the mirror appears again ,the system is obviously expect this situation .
The mirror body is still wearing a set of equipment ,but Xiao Hua just took a look, feel that outfit should not to need .Xiao Hua thought it should be reasonable ,in mirror image attributes increased, if the system give the mirror with a set of best quality ,this task is not had !relationresultBut Xiao Huaappears to have underestimated the system .
Or the system is to deliberately attack prepared by this method of cheating the game player to do the specific settings !Mirror movement ,Xiao Hua immediately complexion changes greatly ,the mirror image of the speed ,is more than a moment ago fast number !relationresultThe firstand more , relationresultChapter 162nd mysterious stone , relationresultChinaas early as seen when wearing the back mirror figure LAN equipment and drank a complex reagent .
Then see the mirror as a ghostly speed .Without thinking of the exit to retreat urgently ,intended to exit the room .relationresultBut heonly ran two paces ,the mirror has been caught up, and moments in his back and three .
After thousands of rib !relationresultGood abnormal attribute .Xiao Hua saw the heart big be astonished ,he from the door and step distance .According to the mirror image of the speed ,he ran out and ,at least be mirror two or three back attack !relationresultFalse image!Prowl !relationresultXiao Huawanted to use as a defense against false .
Own a sneak out .False a .At Xiao Hua had in the past, but the mirror but seemed to be false as not Xiao Hua himself .Body movement ,ignore the false image ,and towards Xiao Hua stealth position fell upon him !relationresultHoly crap.
I was wrong ,not to escape !Magic ! Xiao Hua was thinking of .What the hell is this setting ,not wearing equipment in meeting than wear and equipment also cattle sort of guy ,the guy hate setting obvious problems, prowl also evil law eliminate hatred ,even if the mirror to see .
But with its speed ,over two of .He don want to escape !relationresultHave no alternative against one Xiao Hua used the magic skills ,increased RH attribute .And then immediately took a moment reply red abyss export agent will replenish life .
So he at least somewhat more escape to grasp !Instantaneous recovery agent is he to black mist before the city in a warehouse for more than 10 branches ,in order to pass the assassin badge test ,with a number of branches over, then to escape, will not hesitate to give up .
relationresultThe magicof .Xiao Hua and life are improved a lot ,while in the mirror now under the link was made a few strokes ,life madly all the way out, he is narrowly escaped from the room .
relationresultThis guy how to beat . Back to the hall ,Xiao Hua is very boring thinking .The enemy war is his usual stealth ,false image ,high speed ,high dodge and ignoring defense toxins harm ,but in this attribute is his recent times mirror ,has a special hatred locked .
False image they have families ,speed faster ,dodge nature do not use, poison damage is more difficult to use !relationresultMan is his own worst enemy,Xiao Hua I know this sentence is how to correctly .
In the past some games challenge its image ,and not think there is much difficulty ,but when faced with a full restraint their mirror image ,is actually a be at a loss what to do !relationresultNowfrom the magic of the end state there are eight minutes, if he is not in the state before the end of the room mirror to kill ,the next weak state is completely no chance .
relationresultThis is ?.Worried and helplessness .Xiao Hua in the lobby and thinking ways ,but all of a sudden .When he went to the hall in the middle when, he saw the magic of state, his black gas changed the up direction ,but quickly sank down !relationresultLookingdown ,Xiao Hua see silk black gas is almost along his foot onto the foot of grey and white rock floor ,much to his surprise ,Monster Beats,the black gas hit the floor ,as if seen floor as nothing in general ,continue to infiltrate into the ground .
Or is the stone absorbing him .relationresultXiao Huanoticed that moment ,his black gas flow down is also clear up soon, start crazy down the past ,Xiao Hua was surprised to see his magic status of the remaining time digital rapid beating down !relationresultRefundis not refundable ?relationresultInthis strange changes before completion ,Xiao Hua has decided the time ,according to his ideas .
As long as the hall in the middle left ,all will stop .But think of Hassan words .Electro-optical flint ,Xiao Hua decided .This is likely to be triggered his completely solve the curse task conditions ,in any case is also take a look !relationresultThedecision, Xiao Hua did not move, let the black gas down mad Chung ,and soon, his magic state than an early nearly eight minutes .
When the state after the end, Xiao Hua is naturally no black gas continued flowing down the middle and then ,before Xiao Hua ,a few steps ahead of air slowly start to like water like changing distortion .
Finally gave a black portal !relationresultIt isthe portal? , relationresultWas aafter hesitating ,Xiao Hua strode walk past .By now his state ,if encounter in monster attacks, it is mostly .
But the portal to maintain the time is not too long, unless he doesn go ,or a little later and earlier without any distinction, he can only pray in there so fast you encounter a monster .
Let him have a weak state time end .relationresultStep into adark portal ,the figure of Xiao Hua suddenly disappeared from the hall .Hall again became very quiet ,only the middle surface continuously flushed with little black portal from time to time as is less stable ,slightly shake .
In the Black Gate in the hall appeared in the moment ,the castle, Mrs. Hassan sat in as if she never sit tired wooden table .Graceful light took a sip of tea .relationresultAt this time,Mrs.
Hassan front but color light flashing .Out of nowhere, a magic screen !The screen ,is a long black gown in the elderly .relationresultMu long old ,ask so urgent business ? Mrs Hassan old man ,immediately put down the cup ,is very dear to the Magic Screen old man asked . Related articles:

