
Monster Beats d honestly Then

Acode where wings flapping .Edge crazy move feet running gun surface in Gobi !The old .relationresultInChocobo behind, ten head dark wing bird on the huge black wings, staggered shuttle back and forth .
With all his strength .Want to catch escaping Chocobo ,but Chocobo didn give them a chance ,just a few seconds .Is the pursuit of dark wing bird far away behind !relationresultButI did not end there ,during their escape path, the sky still has a lot of dark wing bird, these are in the sky of aimless circling the dark wing bird, this quickly see the run chocobo .
She jammed to Chocobo dive down !relationresultFrom behindand dive to Xiao Hua ,their nature is not to worry ,dark wing bird speed .Is definitely not a Chocobo .But looking from the front without stop ,like bomber general subduction to dark wing bird, Xiao Hua heart is lifted up !relationresultOnce letthe many dark wing hit a Chocobo ,even if the giant after Chocobo old double, is also not much to the !relationresultBut four of theChocobo giant ,was extremely clever ,no Xiao Hua control ,Chocobo although crazy ,a pair of round black eyes staring at the front time alarm .
Although see suddenly appeared a number of dark wing bird, or at an alarming rate to hit it ,is still extremely cool feet jump ,he evaded the several dark wing bird impact !While the front again dark wing bird appears, Chocobo is very cunning to jump !relationresultAlong the way,the darkness in front of winged bird continuous subduction hit, but Chocobo was full of dodged .
Without missing a whole way out !relationresultDamn it.This bird is too clever .Unique War saw, could not help but called the sentence !relationresults a goodsmart ! Fire you touched a Chocobo smooth yellow feather .
relationresultHey ,don look at who is raised ! Xiao Hua also could not help but proud of .According to this situation ,the safety escape ,no problem !relationresultChocoboa crazy with several people ran more than 10 minutes ,finally with Xiao Hua six out of the dark wing bird attack range .
relationresultHave a look here first ,see no one alive Xiao Hua stopped the Chocobo ,jump to the ground from above .relationresultEstimated that thousands of people ,to regiment destroyed .
This task is really eat people do not discuss the bones ,if it goes on like this ,do not know can not complete the mission unique war looked black from afar, sighed .relationresultMaybe ,there are a lot of people .
The guild is yet to come ,in front of that thousands of people ,is only scattered game player composition ,strength and guild cannot be put on a par with . Chopin shook his head .relationresultWait and see ,there are the living back first make it clear that help what kind of monster Xiao Hua on the two Oodori Suke still very curious ,aggrandizement monster area ratio, it will drop something ,it is that he does not want to !relationresultIfconditions permit ,Xiao Hua he didn mind spending time on this two help !relationresultA time in the past,more than 20 minutes later ,an Assassin game player gradually appeared in front of Xiao Hua 6 .
relationresultTheAssassin game player ,is basically a began to have prophetic vision ,the first step ,the bird . Before the attacks into stealth, then escaped, but faster than the Chocobo is much slower ,then fled to Xiao Hua they wait to place .
relationresultThere aremany people recognized Xiao Hua near them great Chocobo ,a two are showing surprise .They first fled to the people here ,are they to escape than Xiao Hua .He was a Chocobo over ,after seeing a Chocobo breathtaking speed, they are astounded ,then see a Chocobo stops here .
Come very naturally can not help looking over at .relationresultXiao Huais a natural smile talking to these past small game player has a Chocobo Xiao Hua ,although did not know that Xiao Hua had more powerful ,but met a Chocobo powerful ,unconscious ,Xiao Hua is somewhat afraid ;listen to Xiao Hua asked these lossless self-interest ,is one one answered honestly .
Then when they know that this is the person who does not steal Renqi ,more cannot help amazed ,some Xiao Hua no questions asked ,is also dedicated to speak out .No hide .relationresultThank you Xiao Hua nodded ,one one thanked those answering the game player .
The game player answer basic are the same, only to see the two metamorphosis .Attack too much, then decided to run again, really two has come about ,they had no clue . Would you like to have them click ! Match B looking at a small number of Assassin game player ,stalked the side Xiao Hua asked .
relationresultIn your head ! Xiao Hua knocks on this girl ,this girl has completely gone bad ,Monster Beats.Watched a good ... Worse ,Xiao Hua could not help but sigh to bad really is too easy !relationresultSix peoplecontinue to wait ,have the Assassin game player and appeared ,and another half hour later, Xiao Hua finally from a pant for breath ,have a lingering fear assassin play call ,that he wanted .
Sword of information !relationresultSecondmore !The nine thousand has more ,with tickets students .Please vote for several support !relationresultThank you,I love the four Jin ,aquatic solution fat ,cable ,bubble porridge to tell the truth and nephew, Lei, only to steal his wife such as reader rewards .
.. ... !relationresultThe 270th chapter probe BOSS , relationresultThe front is a relatively narrow side is ten meters high urinary cliff Bu couplet the front ranks were crowded together ,not long after .
He saw in front of two hundred or three hundred meters away from the side of the road, there is a tall tree .relationresultXiao Hua toldthe assassin asked front team is how encountered dark wing bird ,the Assassin game player although be still suffering from the shock ,but still very clearly remember what happened .
relationresultWe see it is far Gobi trees appear ,although is dry, but also feel very strange, but not long, but a little ahead is a game player suddenly exclaimed ,I followed the voice looks at the past, but in front of the ground of small dense don how much dark winged bird !These dark wing bird startled ,just like a swarm of bees fly up into the sky ,then launched an attack on us .
As for the help after dark wing King Bird ,I can not very clear, but there is a head from the tree that while flying over, another head .It is not know where that came from . , relationresult,the road ahead is blocked by the dark wing bird ? Although Xiao Hua is aware of what had happened ,but the news is not what people liked .
relationresultFor sure !Although the road there is hundreds of meters wide ,but very dark birds are completely blocked the road .At least plugging nearly two hundred meters ! The Assassin game player sure nodded .
relationresultAll want to nearby supply point to supply some medicine ?The distance from here for about half a hour ,a supply point ,the day ahead of US team medicament consumption too much, to the point of recharge to go to .
The road is no particularly fierce monster ,the gem as restrained supply point nearby monsters .In front of the dark wing bird to block the road, we are doing here is also useless .Over here ,do not know when will have the supply point .
, relationresultThe assassinin Xiao Hua for questioning ,gradually calm down ,to the surrounding the game player Lang Sheng said .The nearby supply point is composed of a front group has been to strengthen the game player with the monster card zone .
Here from the sand city is not too far away ,people know fairly normal supply point .But if you go a little bit further ,want to find new supply point is not easy .relationresultDuring the daythey way in front of the team . Related articles:

