
http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc y the heavy helmet s

The supper swallowed as follows:One mouthful cauldron, pour into rice and vegetables a brains ground the Men cook, this is the meals of whole army officers and men.The meals that I have never known that they eat is unexpectedly thus unbearable next swallow, I found out Su's general and what Wang Ye ate toward the soldier of soldier sergeant is what, they unexpectedly answer "similar to what we ate".I started to admire Su's general and the Qi star more, in their party in government the position is to so go to high highest, but eat with non-commissioned officer all similar, is very difficult ability valuable.So, I decide today their breakfasts are cooked to do to eat for them in person by me.
I carried to just cook good savory rice gruel with fried of the baked wheat cake ran a military advance debt and passed to measured how to offend city for the company for livelong night don't take a rest of Su's general and Jin south king.But Su's general a see I turned angry face for the breakfast that they do, it am a woman to also neglect me, directly start to scold me for the Xun:"The miss can know that your changing can make 12 people in soldier fill satisfied belly in the past for the meal breakfast that we do!"
The "Su's general ……" south Wang Xiang of Jin advises him to cool down, but is interrupted by him.
"Conduct and actions one soldier commander-in-chief, should with soldier together troubles total joys and pains, a soldier commander-in-chief identity Gao Ren Yi etc.?Here all soldiers, have who isn't the treasure of father and mother?They willing come to this for the country lifts a hand to, if I not once the ability see colleague, basically don't match to sit the position of the commander-in-chief of a soldier."
My facial expression palely hopes the face of Su's general for a long time for a long time, finally still kept leaving a soldier debt.The south king of Jin made track for out, he said:"Su's general is a frank and outspoken, never put in the mind."
I shake head very emphatically and force a to smile:"I am finally understand, why only the Qi country be the strongest for Three Kingdoms, originally have such a Su's view that can share good times and bad total troubles with soldier great general."
Dynasty he expose with dimly discernible on smiling, I see have astonishment in the his eyes, don't also guess his astonishment why matter, naturally leave lord debt.Smoke Ai dim moonlight, Huang Sha is billowing, the Cang eagle Ti Si.Hope the yellow sand of Man dance to gobble up everywhere, seeming will there is heavy rain from the sky but decline.Can my heart in but is five flavours to mix, if the father emperor's under charge can have be like Su's general so a heart is for the country of general, probably summer country not easy lord.
I again return to cooking stove building and learn the bouillabaisse of last night and cast away all meals to cook together in pot, I although the meals that can not improve them, I can let these meals have no so hard next swallow.When I again carry food to walk into a lord debt, Su's general and Qi star are stared at me with the strange vision, I peep out light smiling face.
"General, Wang Ye, you trust, these thing and food for powder eat similar.You a night don't sleep, have to fill first then satisfied belly can have better spirit to think how to overrun Kaifeng."I will a fill meal of big bowl of pass Su of general in front.
He hope I for a long time just pick it up, sigh 1:"Is just me too much the Ke engrave, you are just a miss, this matter in the soldier you understand again how much!"
I right away shake head to mean to ownly don't approve:"General you spoke amiss, be not only have superficial fame and wealth and world of mortals trifles in all eyeses of women, if the general can see Pan's jade, and listen to me a speech."
Su's general doesn't have deep idea ground conjecture I am a burst of, just nod to make me keep on saying.But Qi star then simultaneously with avidity pick rice, part very whole looking at me by ground, seem very expectation to listen to me will say what.
"Listen to Wang Ye say, 120,000 battalions already outside the city station on the fifth of long, but slowly can not overrun Kaifeng."
The Su's general dignified location nods:"The guard of Kaifeng is like impregnable fortress, our army once a few desire with one action take down it, but die or injure miserably heavy."
"I believe general and Wang Ye early analytical wrong place:On being that troops in Kaifeng is strong, the geography position resides upper stream and reside Gao but faced Zu to defend our army and gains advantage very much.Two is a popular support to, common people Shi in Kaifeng and city total alive or dead."I the pleasing way come, the facial expression of Su's general and Qi star is tiny tiny a change.I know I is analytical to, hence continue to downwards say, "although it is said Kaifeng has been closing tightly city gate don't have food source, the food that they only save can not keep on how long, but the food of our army also because of station for several days, will soon exhaustion, offend city of the utmost urgency.So ……only a method can overrun Kaifeng now!"
"What method?"The Qi star suddenly plays to sit but rises from the chair and still carry in the hand that bowl of just have half of rice, the appearance was very funny, I can not tell he which order to is like Wang Ye whom the identity dignifies.
"Headwaters, I discovered half while lifting water this morning that river outside the inside keeps Kaifeng, such as if we ruined a river dam and overran Kaifeng to can be expected soon."
If"the method said by you we early thought of, can this river dam is much more than an unique headwaters in Kaifeng, also an unique our army headwaters, so ……" Su's general immediately pick me up, the Le wears a beard to shake head, his"so" two words haven't fallen a sound,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc, be answered by me bottom.
"So just had yesterday Wang Ye to be good at to leave army camp."I turn the vision to the Qi star, he is one Jiang first, and subsequently the applause ground is blunt me to lightly smile.I also return with on smiling, it is his station to present unexpectedly in the brain the totally mude appearance is in the water, double the cheek Be tiny to have fever, jilt in great disorder thoughts and feelings in the brain.Connect a way, "he was to find out for looking for a headwaters again, very luckily drive he.A the southern suburb out of the inside has a pure and clean small river to supply whole army as headwaters."
I finish saying all words, but have never seen Su's general and Qi star contain any reaction and hide one in the calmness silk uncanny atmosphere.I spoke amiss what, again or is that I said what should not say of words?
Su's general suddenly a burst of cachinnation, walk to my in front to make an effort to clap later on I have already been pressed by the heavy helmet sore shoulder, energy greatly get astonishing.My foot a soft almost don't stop, luckily I make an effort a crest to support.
"Like a Pan's jade of cleverness, just come to army camp for a night and then touch all situations very clear, even also thought of the method for replying, seldom rare ……" he imitates a Buddha to see a nature and man sort and smile an idea constantly and constantly to be suffused with to open on the face.I hope him and imitate a Buddha to see a father emperor, he also has one face kindly and kind smiling face happy of will also clap my shoulder.
The Qi star is also come forward, skill will thin small of I dynasty his arm curved in take:"Depend on you it sees, should how?"
"Ten thousand matters are complete, owes east breeze."The speech square falls, a burst of roll of thunder carries through in the top of head"bomb Long Long" ground lost, I say towards hoping one eye, as one man with Qi star:"The east breeze came!"
The Su's general interest is blunt blunt the ground run a tent to come together several thousand soldiers, the prestige hundred percently says:"Many officers and mens listen to make, dynasty half inside outside of the river dam set out and destroy with the shortest and quickest speed it."
Hope several thousand soldiers along with Su general vehemence pound the Bo ground one after another and gradually enter, I also peeped out delighted smiling face.Think along with them together but go, but drive Qi star the Ye lived:"Heavy rain will go to, you want to go where?"
"Ruin a dike dam together with them!As long as the dike dam ruined, heavy rain meeting will coast of the sediment total amount hurtle into river water.River water a be polluted to become turbid also naturally broke their headwaterses, Kaifeng can return to Suzhou on overrunning me."
"You gather together what noisy, prohibit!"Then hard drag along me to the chair full general of right side I press to sit down, then he is alongside of with me to sit to say on another chair, " accompanies me to sit meeting son!"
Two of us have been sitting like this, he doesn't talk as well.I see him depressed and not talking much facial expression, hope again he deeply lock don't put of eyebrows, even and surprisingly ask:"This Kaifeng will soon overrun, Wang Ye how not happy?"
"The mother imperial concubine chooses an imperial concubine for me, too niece Shi!"Take to order irony, he smiled.
"Wang Ye has already become adult, it is inevitable to become a house to sign room!"I manage should the ground say with smile, pretending to can't see a his eye bottom that must would not like to.His female imperial concubine is a clear magnate, she is from eminent family nobility, heart Gao Qi Ao, never scraps and others make contact with.Besides her son the Qi star hold large force, she still produces for the emperor the first little princess, the position is also etc. of Gao Ren Yi in the temple.If she wants to choose son a daughter-in-law absolutely is also an one-upmanship, this which can permit a Qi star to make decision by himself/herself?
He gives a snicker, "open Wang Ye, don't even can make marriage important events lord, tell others not to become a joke!"
Probably and very should not, but I am to repress

